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Paul Broca conducted a study in the language BRAIN THEORY?
and left-brain specialization on a patient.
He theorized the same language functions
reside on the left side of the brain.

After more researches were conducted on

language functions and the brain, other
scientists continued their studies on brain-
related diseases and malfunctions, such as the
Split-Brain Theory of Dr. Roger Sperry and the
Triune Brain Theory of Dr. Paul MacLean,
which eventually led to the development of the
Brain Dominance theory of Ned Herrmann.
Dr. Roger Sperry conducted a
study for epilepsy, which gave
him the 1981 Nobel Prize for
Physiology and Medicine.

He explained that the brain has

two hemispheres that perform
tasks differently from each
Dr. Sperry's theory was known as other.
the "Split-Brain Theory"
(The Split Brain Experiments).
Another neuroscientist by the
name of Dr. Paul MacLean came
up with a theory that identified
three distinct parts of the
brain, namely: neocortex, limbic
system, and reptilian complex,
which were referred to as
"The Triune Brain Theory."

"The Triune Brain Theory."

The study of the brain and its multiple
functions continued on until an engineer
at General Electric, Ned Herrmann, was
tasked to determine why some
individuals were more creative than
others. After drawing from the studies
of Sperry, Herrmann came up with his
own theory called the "Brain Dominance
Theory," which he derived from
observations and tests that the human
body, although symmetrical and paired in
almost all aspects, do not necessarily
function equally.
Herrmann labeled the four quadrants of the
brain as:

1. Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode -ANALYTICAL

2. Lower Left (B) Limbic Mode - ORGANIZED

3. Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode - NTERPERSONAL

4. Upper Right (D) Cerebral Mode - NTEGRATING

Quadrant A learners expect exact information that
are straight to the point, and they are also good with
theorizing or concluding based on facts.

They will find it difficult to express their inner thoughts

and emotions, and may struggle with unclear or
undefined concepts or ideas.

Quadrant B learners easily understand things in

sequence, enjoy organizing ideas and apply what they
have learned into practice.

A and B learners are often They may find it difficult to understand concepts
characterized as practical, reality- without any examples to show how these are applied.
based, and down-to-earth persons.
Quadrant C learners are very sociable
learners who enjoy learning with a group
whom they share ideas and projects. They
get bored with data and intellectual
discussions without activities and
participation. They are also emotional and
would share their emotions with a group.

Quadrant D learners are the curious ones

who enjoy discovering, experimenting, and
exploring activities. Being spontaneous in
character, they will have difficulty meeting
deadlines and rigid environments.

C and D learners are often characterized as

fun, flexible, and open-minded persons.
Quadrant A Learner Quadrant B Learner Quadrant C Learner Quadrant D Learner

vivid imagination
analyzes data gets things done tactile

down-to-earth submits on time sensitive
critical creates procedures emotional

logical thinker plans and organizes sociable


understands money neat and organized expressive


works with numbers reliable in getting shares knowledge uses visuals to learn
things done
uses physical movement risk-taker
Mind power is one of the strongest and most
useful powers you possess.
This power, together with your imagination, can
create success or failure, happiness or
unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles. This
depends on your mindset.
Your thoughts are the main ingredient of this
power, and when you add to them focus and
emotions, thoughts become powerful and can
affect your reality.
The thoughts that pass through your mind are
responsible for almost everything that happens
in your life.
Mind power is composed of your attention, your
mental images and your thoughts.
Thoughts are energy. Though subtle and invisible,
they can affect reality.
- Remez Sasson, Success Consciousness Website
Your brain is an amazing body structure. It
performs a lot of tasks. It is the control center of
your body.

The brain may be an even more powerful

computer than before thought — microscopic
branches of brain cells that were once thought
to basically serve as mere wiring may actually
behave as minicomputers, researchers say.
The most powerful computer known is the
brain. The human brain possesses about
100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion
— 1 million billion — connections known as
synapses wiring these cells together.
-Charles Q. Choi
Exterior Parts of the Brain
Exterior Parts of the Brain
Frontal Lobes – important for cognitive functions and
voluntary movements.
Temporal Lobes – processes memories, senses.
Occipital Lobes – responsible for our vision.
Parietal Lobes – processes touch and awareness.
Motor cortex & somatosensory cortex – motor cortex
generates neural pulses that control the execution of
movement; Somatosensory cortex receives all the sensory
input from our senses.
Interior Parts of the Brain
Brain Stem
Brain Stem
the lowest part of the
controls the flow of
messages between the
brain and the rest of
the body.
Brain Stem
Resembles the entire
brain of a reptile; hence,
it is sometimes referred
to as the reptilian brain.
It consists of the
midbrain, pons and
medulla oblongata
Brain Stem
Your vital functions such as heart beat,
respiration, body temperature and digestion, are
monitored and controlled by your brain stem.
Also, the reticular activating system (RAS) is
located in the brain stem, and it is responsible for
your brain’s alertness
Limbic System
Located above your brain
stem and below the
cerebrum is limbic system,
composed of the
structures that have
different functions such as
emotions and processing of
emotional memories.
It is the relay station for
processing of sensory input
Somatic, auditory, visual, and
visceral (except for olfactory).
All sensory input synapses in
the thalamus on its way to the
Plays role in sleep-awake
person’s behavior and
emotional responses
production of some important
hormones in the body.
sustaining the healthy
physiological cycle of the body
on a daily basis.
regulation of body
takes charge of the person’s
sexual behavior
controlling the person’s
contributes to the body’s
growth and development
The hippocampus is mainly
responsible for long term
memory formation, and the
formulation of location-based
memories or imagination.
sense of smell
memory formation
instinctual thinking
it is located in the temporal lobe of
the brain that helps trigger the
fight or flight response.
plays a key role in detecting fear
and preparation for emergency
events, in addition to controlling
Helps store memories of events
and emotions in order to recognize
similar events in the future.
For example, if you once got bit by
a snake, the amygdala would help
alerting this incident when you see
another snake which causes your
fears for snakes.
controls intelligence &
conscious thought,
reasoning, judgement,
interprets senses
controls complex muscle
memory storage/retrieval
the largest part of the
brain and has two
the cerebral hemispheres
are connected by a thick
bundle of nerve fibers
called corpus callosum.
Is the largest brain
structure, representing
nearly 80% of the brain
by weight
It has folded bulges called
The cerebrum is divided into two
halves, called the cerebral
hemispheres, by a sulcus that
goes from front to back, the two
hemispheres are connected by
the corpus callosum, which is
made up of more than 200 million
nerve fibers that function as the
bridge by which the hemispheres
communicate with each other
and coordinate activities.
Your right cerebral
hemisphere is in charge on
the left side of your body,
your left cerebral
hemisphere is in charge on
the right side.
Two Hemisphere of the Brain

LEFT – More on understanding via words

and processes emotions.
RIGHT – It recognizes or understands
more through the use of visual
representation (images rather than words)
Big Idea
The brain is a complex organ.
It performs various tasks such as planning and
thinking, learning and memory, motor
coordination and movement, motivation,
perception and processing of emotions.
Brain Lateralization
Are you a left brained or right brained dominant?

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