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The Humboldt penguin, also known as the Peruvian penguin is a flightless bird, the
way the humboldt penguin travels is swimming at great depths or walking. This has
become a very vulnerable species in danger of extinction due to the fact that its
ecosystem has changed a lot by limiting itself to finding suitable places to nest, search
for food and, in turn, by poaching by man; not counting the strong climatic changes that
are being experienced today.

This is a bird that lives mainly in tropical areas, and is considered one of the best-
known migratory birds since it is used to being widely spread throughout the western
coastal area of South America. On very few occasions has this bird been seen on the
beaches of the Pacific Ocean that correspond to the coasts of countries such as
Colombia and Ecuador, as well as on coasts close to the Atlantic Ocean, extending
through the northern part to reach Argentina precisely. in Mar de Plata.

It has a medium-sized body where it can measure up to 55 cm for the smallest

individuals and up to 72 cm for the largest and can weigh from 3 kg to about 5 kg.
Among the characteristics of the Humboldt penguin we have that this species of
penguin is known for having a completely pink fur mark around each eye and in turn on
the back of the beak that measure about 10 cm, this fur covering He is surrounded by a
black spot that covers the front of his face, part of the throat and cheeks and goes up
the middle of the forehead and the center of the head until it joins the back of his body.

Also, it can get to have different behaviors depending on the area or region where you
live at the time. When it is submerged in the sea, it usually does not stray far from the
shore and when it does, it enters between 8 32 km of the coast. When it requires
submerging in the water, it can take up to 2 and a half minutes and then come to the
surface and take fresh air, taking into account that it can generally dive at about 27
meters and go down to a maximum of 54 meters deep.

Likewise, it has been classified as a very vulnerable species in danger of extinction,

mainly due to fishing when found dead due to being trapped in nets and poaching in
the areas where they live, where in turn their food sources are more difficult. to find.
One of the main reasons why the number of Humboldt penguins is declining is due to
the destruction of the ecosystem in which they inhabit, as pollution and drastic changes
in climate are decreasing in large large numbers, such as when the phenomenon

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