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(To be rendered by the master of ships arriving from ports outside the territory)

Port of arrival(到达港名) SIHANOUKVILLE date and time of arrival(到达日期及时间) 2019/09/02 .

Name of ship(船名) JIAN DA Nationality(国籍) PANAMA Master’s name(船长姓名) LI ZHIZHONG

First port of present voyage and time of departure(发航港及发航时间) TANJUNG KAMPEH 2019/08/30 Port of destination(目的港) SIHANOUKVILLE

Gross/Net registered tonnage(注册总吨数) 29377 Description and quantity of cargo(载货种类及数量) COAL/51858MT

Deratting or deratting exemption certificate(除鼠或免予除鼠证书) Exemption certificate date of issue(签发港及日期) CAMPHA 2019/05/17

Port of provisions taken(食物装载港) HO CHIMINH Port of water taken(饮水装载港) HO CHIMINH Ballast water(是否有压舱水) NO

Number of crew(船员人数) 23 Number of passengers(旅客人数) NIL

Port of call with dates of arrival and dates of departure(沿途寄港及到达离港日期) NIL

健 康 问 题
1.在航海中,船上有无发现鼠疫,霍乱,黄热病等病例或疑似病例?应有附表详细记载。 ANSWER YES OR NO

Has there been on board during the voyage any case or suspected case of plague, cholera or yellow fever?

Give particulars in schedule. NO

2. 在航海中船上鼠类曾否发生鼠疫或疑似鼠疫,或曾否发现鼠类反常死亡?

Has plague occurred or been suspected among the rate or mice on board during the voyage, or has there been

An abnormal mortality among them? NO

3. 在航海中除意外伤害外,船上曾否有人死亡?应有附表详细记载。

Has any person die on board during the voyage otherwise than as a result of accident? Give particulars in schedule. NO

4. 除问题“1”所述外,在航海中船上有无流感,疟疾,脊髓灰质炎,登革热,斑疹伤寒,回归热,艾滋病,


Has there been on board during the voyage any case or suspected case of in fluena, ,malaria, poliomyelitis, dengue

fever, typhus fever, AIDS, venereal disease, leprosy, opening lung tuber-culosis, psychosis, smallpox, or other

infectious diseases apart from the statement in question No.1? Give particulars in schedule. NO

5. 船上有无导致感染或使疾病传播之其他情况?

Are you aware of any other condition on board which may lead to infection or the spread of disease?



NOTE: In the absence of a surgeon, the master should regard the following symptoms as ground for suspecting the

existence of disease of an infectious nature. fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for feveral days, or

attended with glandular swelling, any acute skinrash or eruption with or without fever, severe diarrhoca with

symptoms of collapse; jaundice accompanied by fever. NO


I hereby declare that the particulars and answers and answers to the questions given in this Declaration of Health

(including the Schedule )are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. YES

Date(日期) 2019/09/02 Signature of master(船长签字)

Countersignature of ship’s surgeon(船医附签)


If more than 4 weeks have elapsed since the voyage began, it will suffice to give particulars for the last 4 weeks

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