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The Flower in the Evergreen's Garden

* Narrator narrates the story*
*Elliot and Hailey enter*

Elliot: I'm about to tag you Hailey

Hailey: HAHAHAHHAHA you can't
Elliot: (tags Hailey) You're it
Hailey: Wait I'm so tired of running and can't we just sit for a while
Elliot: Unfair (frowns) but you are the it already
*Elliot crosses arms*
Hailey: I'm tired of running so fast and the garden is so big (rises
voice) and how do you think I will not get tired
Elliot: Oh, you are right
Hailey: So sit here, just for a while to enjoy this perfectly splendid view
*Elliot runs then points*
Elliot: Hailey look at this
*Runs to Elliot*
Hailey: Woah the flower is so beautiful and perfect
Elliot: Yes, it is like our mother
Hailey: Of course
*Narrator continues to narrate*
Elliot: Wow the flower is so nice, I wonder if I-
*Elliot Wakes up*
*Hailey enters*
*Opens door*
Hailey: Good morning brother, let's eat breakfast
Elliot: Okay (Rubs eye)
*Went downstairs*
Setting: Dining room
Time: Morning
*Elliot and Hailey sat down*
*King Henry and Queen Eleanor enter*
Queen Eleanor: Good morning my children
Hailey: Good morning my mother
Elliot: Good morning (yawns)
*eats breakfast*
King Henry: So today the Narnians will be eating with us in lunch
Elliot: Wait didn't we have lunch with them yesterday?
Hailey: But why are we eating with-
King Henry: Children we didn't ate lunch with them
Queen Eleanor: And we even picnic in lunch
*The siblings froze*
*Narrator narrates*
*The sibling exit dining room*
New Setting: The siblings' room
Setting: Morning
Hailey: Wait I'm so confused of what is happening, is it a coincidence Elliot: It
likes yesterday repeated again
Hailey: But how is this happening again?
Elliot: Ignore for now
*Exits the Room*
*Narrator narrates*
Setting: Garden
Time: Afternoon
* Siblings running and playing tag*
*Then stop and went to the flower*
Elliot: Hailey this flower is so beautiful like it is a sun
Hailey: Yes Elliot and what if we get it for our precious mother
Elliot: Sure let's give her this sun-like flower
Hailey: Okay
*Hailey and Elliot wakes up*
*Narrator narrates*
The End

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