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Sample SAQ

Question: Explain one research method used in one study in the sociocultural

One research method used in the sociocultural approach is an observation.

John Crane 14/10/2017 12:22
Unlike an experiment, observations do not have an independent variable. The
Comment [1]: The first sentence must
goal of an observation is to see how people act in a given situation. This means directly answer the question.
that observations are often done under uncontrolled conditions. In an
observation, there is a mix of quantitative and qualitative data. An observation
may be overt or covert. In an overt observation, the participants know that they
are being observed. In a covert observation, the participants do not know that
they are being observed; in some cases, they are being deceived, and in other
cases it is in a public space where consent would not be required. An
observation can also be naturalistic – done in a person’s natural environment –
or in a lab. Finally, it may be participant or non-participant. In a participant
observation, the researcher is part of the group that is being studied. In a non-
participant observation, the researcher does not join the group, but observes
from outside the group.
John Crane 14/10/2017 12:23
Comment [2]: This response has clearly
Festinger carried out a covert, naturalistic participant observation in order to described the research method, making
find out how members of a cult would be behave when they found out that the note of its characteristics.
world would not end on the day that they believed it would. Festinger and his
team joined the cult in order to gather their data. Obviously, they did not tell the
cult they were doing this – so it was covert. They documented the conversations
they had with the cult members, but in order to do this, they often had to take
“bathroom breaks” to write everything down without being noticed. When
“doomsday” arrived, they found that the cult members rationalized their
situation – believing that their prayers had saved the world. In this way, it
allowed them to save their self-esteem.
John Crane 14/10/2017 12:23
Comment [3]: The study is clearly
The researchers used a covert observation because they would not have been described, using the aim, procedure and
able to observe the cult in any other way. This group was a “closed” group, so by findings.
pretending to be interested in joining the cult, they were able to observe what
they were doing. In addition, a covert observation avoids demand
characteristics – that is, the participants do not change their behaviour simply
because they know that they are being observed. The study is naturalistic
because it was done in the normal cult environment, and the participants were
not tested in a lab. Finally, the study was participant. It would not have been
possible to observe such a closed group from “outside” and by being part of the
group, the researcher had more control. He could ask direct questions and
experience things more personally that were happening.
John Crane 14/10/2017 12:24
Comment [4]: This paragraph links the
study to the question. In addition, it
“explains” the research method – that is, it
tells the reader why this particular research
method was used.

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