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Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

Households’ willingness to pay for forest conservation

in Ethiopia: A review
Diriba Abdeta1,2*
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author:

Citation: Abdeta D. (2022): Households’ willingness to pay for forest conservation in Ethiopia: A review. J. For. Sci., 68: 437–451.

Abstract: Environmental valuation studies in the context of developing countries have become more frequent in recent
years. However, literature which reviews and examines the environmental valuation studies is limited. Thus, this paper
performed a literature review on forest contingent valuation studies conducted in the Ethiopian context in the past
two decades (2000 to May 2022), focusing on two specific objectives: (i) to examine amounts of resources that house-
holds are willing to pay (WTP) for forest conservation, and (ii) to identify determinants of households’ WTP. Results
indicate the mean lower annual WTP of USD 0.41 (2.63 birr) and 7.04 man-days per household in money and labour
time, respectively. Whereas the mean upper annual WTP of USD 53.52 per household in monetary payment and
94.34 man-days per household in labour time contribution are found for the management and conservation of forest
in Ethiopia. The finding reveals that there is a limited proportion of the examined studies that included and estimated
WTP in a non-monetary payment vehicle, implying a need for future researches on the topic. The result shows that
demographic and socio-economic variables, physical assets ownership, institutional and infrastructural services and bid
price variables were the main determinants of households’ WTP. This suggests that the forest conservation intervention
program involving public participation in the country needs to consider the identified determinants of WTP in design
and implementation of the program. Moreover, the finding indicates the presence of mixed results on the effect and
direction in which some determinants of WTP are affected. This recommends a pressing need for comprehensive future
studies on the research theme.

Keywords: contingent valuation method; determinants of willingness to pay; household; forest management; monetary
payment; labour contribution

Forest provides various goods and services that and national economies is significant. For ex-
support the livelihoods of millions of people, liv- ample, according to the report of UNEP (2016),
ing in and around the forest. Even though the Ethiopian forests generated economic benefits
economic contribution of forests to African coun- in the form of cash and in-kind income equiva-
tries has not got the desired attention from policy lent to USD 16.7 billion (111.2 billion Ethiopian
makers to ensure budgetary allocation needed for birr) or 12.86% of GDP in 2012–2013. Of this
sustained growth of the forestry sector in these amount, 6.09% of GDP is accredited to forest
countries (Mogaka et al. 2001), the contribution industries, whereas the contribution of forest
of the sector to gross domestic product (GDP) ecosystems to other sectors, particularly agricul-
Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

ture, was found to be 6.77% of GDP. In addition, and willingness to contribute labour (WTCL).]
USD 0.36 billion (2.4 billion birr) was accredited The CVM is a holistic approach to estimate the
to non-market benefits based on Ethiopians’ will- conservation value of ecosystem services which
ingness to pay (WTP) for forest conservation ac- asks respondents about the amount of resources
tivities/programs (ibid). they are WTP for the proposed policy or proj-
Although the forest has such significant benefits, ect. The CVM has been used in different areas
deforestation rate is high and has been increas- of application in Ethiopia, for instance to elicit
ing in African countries. According to the report households’ WTP for management and conser-
of (FAO 2020), Africa experienced the largest an- vation of forest resources, (e.g. Mekonnen 2000;
nual rate of net forest loss at 3.9 million ha in the Tilahun et al. 2015; Endalew et al. 2020), for valu-
years 2010–2020. Ethiopia is among the Afri- ation of land management and soil conservation
can countries where deforestation is severe and (Asrat et al. 2004; Belay 2017; Belay et al. 2020;
has a long history, particularly in the central Alemu et al. 2021), for provision of improved wa-
and northern highlands where subsistence farm- ter supply (Belay 2018; Ibsa 2020; Singh 2020) and
ing and settlements have been changing landscapes in the context of public health improvement (En-
for a long period of time (Gebrehiwot et al. 2014; tele, Emodi 2016; Minyihun et al. 2019). However,
Lemenih, Kassa 2014). According to the report among these areas of possible application of the
of Ethiopia’s Forest Reference Level (FRL 2017), method, this review paper focuses on studies that
the country’s forests were experiencing an average were conducted on local communities’ willing-
annual net loss of 73 000 ha per year over the pe- ness to pay for forest resource management and
riod 2000–2013. conservation in the context of developing coun-
As an alternative measure to tackle the defor- tries, mainly in Ethiopia.
estation problem, the Ethiopian government has Prior CV studies reveal that households’ WTP
demonstrated a strong commitment to increase for the conservation of environmental resources
the forest cover and strengthen the forest con- is affected by different socio-demographic, physi-
tribution to green economic growth. Thus, the cal asset owned and institutional factors (Gir-
government effort is targeted to increase the for- ma, Beyene 2012; Tilahun et al. 2015; Endalew
est cover from 17.35 million ha of forests cover- et al. 2020). However, coordinated information
ing 15.7% of the national territory in 2015 to 30% on households’ WTP for environmental resource
by 2025 (MEFCC 2018). Moreover, the Ethiopian conservation and determining factors in Ethio-
government has launched the ambitious Green pia is limited. A more recent study by (Abdeta
Legacy campaign in which over 350 million tree 2022) examined public WTP for forest conserva-
seedlings were planted in just a single day with the tion from a systematic review of prior CV studies
annual performance of 4 billion seedlings in 2019 conducted in developing countries. However, the
(Getahun 2020). study focused more on validity aspects of the pri-
Economic valuation of forest is an important or CV studies, and did not address determinants
aspect for the conservation of forest ecosystem. of WTP for forest conservation. Thus, it is impor-
In this regard, environmental economists use tant to examine determinants of households’ WTP
stated preference (SP) methods to elicit the eco- for forest conservation in order to provide orga-
nomic values of non-marketed environmental nized evidence on the research theme. Hence, the
resources. The method consists of a contingent primary objectives of this paper are to: (i) exam-
valuation method (CVM) and choice experiment ine amounts of resources households are willing
method (CEM). Almost all of the previous studies to contribute to forest conservation and payment
conducted on WTP for the conservation of for- vehicles used in the WTP value estimation, and
est resources in Ethiopia used CVM, in which (ii) identify determinants of willingness to pay for
this paper is mainly focused on forest related forest conservation and management in Ethiopia.
contingent valuation (CV) studies. [The author The selected objectives were prioritized as almost
used WTP referring to households’ willingness all of the CV studies conducted on WTP for for-
to contribute both money (ETB) and labour (man est resource conservation are designed to esti-
days) to forest conservation, except where it is mate the amount of resources that households are
specified as willingness to pay money (WTPM) WTP for forest and identify its determinants.

Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

MATERIAL AND METHODS topic. The review also considered studies that used
a sample from general public and a household level
A review of published CV studies conducted sample, like studies at individual, firm, organiza-
on households’ WTP for management and conser- tional or other level unit of analysis were not found
vation of forest resources in the context of develop- at the time of the literature search. Hence, the pa-
ing countries, mainly focusing on studies conducted per included and reviewed 21 forest CV studies for
in Ethiopia, was performed. The scientific research the final synthesis and analysis.
databases, the ScienceDirect and Google Scholar Overview of the contingent valuation method.
search engines were used to identify English lan- Public willingness to contribute resources to pro-
guage forest related CV studies available online grams that improve environmental resources
in full or abstract form from the year 2000 to May is most often measured using a specific survey meth-
2022. Forest based CV studies published since 2000 od known as contingent valuation method (CVM).
or later are included to conduct a review of studies It is a direct non-market valuation method in which
published in the past two decades on the research respondents of the relevant population are asked
topic. The search used key terms: willingness to pay, questions about their WTP or willingness to accept
stated preference method, economic valuation of for- (WTA) for use or conservation of ecosystem goods
est resources, forest conservation and management, and services. It is called ‘contingent valuation’
forest restoration/protection, and forest reservation because the valuation is contingent on the hypo-
with contingent valuation method and Ethiopia. thetical scenario put to respondents (Perman et al.
The terms forest conservation and forest manage- 2003). The first study that applied the contingent
ment are used in selecting articles and throughout valuation method was conducted by (Davis 1963)
this paper due to that the reviewed studies applied to examine values of outdoor recreation. Since
the terms in examining households’ willingness then, the method has become a widely applied
to pay. The term forest conservation is defined as the SP method used for the valuation of a wide range
practice of maintaining, protecting, and/or restor- of environmental changes. As compared with indi-
ing a forest landscape to conserve biological and rect methods (Revealed Preference), CVM is seen
cultural values, promote sustainable use and equi- by many economists as suffering from the prob-
table distribution of forest goods and services, and lem that it asks hypothetical questions, whereas
ensure the strategic preservation of forest resources indirect methods exploit data on observed, actual
for future use (Dudley, Phillips 2006; Pawar, Roth- behaviour. On the other hand, the CVM has two
kkar 2015). While sustainable forest management advantages over the indirect method. Firstly, it can
is defined as the practice of sustainable manage- deal with both use and non-use values, whereas
ment of all types of forests that will provide a range the indirect methods cover only the former, and
of economic, ecological and social benefits to the involves weak complementary assumptions. Sec-
current and future generations (UN 1992; Dudley, ondly, in principle, and unlike the indirect meth-
Phillips 2006; Chazdon et al. 2016). The evaluated ods, CVM answers to WTP or WTA questions go
studies presented these terms to respondents using directly to the theoretically correct monetary mea-
contingent valuation scenarios, in which the defini- sures of utility changes (Perman et al. 2003).
tion of the goods to be valued is the important issue However, despite its wider application in the val-
to be considered and addressed in CV studies. uation of environmental goods and services, CVM
The search was conducted using the selected has been experiencing intense debates whether the
key terms to include prior forest CV studies con- method could provide plausible and valid value es-
ducted in Ethiopia. However, some relevant stud- timates that can be used for public decision mak-
ies from other developing countries were included ing. For instance, during 1990, due to the Exxon
for comparison with the results from the reviewed Valdez oil spill litigation on natural resource dam-
forest CV studies conducted in Ethiopia. Studies age assessment, CVM got more attention among
which report original empirical data, published economists, government and courts. Following the
in peer-reviewed journals and unpublished works Exxon oil spill damage, the U.S. National Oceanic
such as theses, reports, working papers and other and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) con-
relevant unpublished works were considered and vened a “blue ribbon” panel to assess the method.
included to provide more evidence on the research The panel provided a set of guidelines to be fol-
Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

