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Guide Questions:

1. How Human Rights can change the world?

 Human rights have the power to change the world by serving as a universal
framework for justice, equality, and dignity. When upheld and respected, they
can drive social progress, foster inclusivity, and create a more just society. They
empower individuals to live with dignity, freedom, and equality, influencing
policies, laws, and attitudes on a global scale. By promoting and protecting
human rights, we pave the way for a fairer, more compassionate world where
everyone's inherent worth is recognized and respected.

2. Why is it important to have a birth certificate?

 Having a birth certificate is crucial as it serves as an official record of one's birth,

establishing legal identity and citizenship. It provides access to fundamental
rights and services, such as education, healthcare, social services, and
employment opportunities. Without a birth certificate, individuals might face
significant challenges in proving their identity and accessing these rights and

3. Which human rights will be violated if you do not have a legal identity? Explain
your answer.

 The absence of a legal identity, often linked to the lack of a birth certificate, can
lead to multiple human rights violations. For instance:

 Right to Identity: Without a legal identity, individuals may be denied their

fundamental right to have an identity, which is essential for participation in
society and access to basic services.
 Right to Education: Lack of a birth certificate can hinder a child's enrollment in
schools, thus violating their right to education.
 Right to Healthcare: Without proper identification, individuals might encounter
barriers to accessing healthcare services, violating their right to health.
 Right to Participation: Legal identity is crucial for exercising rights related to
political participation, legal recourse, and engagement in public life. The absence
of this identity can limit these rights, leading to exclusion and marginalization.
 Protection against Exploitation: A lack of legal identity may make individuals
more vulnerable to exploitation, human trafficking, and other forms of abuse
due to their invisibility within the system.

In essence, the absence of a birth certificate or legal identity can result in the
violation of multiple human rights, affecting various aspects of an individual's life and

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