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1. Right to live free from violence and exploitation. Right to health and well-being. Right to be free from
mental and psychological abuse. Right to property and economic security.

a. Who are the victims?

- Elderly persons cannot fully take care of themselves, that's why they depend on their childrens and
appointed caregivers.

b. Who are the violators?

- There were violators in such violations but the elderly persons own children who neglect and mistreat
elderly individuals.

- Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other institutional care settings can be violators when they
fail to provide proper care, leading to neglect or abuse.

c.How were the rights violated?

- Elderly individuals can suffer physical harm, such as assault or battery, which infringes on their right to
personal security and freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. Neglect or
failure to provide basic care, including food, shelter, and medical attention, constitutes neglect, violating
their rights to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. In addition, human rights of
elderly persons violated by denied access to healthcare services, which is a violation of their right to
health and well-being.

d.What are the extent of the violation?

e. What actions are taken to address the violations experienced by these sectors?

B. Person With Disability ( PWD)

Persons with disabilities can experience a human rights violation such as the right to be included in
society and enjoy cultural and recreational opportunities, right to be free from torture, inhumane
treatment, or violence, the right to an adequate standard of living and health, rights without legal
recourse, and right to employment, education, o oo or equal access to services.

a. Who are the victims?

b. Who are the violators?

c.How were the rights violated?

d.What are the extent of the violation?

e. What actions are taken to address the violations experienced by these sectors?

1. **Discrimination**: Discrimination based on disability is a common violation. It can manifest in

various forms, such as denial of employment, education, or equal access to services, which goes against
the principle of non-discrimination,

2. **Inaccessibility**: When public spaces, transportation, websites, or information are not made
accessible to people with disabilities, it infringes on their right to equal participation and access to

3. **Social Exclusion**: Exclusion from social activities or community participation due to disability can
violate the right to be included in society and enjoy cultural and recreational opportunities.

4. **Violence and Abuse**: Persons with disabilities are often at a higher risk of physical, psychological,
or sexual abuse. Such violations infringe on their right to be free from torture, inhumane treatment, or

5. **Lack of Support Services**: When necessary support services (such as healthcare, assistive devices,
or personal assistance) are not provided, it violates the right to an adequate standard of living and

6. **Lack of Legal Protections**: In some places, inadequate legal protections for the rights of persons
with disabilities can lead to violations of their rights without legal recourse.


There are human rights violated to women, includes: rights is a violation of women's right to equality
and non-discrimination, rights to health and privacy, right to free and full consent to marriage.

For children: rights to education, health, and protection from economic exploitation, rights to protection
from violence and maltreatment, right tofree and full consent to marriage and can have severe health
and educational consequences, rights to education and development.

a. Who are the victims?

b. Who are the violators?

c.How were the rights violated?

d.What are the extent of the violation?

e. What actions are taken to address the violations experienced by these sectors?

1. **Gender-Based Violence**: This includes domestic violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking,
and harmful traditional practices like female genital mutilation, which infringe upon their rights to life,
security, and freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.

2. **Discrimination**: Gender discrimination in areas like employment, education, and inheritance

rights is a violation of women's right to equality and non-discrimination.

3. **Reproductive Rights**: Denial of access to reproductive healthcare, family planning, or safe

abortion services can violate their rights to health and privacy.

4. **Forced Marriage**: Forced or child marriages infringe on their right to free and full consent to

1. **Child Labor**: Exploitative child labor practices violate children's rights to education, health, and
protection from economic exploitation.

2. **Child Abuse**: Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, and abandonment are violations of
children's rights to protection from violence and maltreatment.

3. **Child Marriage**: Child marriage robs children of their right to free and full consent to marriage
and can have severe health and educational consequences.

4. **Child Trafficking**: Child trafficking for purposes such as forced labor or sexual exploitation is a
grave violation of their rights.

5. **Lack of Education**: Denial of access to quality education infringes on children's rights to education
and development.

Efforts are being made globally to combat these violations through laws, international treaties, and
organizations dedicated to the protection of women's and children's rights.


A lot of LGBTQ members experienced human rights violation including the right to equality and non-
discrimination, rights to life, security, and freedom from discrimination, right to privacy and freedom
from arbitrary detention, right to be free from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, rights
under international refugee and human rights laws, rights of LGBTQ to perform advocacy, legal reforms,
and international organizations.
a. Who are the victims?

b. Who are the violators?

c.How were the rights violated?

d.What are the extent of the violation?

e. What actions are taken to address the violations experienced by these sectors?

1. **Discrimination**: LGBTQ+ individuals often experience discrimination in areas like employment,

housing, and access to healthcare, which violates their right to equality and non-discrimination.

2. **Violence and Hate Crimes**: Hate-motivated violence, including physical assaults and verbal abuse,
infringes upon their rights to life, security, and freedom from discrimination.

3. **Criminalization**: In some places, consensual same-sex relationships are criminalized, leading to

arrests and imprisonment, violating their right to privacy and freedom from arbitrary detention.

4. **Conversion Therapy**: Forced or coercive conversion therapy practices are a violation of their right
to be free from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.

5. **Access to Healthcare**: Denial of gender-affirming healthcare or HIV prevention and treatment

services can infringe on their right to health.

6. **Asylum and Refugee Rights**: LGBTQ+ individuals seeking asylum or refugee status may face
persecution in their home countries based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, leading to
violations of their rights under international refugee and human rights laws.

Efforts are ongoing to combat these violations and promote the human rights of LGBTQ+ individuals,
including through advocacy, legal reforms, and international organizations.


Indigenous people have faced numerous human rights violations, including: right to non-discrimination,
right to life, security, and physical integrity, right to health and education, right to participation.

a. Who are the victims?

b. Who are the violators?

c.How were the rights violated?

d.What are the extent of the violation?

e. What actions are taken to address the violations experienced by these sectors?
1. **Displacement and Land Dispossession**: Many indigenous communities have been forcibly
displaced from their ancestral lands, often for economic development projects, violating their land and
resource rights.

2. **Forced Assimilation**: Efforts to forcibly assimilate indigenous people into the dominant culture,
including through the suppression of their languages and cultural practices, infringe on their cultural and
language rights

3. **Discrimination and Racism**: Indigenous people often experience discrimination and racism, which
violates their right to non-discrimination.

4. **Violence and Conflicts**: Indigenous communities may be subjected to violence, including conflicts
with armed groups or state forces, leading to violations of their right to life, security, and physical

5. **Lack of Access to Healthcare and Education**: Indigenous people often have limited access to
healthcare and education services, which affects their right to health and education.

6. **Lack of Participation**: Insufficient inclusion of indigenous people in decision-making processes

that impact their communities violates their right to participation.

7. **Environmental Damage**: Environmental degradation and pollution caused by development

projects can harm the livelihoods and health of indigenous communities, infringing on their rights.

Efforts are ongoing to address these violations and protect the rights of indigenous people through legal
reforms, international agreements, and advocacy for their rights.

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