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Muscle Memory, Bio Memory and Bio Energy explained!

SPH Nithyananda

1: Muscle Memory

The memory of all of your day to day habits. Lifestyle.

The things you like.
Everything based on your actions.

All your day-to-day habits, like the mornings you wake up and do yoga and sip
a coffee, and the kind of food you eat All your behaviors, habits, and actions
form your muscle memory.
Your muscle stores the memory of all your actions. Good or bad, right or wrong.
If you create the right muscle memory, it helps you manifest a beautiful right
life. If you build the wrong muscle memory, it makes you manifest a bad life.

At the end of the day, the life your living is just an expression of the muscle
memories you built.

2: Bio Memory

Every belief you carry.

The powerful cognitions and powerful conclusion you carry, everything.
Bio memory is all the opinions, ideas, cognitions and powerful conclusions you
arrive at about yourself and your life about God, people, about everything.
The powerful conclusions you carry and the powerful cognitions you carry are
called bio memory.
How do you believe in yourself, what kind of ideas do you carry about yourself,
and how? It is impacted by others belief about you.
How others treat you and how that impacts you
It is not necessary; that how others treat you needs to impact how you believe
in yourself. Good or bad. You do not need to be impacted by it. It should not
impact your self-belief.

You don't need to feel good if somebody treats you good, and you don't need
to feel bad if somebody treats you bad.

The way others treat you, you do not need to be impacted by this.

Listen carefully, all of your opinions, ideas, cognitions, and powerful

conclusions about yourself, others, about gurus, about God, the world, the
universe, all of these put together IS your bio memory.

3: Bio Energy

The core of you, the I in you.

How it experiences itself, due to the continuous impact of muscle memory
and bio memory.

The consciousness that is manifesting in your body. It’s experience about itself
is called bio energy.
How? due to the continuous impact of your bio memory and muscle memory,
your experience about you.
How your consciousness experiences itself. How do you feel about you? Your

Due to the total impact of muscle memory and bio memory, this is called

Actually, only our bioenergy takes multiple births.

When you move to the next body, only your bioenergy is carried.
That is the core software coding. The software code of your existence is your
bio energy.
Other source

Bio-energy is energy that holds the molecules that makes up the human body
and creates, contains the unique blueprint for each body [7].

A biological memory is the ability of an organism to store, retain, and retrieve

information or experiences acquired through its lifetime.

muscle memory is real, that's not what is actually going on in your body. What's
more, science says there are two different kinds of muscle memory. One type,
neurological, is tied to the recall of learned activity, while the other form,
physiological, is related to the regrowth of actual muscle tissue.

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