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Description and location of the Species

The Humboldt Penguin is 70 centimeters tall and weighs an average

of 4 kilograms, it has white feathers on the chest and abdomen
where a band of black feathers extends, back and head shiny black
and smooth in appearance. The head is large, the neck short, the
beak black. It lives in the Pacific Ocean along the west coast of
South America in Chile a Peru which is crossed by the Humboldt or
Peru Current, from 5º to 41º 55’ south latitude.

Causes of why Humboldt penguins are in danger of

• Global warming and climate change
• Too much fishing.
• Excessive hunting.
• Excessive pollution.

In conclusion, many species of penguins besides the

humboldt are at serious risk of becoming extinct, both due
to climate change and our acts of destruction of their habitat

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