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Human Relations

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Human Relations

The rise of capitalism and the absence of rigorous accountability measures have

contributed to the global rise in business-related crimes in recent decades. The tenets of a just

and fair society have been eroded by the pervasiveness of corruption, forgery, embezzlement,

racketeering, and white-collar fraud in public and private institutions. The apparent disparity in

treatment between government officials and ordinary citizens in the face of such crimes is

particularly worrisome. Those in positions of authority can use their clout to avoid punishment,

while average citizens often face harsher penalties for the same crimes. This discrepancy

highlights the urgent need for comprehensive regulatory reforms, increased transparency, and

independent oversight to ensure that all social classes are treated equally when facing charges for

illegal activity in the workplace. There needs to be more severe regulations including audits,

accountability structures, and clear reporting on both business and governance fronts to mitigate

the impact caused by business-related crimes.

The increase in business-related crimes worldwide is a complicated problem with long-

lasting effects on societal fairness and honesty. Corruption, forgery, embezzlement, racketeering,

and white-collar fraud have become more prevalent over the past few decades in both the public

and commercial sectors due to the rise of capitalism and the absence of strict accountability

mechanisms. The principles of a just and fair society have been undermined by this phenomenon

since those in positions of authority frequently use their influence to avoid punishment. At the

same time, less powerful people pay heavier penalties for the same offenses. Concerns about the

fairness of the current justice system have been expressed due to such differences in treatment

between public servants and the general citizenry (Arab, 2002).


Comprehensive regulatory reforms that place a priority on transparency and independent

supervision are necessary to address this issue. To lessen the damage caused by business-related

crimes, rigorous audits, transparent reporting, and robust accountability mechanisms are

necessary. There should be no tolerance for differential treatment based on social standing or

power; public and private organizations must be held to the same standards (The White House,

2021). Numerous studies have illuminated potential remedies. According to Asencio (2018),

ethical leadership is crucial in the fight against corruption in governmental entities. By

prioritizing moral behavior, leaders can drastically lower bribery and favoritism while fostering

transparency and accountability (Schwarz & Newman, 2020). Administrators and policymakers

can use this information to create plans that promote moral leadership and deter fraud in

government institutions. There is frequently a discrepancy between the attention and sanctions

given to white-collar offenders compared to street criminals, according to a study of public

opinion on the subject (Arab, 2002). This shows that the criminal justice system needs to take a

more balanced approach, ensuring that those who commit white-collar crimes suffer adequate

punishments that reflect the financial losses they create.

However, accurate information on corruption and its prevalence is essential to enacting

successful policies and changes. Studies have revealed that some often-mentioned corruption

figures may be unreliable. Therefore, better data collection and reporting are required to inform

policymaking (Wathne & Stephenson, 2021) accurately. On a global scale, the United States has

acknowledged the seriousness of corruption as a national security threat and has created a

thorough plan to combat it. The U.S. seeks to fight corruption at home and abroad by integrating

anti-corruption initiatives into policymaking and encouraging transparent and accountable


A powerful strategy to counter the global growth in business-related crimes combines

extensive regulatory reforms and ethical leadership promotion. Comprehensive regulatory

reforms build a robust framework that prevents people and organizations from participating in

corrupt behavior by establishing strict accountability standards and open reporting procedures

(Wathne & Stephenson, 2021). To ensure fair and impartial investigations and to create efficient

auditing mechanisms to find and stop financial malfeasance, these changes may involve the

creation of independent oversight bodies. These changes also emphasize treating people from all

social strata similarly when accused of criminal activity, reducing the difference in treatment

between government employees and regular citizens. No one is above the law, regardless of their

standing or influence, and this dedication to impartiality helps rebuild public trust in the legal


A culture of integrity and accountability is fostered by promoting moral leadership inside

governmental institutions and commercial enterprises. Leaders who uphold ethical values take

actions consistent with those values and provide an example for others to follow (Schwarz &

Newman, 2020). They encourage staff to uphold similar principles by setting high standards for

ethical conduct within their enterprises. Studies show how ethical leadership can drastically

minimize bribery and favoritism, helping create a more open and reliable governance system.

One such study is Asencio's (2018) research.

These two solutions must work in concert. Comprehensive regulatory changes establish

the groundwork for transparency and accountability, and moral leadership promotes an

environment that is sincere and encourages sound decision-making. The prevalence of corrupt

activities declines when ethical leaders develop and are supported in the public and private

sectors, resulting in a more just and equitable society (Schwarz & Newman, 2020). Businesses

flourish in a healthier environment free from the negative impacts of corruption as public trust in

institutions is restored.

By combining these two strategies, societies can significantly advance in eradicating

white-collar crime and establishing a more just and accountable society. Governments,

legislators, and organizations must work together to properly implement these measures,

displaying a persistent commitment to maintaining justice and guaranteeing that everyone is

accountable for their deeds. By doing this, we open the door to a better future where the values

of justice and honesty are preserved at all levels of society and corruption is no longer a constant


In conclusion, combating the global growth in business-related crimes necessitates a two-

pronged strategy: developing ethical leadership and thorough regulatory reforms. Regulation

reforms that impose strict accountability standards and open reporting procedures will reduce

corruption and close the disparity in treatment between top government officials and average

residents. In addition, encouraging moral leadership inside institutions will develop a culture of

honesty and accountability, which will lessen the occurrence of illegal activities. To effectively

tackle corruption, governments, companies, and people must work together to adopt these

solutions, assuring their consistent application and preserving moral principles. By doing this, we

may open the door to a society where justice is administered impartially, there is greater

transparency, and the general people once again trust institutions.



Arab, P. (2002, May 01). White-collar crime needs harsher punishment: CEO: [Final Edition].

Kingston Whig-Standard


Asencio, H. D. (2018). The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Bribing and Favoritism: A Field

Research Study. Public Integrity, 21(3), 263–285.

Schwarz, G., Eva, N., & Newman, A. (2020). Can Public Leadership Increase Public Service

Motivation and Job Performance? Public Administration Review, 80(4).

The White House. (2021). United States Strategy On Countering Corruption according to The

National Security Study Memorandum On Establishing The Fight Against Corruption As

The Core United States National Security Interest. Retrieved from


Wathne, C., & Stephenson, M. C. (2021). The credibility of corruption statistics. A critical

review of ten global estimates. U4 Issue, 2021:4.

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