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(Major in Marketing Management)

Business Marketing

1. Give an example of a trend that you believe is happening right now. How can an
entrepreneur take advantage of this trend?

Businesses surfaced as the pandemic transpired. Too many to

mention but one of the businesses that trends at this time is the food
industry. Yes, food business grew during the pandemic. Home-based
entrepreneurs expanded especially during today’s health crisis where
almost everyone is required to stay home. Those who have skills in
cooking or baking, be it their primary source of living were able to give
more time for their skills and offer it to the market. Some of them also
offered their services like deliveries and even setting up for such
occasions. Even I was able to make advantage of the said crisis. The health
crisis enables me to grow my small business and I am still doing my best
innovating for my business’ improvement.

2. Give three examples of the promising products that could have worked here if only the
environment was different. Explain

If today’s environment was different, the following promising products could have

 Beauty products and/or Cosmetics – even before pandemic, beauty

products and cosmetics are already a thing to Asian countries,
Filipinos to be specific. Filipinos have these habit of using beauty
products and cosmetics for various reasons. Some uses the
products to boost their confidence; some uses it to hide
impurities, etc.

 Smartphones and/or Gadgets – I believe that no matter the crisis, people

will still be purchasing gadgets. As the world goes slowly goes
digital, people are adapting to this changes.

 Jewelry - yes, of course! Jewelry is not just for fashion but as an investment as
well. Today, still a lot of people are into investing in gold jewelries. This jewelry
investment is one of the things people rely on in times of emergencies. It is
proven by many that gold jewelry is a great investment. The value of gold is
always increasing.

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