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Music formative

1. What is an ostinato?
2. State the three ways ostinato happens in music.

Ans 1: An ostinato in music is a short, repetitive, often rhythmic pattern that repeats
throughout a piece of music which is the base musical sound throughout a musical piece that
makes the composition more attractive and fun for the audiences to hear. Although the
ostinato is repetitive in nature, it can also be melodic which means ostinato is a small melodic
phrase that repeats throughout the composition

Ans 2: The three types of ostinatos that happen in the music are rhythmic ostinato, melodic,
and basso ostinatos.

Rhythmic ostinato = A rhythmic ostinato is a repeated rhythmic pattern and sound. Rhythmic
ostinatos are effective and fun to hear also they are used in composing simple musical

Melodic ostinato: A melodic ostinato is a pattern and style of notes, and rhythms that
diligently repeat in a piece of music or composition.

Basso ostinato: It is a short, recurring melodic pattern in the bass part of a

musical composition that serves as the main structural element that makes the music a
standard pattern.

Ostinato | Rhythm, Repetition & Variation. (1998, July 20). Encyclopedia Britannica.

DeVoto, M. (1998, July 20). Ground bass | Baroque Music, Variations & Compositions.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

DeVoto, M. (1998, July 20). Ground bass | Baroque Music, Variations & Compositions.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

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