lowed and suggested that under right circumstanc- of actual values (List, Gallet 2001; Little, Berrens
es (i.e. well-constructed and implemented) the 2004; Hausman 2012). The hypothetical bias in CV
CVM survey could provide useful information and is not only overestimation or inflation of the WTP
can be used by the court for damage assessment in- estimates, as there is evidence that the estimates
cluding the passive value (Arrow et al. 1993). can be biased downward in the form of conserva-
On the other hand, a group of economists pro- tive responses (Farmer, Lipscomb 2008). The over-
posed the arguments against the validity of CVM, estimation of the values of the goods in question
in response to the conditional endorsement of the may lead to higher investment or consumption
method by NOAA (Diamond, Hausman 1994; in terms of other valuable alternative best options
Hausman 2012). For example, Hausman (2012) (Blomquist et al. 2009).
conducted a “selective” review of CV literature In response to mitigate or even eliminate the hy-
from 1990–2000, entitled “Contingent valuation: pothetical bias two ex-ante and ex-post approaches
From dubious to hopeless” and concluded that the have been developed to calibrate the hypothetical
CVM studies conducted by experts in this time results. The ex-ante approach is an effort to miti-
frame fail to pass plausibility tests and survey re- gate hypothetical bias in the stage of survey design
sponses are implausible and inconsistent. He argues (Cummings, Taylor 1999; Blomquist et al. 2009;
that this is attributable to three main prolonged Bonnichsen, Ladenburg 2009). This involves in-
CVM problems that continue to occur: (i) hypo- forming the respondents that there are substitutes
thetical bias “what people say is different from what for the policy available, reminding them about their
they do”, (ii) divergence between WTP and WTA, income constraint, presenting them with a script
and (iii) failure of scope effects (scope insensitivity) informing about a tendency to overstate WTP
of the method. However, there are other sides that if they were participants of a previous similar hy-
act in favour of the use of the method and argue pothetical survey, and notifying the respondents
that a well-designed and implemented CVM sur- to bear in mind the fact of WTP value overestima-
vey could provide valid value estimates that can tion in answering to the CV survey questions.
be used for decision making (Carson et al. 2001; Whereas, the ex-post approach calibrates hypo-
Carson 2012; Kling et al. 2012; Haab et al. 2013). thetical bias with follow-up questions to the hy-
Hypothetical bias is the major topic for the criti- pothetical valuation questions. Certainty correc-
cism of the CVM in which hypothetical responses tion is an ex-post approach to mitigate hypothetical
tend to overestimate real (actual) responses. The bias in which target respondents are asked to rate
biases that are likely to influence the CV stud- their degree of certainty in their responses to a hy-
ies are not only limited to the stated hypothetical pothetical valuation question on a numerical scale,
bias, rather there are other types of potential bi- ranging usually from one to 10, with one represent-
ases such as starting-point, strategic, payment ve- ing “very uncertain” and 10 representing “very cer-
hicle biases, and others [for details see Mitchell tain” responses (Champ, Bishop 2001; Morrison,
and Carson (1989), Diamond and Hausman (1994), Brown 2009; Foster, Burrows 2017). Hence, the hy-
Hausman (2012)]. Despite the hypothetical bias pothetical responses to the valuation question are
is likely to occur due to different reasons, respon- then recoded based on the respondents’ certainty.
dents’ “familiarity” with the goods being valued Hence, given the highlights on the hypothetical bias
is the major reason (Mitchell, Carson, 1989; Ven- calibration approaches which will subsequently
katachalam 2004). Previous meta-analysis studies be used in evaluating whether the reviewed studies
confirmed the existence of hypothetical bias in CV applied the approaches as recommended in litera-
surveys (List 2001; Murphy et al. 2005; Harrison, ture, this paper performs a literature review of prior
Rutström 2008; Foster, Burrows 2017). Hypotheti- forest CV studies conducted in Ethiopia.
cal bias is a divergence between hypothetical re-
sponses to CV survey questions and corresponding RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
actual payment (Cummings, Taylor 1999; List 2001;
Blumenschein et al. 2008). Hypothetical bias arises Willingness to pay for forest conservation.
as respondents in a CV survey are asked hypotheti- There are a number of previous CV studies conduct-
cal questions which tend to produce hypothetical ed on public willingness to pay for forest conser-
bias in the form of upward bias or overestimation vation in the context of developing countries. The

Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

studies are mainly aimed to estimate the amount etary payment vehicle in elicitation of WTP, the
of resources that households are willing to contrib- use of money alone as payment vehicle for a wel-
ute to the conservation and management of forest fare measure in the context of developing countries
resources and to identify its determining factors. could lead to a number of problems and inaccurate
The studies reveal positive WTP value estimates, WTP value estimates (Alam 2006; Tilahun et al.
and the empirical findings of those prior to for- 2015; Gibson et al. 2016). Firstly, in subsistence
est related CV studies are reviewed and presented or low levels of income communities, households
as follows. Although this work is mainly focused may face liquidity constraints to express their pref-
on CV studies conducted in the case of Ethiopia, erences. Thus, the resulting WTP estimate is unre-
some related studies that were conducted in the alistic and may lead to the underestimation of the
context of other developing economies were in- value of resources under consideration. Secondly,
cluded in the review for comparison of the results low income respondents may be unfamiliar with
from the studies. Table 1 presents value estimates monetary payment which may increase hypotheti-
of households’ WTP for forest resource conserva- cal bias in the welfare measure (Vondolia et al.
tion and its determinants with the variables’ direc- 2014; Gibson et al. 2016).
tion of effects on households’ willingness to pay. As an alternative measure to address the problems
As presented earlier in the overview of the arising from the use of monetary payment alone
CVM subsection, calibration of hypothetical bias, in the context of developing economies, previous
typically overestimation of WTP value estimate, studies used various alternative payment vehicles
is an important issue to be addressed. However, out such as bag of rice (Shyamsundar, Kramer 1996),
of 21 included studies, only three (14.29%) stud- crop/maize (Mekonnen 2000; Sutton et al. 2008),
ies explicitly reported that they conducted the ex- meals (Diafas et al. 2017), and labour time (Abramson
post, uncertainty correction approach to mitigate et al. 2011; Tilahun et al. 2015; Endalew et al. 2020).
the potential hypothetical bias (Mekonnen et al. However, most of the previous forest related CV
2004; Gelo, Koch 2015; Tilahun et al. 2015). For studies conducted in developing countries like Ethio-
instance, (Tilahun et al. 2015) conducted the un- pia failed to include non-monetary payment vehicles
certainty (certainty) correction model to mitigate such as labour time and they only used the mone-
hypothetical bias. The study used a ten-point scale tary payment vehicle (money) (e.g. Mezgebo 2012;
with 1 as “very uncertain” and 10 as “very certain”, Negewo et al. 2016; Seifu et al. 2017; Getachew 2018;
and all Yes/Yes, Yes/No and No/Yes responses were Ariyo et al. 2018; Bamwesigye et al. 2020). As a re-
calibrated to No/No responses if the respondents sult, with failure to incorporate non-monetary pay-
selected certainty scores 1 to 9, in which a large ment vehicles into WTP elicitation, the estimated
number responses of 339 households were catego- values cannot capture actual economic values of the
rized as “No/No” responses. Besides, the study used resources in question and may lead to underestimate
a protest response identification technique and cali- the welfare measure due to cash constraints in devel-
brated for the protest responses. The failure to miti- oping countries (Kassahun et al. 2020). This in turn
gate hypothetical bias, which is the major limitation may lead to the depletion of the resource due to ne-
of the CVM, implies the importance of calibrating glecting the resource by policy makers.
hypothetical bias that got scant attention by most Although there are some improvements in the
of the CV studies conducted in the country. This may inclusion of the non-monetary payment vehicles
lead to ambiguity in the use of results from the CV in estimating WTP for forest resources in the
studies for valid decision making, which may in turn context of developing countries, studies that esti-
lead to lessen application of the method in valuation mated a non-monetary payment are limited. For
of similar environmental resources. Moreover, only instance, the result reveals that only five (23.81%)
two (9.52%) of the reviewed studies reported that of the studies reviewed in this paper included and
they implemented the ex-ante (cheap talk script) estimated the non-monetary payment vehicle (la-
approach to alleviate hypothetical bias (Gelo, Koch, bour time) contribution in eliciting WTP. For ex-
2015; Kassahun, Taw 2022). ample, a CV study conducted by (Tilahun et al.
The choice of payment vehicle is an important 2015) estimated public WTP for the conserva-
issue to be considered in elicitation of willingness tion of Boswellia papyrifera forest, both in money
to pay. Although it is common to use standard mon- and labour time contribution. The study reported
Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

Table 1. Summary of the findings from review of the included studies

Mean WTP values in USD

Major determinants of WTP and their
Study Title (birr) and labor in man-day
effect on WTP
per household per year

households’ size (–); income (+);

Valuation of community forestry
0.41 distance of homestead to place of plan-
Mekonnen (2000) in Ethiopia: a contingent valuation
(2.63) tation (–); number of trees owned (+);
study of rural households
gender (male = 1) (+)

household’s gender (female = 1) (–);

Contingent valuation of community
literacy (reading and writing) (+);
Mekonnen et al. plantations in Ethiopia: a look into 1.25
corrugated roof (+); distance from
(2004) value elicitation formats and intra- (10)
CPL (–); size CPL (+); no CPL(–); female
household preference variations
no CPL (+); bid (–)

Frontier community valuation for

forest patches: The case of Won- 3.48 household’s farm land size (+); livestock
Mengistu (2006)
do-Wosha subcatchment, SNNPs’ (30.30) size (+)
Region, Ethiopia

household’s age (–); income (+); total

Willingness to contribute to col-
land (+); perceived forest destruction
Girma and lective forest management:
not estimated (+); perception on responsibility to forest
Beyene (2012) Evidence from Godere in the
management (+); participation in social
Gambela Region of Ethiopia
institutions and governing (+)

household’s gender (male = 0) (–);

Households’ willingness to pay for
3.52–5.1 ownership type (+); education level (+);
Mezgebo (2012) restoring forest resource in Dire
(64.82–94.09) access to extension service (+); bid (–);
Dawa area, Ethiopia
income (+); total land owned (+)

household‘s age (–); literacy status (+);

