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Ativism and subjectivism are two distinct philosophical concepts that deal with
differing perspectives on truth, knowledge, and morality.

Relativism posits that truth and knowledge are subjective, varying from
individual to individual or culture to culture. It believes that there are no absolute truths,
and what may be true for one person or culture may not be true for another. Relativism
acknowledges the influence of factors like personal experiences, cultural backgrounds,
and societal norms in shaping perspectives and understanding.

Subjectivism, on the other hand, focuses on the role of the subject or individual
in shaping truth and knowledge. It emphasizes that truth is based on individual beliefs,
attitudes, and subjective experiences. Subjectivism recognizes the importance of
personal interpretation and emphasizes the individual’s ability to decide what is true or
morally right for themselves.

In summary, relativism leans on cultural diversity and variations in truth, while
subjectivism revolves around personal interpretations and beliefs.

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