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Creating a material selection documentation for a dash cam involves considering various factors

such as durability, heat resistance, electrical conductivity, optical properties, and cost. Here's a
template you can use as a starting point:

Dash Cam Material Selection Documentation

1. Introduction
This document outlines the material selection process for the construction of a high-quality dash
cam. The selection of materials is critical to ensure the durability, performance, and safety of the
dash cam under various environmental conditions and usage scenarios.

2. Material Requirements
The chosen materials must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Durability: The materials should be able to withstand vibrations, impacts, and fluctuations
in temperature and humidity.

2. Heat Resistance: The materials near the camera sensor and internal components must have
good heat resistance to prevent overheating.

3. Optical Clarity: The materials for the lens cover and display screen should have excellent
optical properties to ensure clear and distortion-free image capture and display.

4. Electrical Insulation: Electrical components and circuitry should be insulated from

conductive materials to prevent short-circuits.

5. UV Resistance: Exterior materials must resist UV degradation to maintain appearance and

functionality over time.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Material choices should be balanced with cost considerations to

maintain affordability for consumers.

3. Material Selection

3.1 Exterior Housing

For the exterior housing, a combination of materials is recommended:
• ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene): This thermoplastic polymer offers good impact
resistance, durability, and UV stability. It's suitable for the main housing structure.

• PC (Polycarbonate): PC can be used for specific parts requiring higher impact resistance,
such as the lens cover.

3.2 Internal Components

• Aluminum: Aluminum can be used for heat sinks and internal structural support due to its
good heat dissipation properties.

• FR-4 PCB: For the circuit boards, using Flame Retardant-4 (FR-4) material provides good
electrical insulation and mechanical support.

3.3 Lens Cover

• Tempered Glass: Tempered glass offers excellent optical clarity and scratch resistance,
making it suitable for the lens cover.

3.4 Display Screen

• TFT LCD Display: A Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) LCD display with an anti-glare coating
can provide clear visibility even in bright sunlight.

4. Justification of Choices
Each material choice is based on specific attributes that align with the requirements:

• ABS and PC provide a balance of durability, impact resistance, and UV stability for the
exterior housing.
• Aluminum ensures efficient heat dissipation.
• FR-4 PCB offers electrical insulation and mechanical support for internal components.
• Tempered glass guarantees optical clarity and scratch resistance for the lens cover.
• TFT LCD with anti-glare coating ensures optimal display visibility.

5. Conclusion
The selected materials outlined in this document meet the essential requirements for a high-quality
dash cam in terms of durability, heat resistance, optical properties, electrical insulation, UV
resistance, and cost-effectiveness. These choices aim to ensure the dash cam's reliable performance
and longevity under various conditions.

Remember to customize the document according to your specific dash cam model, manufacturing
processes, and any unique requirements. Additionally, consult with engineers, material experts,
and manufacturers to validate your material choices before finalizing the design.

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