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September 15, 2023 Since 2004 By: Enca, Duma-og, Alcala, Ariston

The Scariest Day in Maldives

Two-thirds of the Maldives capital has
been flooded, 82 people died, and 26
people are missing after a series of
tsunami waves triggered by the most
powerful earthquake with a
magnitude of 9.2 in December 26,
2004 around 9:20 am in the morning
at Maldives.
On December 26, 2004, Maldives suffered severe damage
as a result of massive tsunami triggered by a powerful
underwater earthquake off the coast of Indonesia. The
tsunami traveled over 700 kilometers per hour and reach
Maldives at 9:20 am. Waves reaching 6 meters (20 feet)
were absorbed by Maldives coral reefs before they could
severely damage the atolls. The force of the waves caused
widespread devastation of shelter and infrastructure in the
atolls. Unlike other countries affected by the tsunami,
Maldives experienced a disaster of national portion. Thirty-
nine islands were significantly damaged and nearly a third of
the Maldives, 300,000 people were severely affected,
fourteen islands were completely destroyed and had to be

Nearly 12,000 people have been displaced from their islands, and another 8,500 people are temporarily relocated
to other places on their own island; thus 7% of the populations of Maldives were displaced. The northernmost and
southernmost islands suffered the brunt of the damage. More than 20,000 residents left without homes. Flooding
caused by the tsunami wiped out electricity on many islands, destroying also their communication links. Water
supply was disrupted in about 15% of the islands and 25% had major damage to the essential infrastructure such
as jetties and harbors that links these islands with Male.

According to the National Disaster Management Centre, 44 schools, 30 health centers, and 60 islands
administrative facilities need to be reconstructed or rehabilitated. In total, around 4,000 buildings have been
damaged, 79 islands have no safe drinking water, 15% of the water systems is destroyed or contaminated and 26
islands remain without electricity. The Maldives was largely overlooked by the international relief agencies, even
though its death toll was considerably lower than other places who suffered much more damage on a per capital
basis. Schools, clinics, and pharmacies have been destroyed in some 50 islands. In addition, the Indian and
United States military provided assistance to Maldives. Most of their efforts were focused on Sri-lanka and
Indonesia, because it was the most affected countries. However, the affected countries were India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri-lanka, Seychelles, Thailand and Somalia. Now the Indian Ocean tsunami in
2004 has been the most destructive tsunami recorded in the history.

Further, most of the resorts were open after the tsunami. After the incident, some guest who had their reservation
didn’t cancel it and went to the islands. Many tourists that were in the Maldives when the tsunami strike stayed on
and after the tsunami, occupancy rates dropped to 15% in some places. Hotels that previously had 100%
occupancy were left with only 40%. The Maldives tourism minister said afterward; “The Maldives is still the
paradise of Indian Ocean.”

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