Assess communities’ willingness
3.6–4.03 origin (+); income (+); nearness of plots
to participate in the conserva-
Tiruneh (2013)* (67.08–75) to forests (+); land size owned (+); total
tion and rehabilitation of bamboo
32.88–40.08 man-days livestock owned (+); contact with
forests in Bambasi Woreda
extension agents (+); training (+); bids (–)

Economic value of Wondo Genet household’s sex (+); education (+);

Ayenew et al. 17.49–20.41
catchment forest in domestic water income (+); age (–); family size (–);
(2015)* (360–420)
supply services, southern Ethiopia amount of bid (–)
Examine the welfare effects of com- households’ size (+); household income
Gelo and Koch 1.05–1.60
munity plantations in Ethiopia us- (+); total expenditure (+); bid price (–);
(2015) (20.14–30.41)
ing contingent valuation method total livestock unit (–)
Examine households’ WTP for
Temesgen (2015)* restoration of degraded forest bid (–)
lands in north western Ethiopia

Contingent valuation analysis

4.63–5.10 households’ gender(+); age (–); labor (+);
Tilahun et al. of rural households’ demand for
(62.63–85.85) annual income (+); initial bid (–); land
(2015) conserving frankincense forest
7.04–8.84 man-days size (+); shareholding (+); residence(±)
in Tigray

Assess perception of local com-

munities on church forests and households’ age (+); education (+); ac-
Amare et al.
communities’ WTP for manage- 1.66 (32) cess to extension services (+); amount
ment and protection of church of benefits derived from church forests (+)
forests in Dera district, Ethiopia

Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

Table 1 to be continued

Mean WTP values in USD

Major determinants of WTP and their
Study Title (birr) and labor in man-day
effect on WTP
per household per year

Economic value of forest con-

education level (+); marital status (±);
Negewo et al. served by local community for 3.09–5.78
years of membership (–); distance from
(2016) carbon sequestration in the (55.73–104.38)
forest site (±); income (+); bid price (–)
Humbo District, Ethiopia

Economic valuation of natural households’ gender (male = 0) (–);

Seifu et al. (2017) forest: The case of Sheka forest, education (+); income(+); bid(–); envi-
south west Ethiopia ronmental opinion (+); forest benefit (+)

Contingent valuations of Indig- household’s income (+); sex (+); training

Yibeltal et al. enous timber tree resources: The 21.08–23.25 about forest conservation and protec-
(2017)* case of Cheha district, Gurage (503.28–554.88) tion (+); bid (–); distance of households
Zone, Ethiopia home from the plantation project (–)

Estimating WTP for forest households’ age (+); gender

ecosystem conservation: The 15.40–18.21 (male = 1) (–); marital status (+); educa-
Getachew (2018)*
case of Wof-Washa forest, North (426–504) tion level (+); income (+); distance (–);
Shewa zone, Amhara Region bid (–)

Determinants of households’ households’ income (+); social posi-

Endalew and 6.50
willingness to pay for the conser- tion (+); membership to mahiber (+);
Assefa Wondim- (178)
vation of church forests in north- size of the land near to church (+);
agegnhu (2019) 71.51 man-days
western Ethiopia dependency ratio (–)

Assess farm households’ will- households’ literacy status (+); age (–);
ingness to contribute labor for income from bamboo forest (+); contact
Zelalem et al. conservation of Bamboo forest with extension agents (+); total cultivated
14.15 man-days
(2019) ecosystem: The case of Mao Komo land (+); access to credit (+); distance
special woreda Benishangul Gu- from home to forest (–); bids (–);
muz Regional State, Ethiopia dependency ratio (–)

Willingness to pay for church 8.25

Endalew et al.
forest conservation: A case study (239.79) initial and follow up bids (–)
in northwestern Ethiopia 94.34 man-days

household’s education (+); access

Estimate forest conservation value to extension services (+); farmland
Walle and Nayak 4.64
as hold by local community using ownership (+); forest dependency on (+);
(2021) * (121.17)
contingent valuation method membership in community forest
management organizations (+)

Kassahun and Willingness to pay for conservation 3.6 age (+); initial bid (–); marital status (+);
Taw (2022) of African baobab tree in Ethiopia (105) income (+); distance (–); awareness (+)

Examine local communities’ WTP household’s educational level (+);

Lemessa and for improving forest conservation income (+); training (+); land position (+);
Chala (2022) and the determinants in south- locations of the households from forest
west Ethiopia edges (±)

*study does not report the equivalent USD value of the estimated mean WTP values in ETB, official exchange rate at the
time (year) of survey was used to get the reported USD equivalent values in this study; (–) – negative effect; (+) – positive
effect; WTP – willingness to pay; CPL – community plantation
Source: Author’s review (2022)

Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

that the upper and the lower bound means of WTP monetary value. For example, out of the five studies
were found to be USD 6.42 (85.85 birr) and USD 4.86 that elicited the mean WTP in labour time contri-
(62.63 birr), respectively. While the upper and the bution, only three studies converted the estimated
lower willingness to contribute labour (WTCL) was labour time to its equivalent monetary values.
found to be 8.84 and 7.03 man-days per household Most of the reviewed studies reported WTP
per year, respectively. However, this study is limited values only in local currency, as a few studies re-
to single forest species (Boswellia papyrifera for- ported the values in a commonly used currency,
est), which is small in scope relative to other vast the USD. For studies that did not report the esti-
forests in the country, Ethiopia. mated WTP values in USD, the values have been
Amare et al. (2016) conducted a study to assess the converted into the USD equivalent values, using
perception of local communities on church forests the official exchange rate of average annual values
and investigate the willingness of local communities at a time of survey data collection conducted for
to pay for the management and protection of church the respective studies. The mean WTP is presented
forests in Dera district, Ethiopia. They used a con- both in points and range where possible (i.e. if the
tingent valuation method and Heckman two-step required information is reported in the included
economic model to analyse data. Their result indi- studies). The WTP estimates were converted to the
cates that the majority (70%) of the communities per year equivalent values for studies that reported
were willing to contribute cash and found that the WTP values in monthly payment schedule to make
local households were willing to contribute USD 1.66 the uniform frequency of payment schedule. The
(32 birr). Despite this study considered and included per year equivalent WTP estimates for per month
the labour time contribution in data collection, the values were calculated by multiplying the monthly
labour contribution was excluded from the model WTP estimates by 12 months of the year.
in final WTP estimation. Endalew and Assefa Won- Generally, the result indicates that households
dimagegnhu (2019) and Endalew et al. (2020) consid- in developing countries are willing to contribute
ered the non-monetary payment vehicle: labour time a substantial amount of resources to forest conserva-
contribution in estimating households’ WTP for the tion, despite their low level of income. Accordingly,
conservation of church forests in northern Ethiopia. the findings reveal that Ethiopian households’ an-
Moreover, literature suggests a need for conver- nual mean WTP values are ranging from USD 0.41
sion of the estimated labour time contribution to its (2.63 birr) (Mekonnen 2000) to USD 53.52 (Lem-
equivalent monetary values. The converted equiva- essa, Chala 2022) in the form of monetary payment
lent monetary value of estimated labour time con- vehicle. Whereas households’ mean willingness
tribution can be used in cost-benefit analysis and to contribute labour time ranges from 7.04 (Tilahun
comparison of the two payment vehicles, monetary et al. 2015) to 94.34 (Endalew et al. 2020) man-days
and non-monetary (labour time) contributions. per household per year. The results reveal a diver-
Findings from studies that converted the estimated gence of the WTP value estimates among studies.
mean labour time contribution to its equivalent This may attributed to the difference in the year
monetary values reveals that the converted mean in which those studies were conducted, the forest
labour time contribution is found to be significant- conservation context (i.e. proposed CV scenario
ly higher than its corresponding monetary esti- during WTP elicitation), elicitation format/meth-
mates. For instance, (Tilahun et al. 2015) found the ods used and other relevant parameters.
higher mean WTP in labour time, 7.17 man-days Compared to relevant studies from other devel-
converted at market wage rate (USD 23.34), which oping countries, the estimated lower and upper
is larger than its corresponding mean WTP in cash bound mean WTP values from included studies
(USD 4.86). Similar result was reported by Endalew show mixed results. For instance, the lower limit
et al. (2020), when the mean WTP in labour time, mean monetary WTP value (USD 0.41) is com-
94.34 man-days converted at zonal average wage parable in magnitude with findings from (Adams
rate, EUR 72.18 (2 358.25 birr) per year is signifi- et al. 2008), who reported the annual mean WTP
cantly higher than the mean WTP in cash coun- value of USD 1.08 for the conservation of Morro
terpart, EUR 7.64 (239.79 birr). However, the result do Diabo State Park and Atlantic Rainforest, São
indicates that some of the reviewed studies did not Paulo State, Brazil, and (Ariyo et al. 2018), who
convert the estimated labour time to its equivalent found the annual mean WTP value of USD 3.84 per

Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

household in Nigeria. On the other hand, the up- older one. These contrasting findings suggest a need
per bound WTP value (USD 53.52) reported in this for further studies on the research theme.
review is significantly different from the annual There is a mixed finding regarding effects of the
mean WTP value of USD 75.36 per household re- education level on WTP. The results of most
ported by (Gordillo et al. 2019) from a nationwide of the CV studies reviewed in this paper indicate
CV survey in Ecuador. Another study conducted that a higher education level is correlated with
by (Bamwesigye et al. 2020) in Uganda estimated higher WTP for forest conservation program. This
willingness to pay for forest existence value and implies that the more educated the household,
sustainability, and reported the annual mean WTP the more awareness about benefits of improved
value of USD 15 per household. environment and it is more likely willing to sup-
Determinants of willingness to pay. Results port the program. The empirical findings of Seifu
from CV studies on public WTP for forest conser- et al. (2017) and Getachew (2018) reveal positive
vation indicate that WTP is influenced by several effects of education on households’ WTP for the
sets of explanatory variables. For the sake of ease conservation of church forest and Wof-Washa
of understanding the analysis conducted in this pa- forest in Ethiopia, respectively. In contrast, Ariyo
per, these variables are categorized as demographic et al. (2018) reported a negative significant effect
and socioeconomic determinants, institutional and of the education level on households’ WTP for
infrastructure services determinants, physical as- forest conservation in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
set ownership determinants and bid price. Most Whereas (Bamwesigye et al. 2020) found an in-
of the prior CV studies used willingness to pay significant effect of respondents’ education level
as a dependent variable and with above-mentioned on WTP money for forest existence value and sus-
predictors. A complete summary of empirical find- tainability in Uganda. They attributed the finding
ings from the included studies on the determinants to that most of the respondents in the area are not
of WTP is presented in Table 1. educated. Hence, the mixed result regarding the ef-
Demographic and socioeconomic determinants fect of the education level on households’ WTP for
of WTP for forest conservation include age, gen- forest conservation suggests the need of rigorous
der, family size, education level and income of re- future studies to reach a conclusive outcome.
spondents (Tilahun et al. 2015; Seifu et al. 2017; The income of the household head is found
Ariyo et al. 2018; Getachew 2018). The findings to be a significant determinant of household’s WTP
from many sources of empirical literature (Girma, for forest conservation and management in almost
Beyene 2012; Seifu et al. 2017; Getachew 2018; En- all studies reviewed in this paper. For example, em-
dalew, Assefa Wondimagegnhu 2019) reveal the pirical results from the studies by Girma and Bey-
presence of a significant linkage between the socio- ene (2012), Tilahun et al. (2015), Seifu et al. (2017),
economic characteristics of the respondents and Ariyo et al. (2018), Gordillo et al. (2019), and Kas-
their WTP for forest conservation management. sahun and Taw (2022) reported that the income has
The findings suggest that the age of the household a significant positive effect on WTP money for for-
head has a negative significant effect on house- est conservation and management. This implies that
holds’ WTP for forest conservation (Girma, Beyene the higher the income of the households, the more
2012; Tilahun et al. 2015). This indicates that an in- likely they are willing to pay money for the conser-
crease in age is linked to a decrease in WTP for vation of forests. This review observed a consistent
forest management. Contrasting to these findings, and conclusive result in different CV studies on the
Ansong and Roskaft (2014), Amare et al. (2016) and positive effect of household income on WTP for
Getachew (2018) reported a positive effect of age forest conservation in developing economies.
on households’ WTP for forest conservation. This Institutional and infrastructure services include:
implies that the younger the age of the household, distance of the homestead from the forest area,
the more resources they are willing to contribute membership in a forest management association,
to management of forests. This may be attribut- communities’ perception of the current forest
ed to the fact that the younger household may have status, access to credit and training on natural re-
a longer planning time horizon and hence, they may source conservation (Girma, Beyene 2012; Tilahun
be more likely willing to invest more resources for et al. 2015; Endalew and Assefa Wondimagegnhu
the conservation and management of forest than the 2019). Distance of the homestead from the for-
Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

est area is found to be a significant determinant 2019; Endalew et al. 2020; Kassahun, Taw 2022).
of households’ WTP for forest management and This supports the economic theory of the law of de-
conservation. The empirical results from Getachew mand, implying that the higher the amount of bid
(2018) and Endalew and Assefa Wondimagegn- price offered to the respondents, the less likely they
hu (2019) reported that the homestead distance are willing to pay the bids for conservation prac-
from the forest area has a negative significant ef- tices of forest ecosystems.
fect on households’ WTP for forest conservation Research gaps and future research direction.
and protection. This is due to the assumption that, Despite questions regarding the credibility of re-
as the distance of the respondents’ residence in- sults from a contingent valuation survey are com-
creases, the more inaccessible the benefits from the mon for the CV studies in general, it is a concerning
forest area, which in turn decreases the probability issue for the studies conducted in the setting of de-
of WTP for the forest conservation. veloping countries in particular. This is attributed
Communities’ perception of the current forest to that most of the CV studies in developing coun-
status (e.g. perceived by respondents as: in good tries failed to follow the recommended set of best
condition, deteriorating or others) is found to have practice guidelines in application of CVM for
a significant effect on WTP for the forest conser- non-market valuation of environmental resources
vation. For example, Girma and Beyene (2012) (Whittington 2002, 2010; Whittington, Pagiola
found that forest deterioration has a negative effect 2012). For instance, Whittington (2002) indicated
on households’ WTP for the conservation of forest that CV studies in developing countries are “so bad”
in Ethiopia. This is attributed to the fact that the for so many reasons: (i) the CV survey itself is often
perception of deterioration can create an impres- poorly managed and executed, (ii) the CV scenar-
sion that spending money and time is recognized ios are often poorly constructed, and (iii) few CV
as wastage of efforts, and its anticipation is impos- studies conducted in developing countries are de-
sible to reverse the deteriorated resource and real- signed to test whether some of the key assumptions
ize the rehabilitation of the resource. made by the researchers were correct and whether
A physical asset owned by the household compris- the results are robust in relation to simple varia-
es total land and livestock owned. Findings reveal tion in research design and survey method. Besides,
that the variables of the physical asset owned (to- Durand-Morat et al. (2016) reveals that research-
tal land and livestock) are significant determinants ers who are conducting CV studies in developing
of household’s WTP for forest conservation (Girma, countries face different challenges such as sampling
Beyene 2012; Mezgebo 2012; Gelo, Koch 2015; Zela- challenges, survey methods and implementation,
lem et al. 2019). Results of studies reveal that an in- selection and training of the local personnel, elici-
crease in the hectare area of total land owned by the tation method, literacy rate of the population and
household is correlated with higher WTP for forest security issues challenges, recruitment of partici-
resource conservation and protection. For example, pants, and participant compensation challenges.
Girma and Beyene (2012) and Tilahun et al. (2015) However, appropriate research design and imple-
reported that the land owned by the household has mentation of the CV survey instruments have a po-
a positive effect on households’ WTP for the forest tential to alleviate the above-mentioned problems
conservation program in Ethiopia. This is so perhaps and results in credible value estimates from the CV
as households with the larger area of land do not need studies. Hence, this study carried out a literature
to clear forest to expand their land since they have review of prior forest CV studies conducted in the
enough land for cultivation and support the protec- context of developing country, Ethiopia, in the past
tion and conservation of the forest ecosystems. two decades. A finding indicates that most of the
The bid price offered is found to be a significant reviewed CV studies lack a proper research design
determinant of households’ WTP for the forest and accurately implemented CV survey as per rec-
ecosystem conservation in developing economies ommended in stated preference literature. Based
(Ethiopia). The finding indicates that the presence on the findings of this paper, the existing potential
of conclusive results on increases in the bid price research gaps and future research direction are
was associated with lower WTP in almost all the presented and generalized as the following points.
studies reviewed in this paper (e.g. Gelo, Koch 2015; Regarding the choice of appropriate payment vehi-
Tilahun et al. 2015; Ariyo et al. 2018; Gordillo et al. cles, in the existing studies on households’ WTP for

Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451 Review

forest conservation in Ethiopia, only some of them such as age of the household head, gender, educa-
estimated WTP in non-monetary payment vehicles tion level and distance of respondent’s residential
such as labour time contribution. The failure to con- place from the forest site are found to affect the
sider and include the non-monetary labour time household’s WTP for forest conservation both posi-
contribution may lead to underestimation of the tively and negatively. This finding implies a need for
actual economic values of the goods in question. a comprehensive future research to provide con-
This is likely to exist because the respondents are clusive evidence on the topic. Moreover, the results
not able to freely express their actual preference for suggest that the forest conservation policy/program
the goods due to the obvious limited cash for low- encompassing public involvement in the country
income households in developing economies (Eom, will need to consider the identified determining fac-
Larson 2006; Hung et al. 2007; Rai, Scarborough tors of households’ WTP for forest conservation
2015). For instance, findings of the reviewed studies in the design and implementation of the program.
that estimated WTP in both payment vehicles reveal
that the mean WTP estimate in labour time convert- CONCLUSION
ed to its equivalent monetary value is much greater
than its corresponding monetary mean WTP esti- This paper examines the amounts of resources that
mates. This implies that such a substantial amount households are willing to pay for forest conserva-
of resource contribution in labour time is likely tion, and identifies main determinants of WTP from
to be lost if the labour contribution was not included a review of previous forest CV studies conducted
in the estimation. Thus, it is strongly recommended in the context of developing economies, Ethiopia.
that future researches will have to include labour Results reveal that almost all of the previous studies
contribution in addition to the monetary payment reviewed in this paper used the contingent valuation
vehicles, as the low-income and large labour house- method (CVM) of the stated preference valua-
holds are more likely to contribute in labour time. tion technique to estimate households’ WTP for for-
The mitigation of a potential hypothetical bias est conservation and management. The findings
is considered and performed in a small proportion from the reviewed studies show that there is a direct
of the included studies in their application of the linkage between households’ WTP and forest con-
CVM for WTP estimation. Despite the ex-ante sur- servation. This implies that the CVM is an appropri-
vey design and ex-post calibration approaches are ate technique and can be applied to determine WTP
arguably effective techniques developed to mini- for forest conservation, since local communities
mize or even eliminate the hypothetical bias in CV recognize and give value to the environmental ser-
survey (Murphy et al. 2005; Morrison, Brown 2009; vices of the forest and are willing to maintain those
Loomis 2014; Lawton et al. 2020), most of the re- benefits. The result further indicates that despite
viewed studies failed to apply these techniques. This Ethiopia is a low income country, local communities
implies that the impending hypothetical bias in hy- are willing to contribute significant amounts of re-
pothetical CV studies and a need for its alleviation sources in both money and non-monetary payment
using the existing mitigation techniques got scant such as labour time for the conservation of forest re-
attention. This may lead to lessening the credibility sources on a sustainable basis.
of results from such CV studies to use for decision Households’ WTP for forest conservation depends
making, which could in turn hinder the application on different socio-economic factors, institutional
of the method in valuation of non-market goods and infrastructural factors and physical assets own-
and services. Thus, it is recommended that future ership variables. Hence, household head’s education
studies on the topic will need to diagnose and miti- level, income, labour, total land size, total livestock,
gate the likely hypothetical bias in hypothetically shareholding, perception of forest destruction, per-
constructed CV scenario/survey instruments. ception of responsibility for forest management,
Finally, the finding indicates the presence of mixed/ access to extension service, forest benefit, environ-
inconclusive results regarding the effect and direc- mental opinion and social position are the major
tion in which some predictors affect households’ determinants of households’ WTP that are directly/
WTP for forest conservation and management. For positively linked to WTP. Dependency ratio, family
instance, results from the empirical findings of some size and marital status of the household head are de-
studies reviewed in this paper indicate that variables termining factors that are inversely related to house-
Review Journal of Forest Science, 68, 2022 (11): 437–451

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