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A 25000 kva 11kv generator with 5% subtransient reactance is connected through a

transformer to a bus that supplies 4 identical motors as shown in fig 20.6 each motor has Xd
= 30% Xd = 30% based on 5000 kva 66 kv three phase rating of the transformer is 25000 kva
11/66 kv and leakage reactance is 10% bus voltage is 66 kv when a three phase fault occurs
the terminal of one motor calculate the following
The electric utility company furnishes data to a customer who must determine
the fault current in order to specify circuit breakers properly for an industrial
plant or industrial power distribution system connected to the utility system at a
certain point. Instead of providing the Thevenin impedance of the system at the
point of connection, usually the power company informs the customer of the
short-circui t megavoltamperes which can be expected at nominal voltage; that

Much study has been given to circuit -breaker ratings an d applications, and our
discussion here gives some in troduction to the subject. The presentation is Not
intended as a study of breaker applications but , rather, to indicate the
importance of understanding fault calculations. For additional guidance in
specifying breakers the the reader shoude consulte the ANSI publication listed
the footnotes which accompany this section . From the current viewpoint two
factors to be considered inselecting circuit breakers are :
• The maximum instantaneous current which the breaker must carry
(withstand )
The total current when the breaker contacts part to interrupt the circuit.

Up to this point we have devoted most of our attention to the subtransient

current called the initial symmetrical current , which does not include the dc
component. Inclusion of the dc component results in a rms value of current
immediately after the fault, which is higher than the subtransient current For oil
circuit breakers above 5 kV t he subtransient current multiplied by 1 .6 is
considered to be the rms value of the current whose disruptive forces the
breaker must with stand during the first half cycle after the fault occurs. This
current is called the momentary current , and form any years circuit breakers
were rated in terms of their momentary current as well as other criteria
Jusqu'à présent, nous avons consacré l'essentiel de notre attention
au courant subtransitoire appelé courant symétrique initial , qui
n'inclut pas la composante continue. L'inclusion de la composante
continue entraîne une valeur efficace du courant immédiatement
après le défaut, qui est supérieure au courant subtransitoire Pour
les disjoncteurs à huile supérieurs à 5 kV, le courant subtransitoire
multiplié par 1,6 est considéré comme la valeur efficace du courant
dont les forces perturbatrices doivent être maintenues par le
disjoncteur pendant la première demi-période suivant l'apparition
du défaut. Ce courant est appelé le courant momentané, et depuis
toutes les années, les disjoncteurs ont été évalués en fonction de leur
courant momentané ainsi que d'autres critères.

The interrupting rating of a circuit breaker was specifide in kilovoltamperes or

megavoltampere s . The interrupting kilovoltamperes equal 13 X ( the kilovolts
of the bus to which the breaker is connected ) X ( the current which the breaker
must be capable or interrupting when its contacts part). This interrupting
current is , of course , lower than the momentary current and depends on the
speed of the breaker, such as 8 , 5, 3 , o r 2 cycles, which is a measure of the
time from the occurrence of the fault to the extinction of the arc . Breakers of
different speeds are classified by their rated interrupting times. The rated
Le pouvoir d'interruption d'un disjoncteur était spécifié en
kilovoltampères ou mégavoltampères. Les kilovoltampères
d'interruption sont égaux à 13 X (les kilovolts du bus auquel le
disjoncteur est connecté) X (le courant que le disjoncteur doit être
capable d'interrompre lorsque ses contacts se séparent). Ce courant
de coupure est, bien sûr, inférieur au courant momentané et dépend
de la vitesse du disjoncteur, telle que 8, 5, 3 ou 2 cycles, qui est une
mesure du temps entre l'apparition du défaut et l'extinction. de l'arc.
Les disjoncteurs de différentes vitesses sont classés en fonction de
leurs temps de coupure nominaux. Le noté

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