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Preserving Natural Habitat- I will stop using products made from lumber.
Contribution to Sustainable Development- Buy seasonal crops from local growers and plan meals
to avoid food waste.
Importance of Biodiversity to the Ecosystem- It helps the population adapt to ecological
Carrying Capacity and Population- The organisms will slowly die off to meet the carrying
capacity of the environment.
Impact of Development on Wildlife- As the population of people increases, the impact of
development will put many other species of animals on the edge of extinction due to loss of
Photosynthesis Organelle- Chloroplast
Green Pigment in Photosynthesis- Chlorophyll
Light-Dependent Reaction Organelle- Thylakoids of the chloroplast
Mitochondria Function- To generate usable energy from food
Production of Chemical Energy- Mitochondrion
Photosynthesis Driven by Light Energy- Removal of electrons from the chlorophyll molecule
Effect of Reduced Light Intensity on Photosynthesis- Glucose production inside each plant cell will
Leaves and Roots in Photosynthesis- Leaves allow the entry of carbon dioxide, while roots allow
the entry of water.
Increasing Crop Harvest- Efficient and the right use of fertilizers and pesticides
ATP and NADPH at Night- No glucose molecules will be produced.
ATP Production from NADH2- 30,000 NADH2
FADH Production- 10 FADH
Leaves Making Food at Night- Put one potted plant in a very dark place overnight and test for
the presence of starch.
Removal of Carbon Dioxide- Fewer glucose molecules will be produced.
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Relationship- The products of one process are the
reactants of the other.

Materials Cycled by Chloroplast and Mitochondrion- Carbon dioxide, water, sugar, and oxygen
Comparing Glucose Levels in Plants- Plant B contained more glucose than plant A.
Similarities between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration- Both processes are contained in
organelles with double membranes, and both use a version of the cytochrome complex.
Increasing Rate of Food Production in Plants- Efficient and the right use of fertilizers and
Yellowing of Crop Leaves- It will decrease the production of food.
Respiratory System Structure- Trachea
Circulatory System Organ- Heart
Circulation Type- Coronary Circulation
Pathway of Air to Lungs- Nasal passage → pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchiole
→ alveoli
Diaphragm during Inhalation- It contracts, moves downward, and expands the chest cavity.
Open Wound and Blood Clotting- They may bleed to death.
Miguel's Symptoms- I will book an appointment with the doctor to ask for medical advice.
Circulatory System and Respiratory System- It distributes oxygen to the body as it works with the
respiratory system.
White Blood Cells- Yes, because white blood cells, or leukocytes, battle infection, attack, and
destroy germs or foreign proteins that enter the body.
Breathing During Exercise- The depth of breathing increases as the breathing rate increases.
Old Woman's Heart Rate- Her heart rate increased after running.
Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Diseases- It can damage the function of the heart and
blood vessels.
Carbon Monoxide in Tobacco Smoke- Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin in the red
cells, reducing the ability of the blood to carry oxygen.
Advice for Respiratory and Circulatory Health- Tell them to have a healthy lifestyle and to avoid
cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking.
Non-Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance- Codominance
Sex-Limited vs. Sex-Influenced Traits- Sex-limited traits are exclusively in one sex, while sex-
influenced traits are expressed in both sexes.
ABO Blood Group Inheritance- Type A, type AB, and type O
Drosophila Eye Color Inheritance- It is an example of a sex-linked trait.
Distinct Organisms for Biodiversity- Species
Biodiversity with Many Species- The biodiversity is high.
Contributors to Biodiversity in the Philippines- The existence of many islands
Major Cause of Wildlife Depletion- Deforestation

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