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Nathan Pessoa

2nd hour

The Normandy Invasion

The epic clash of forces on the beaches of Normandy, France, was a bloody battle

that cost thousands of lives. The true story of the battle is often overlooked but

very interesting. Today, you will view a documentary on the event and write a

short (1-2 paragraph) response to each of the following questions:

1. (1-2 paragraphs) What is one thing I learned today about D-Day from the film?

- Something that I learned about during the Omaha beach is that the soldiers were given basically a
Feast before they are deployed to war. With them getting this meal was since they were going on
boats which could make them sick and or sea sick. Which alot of soldiers got sea sick and because
of this they were all not well from being sick and so were not as healthy as a soldier not having
sea sickness. Along with this is when soldiers were hooping out of the boat to get out of the fire
line of the German machine gun, when they went into the water it was deep and the soldiers were
weighed down by their gear and so they were pulled toward the bottom of the water bed. Which
when they were pulled down some soldiers did not have enough energy to swim or get out of
the water and so they drowned. The reason due to soldiers not being capable is because of them
Being sea sick just before, since right before the launch of the ships the soldiers had a feast of
food with filled them up but did not help with seasickness.

2. (1-2 paragraphs) What is one thing that I found most surprising about D-Day?

- The one thing that I found interesting was the way the US and their allies used deceptions to
give information that is not true. They made one deception by making a fake briefcase with fake
war plans in it to give the Germans a deception, which worked on the German to think that the
The US is going to attack somewhere else. Something else that they deceive the Germans with
was by making fake truck, planes, tanks, tents, which made it look like a the US getting their
army ready to attack Germany but the camps and vehicles they had put up was all made of
either wood or a blow up like a balloon in the shape of a tank. With the US doing this they
tricked the Germans by making them think that they were making a army to attack Germany
so brought a lot of their army to protect against a fake army, which by doing this there were less
sliders at Omaha Beach, the one the US is going to mainly put most of its resources into.

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