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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Name : Nandia Rosty

NIM : 2016850002







A. Background of the Study ..................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ................................ 7

C. Limitation of the Problem ..................................... 7

D. Problem of the Study ........................................... 8

E. The Objective of the Study .................................. 8

F. Significance of the Study ..................................... 8


A. The Description of the Theories........................... 9

1. Writing ........................................................... 9

a. Definition of Writing Skill ........................... 9

b. Type of Writing ........................................... 11

c. The Important of Writing Skill .................... 12

d. Writing Process ......................................... 14

e. Teaching of Writing Skill ............................ 15

2. Narrative ....................................................... 18

a. Definition of Narrative ............................... 18

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text ........... 19

c. Teaching Narrative Writing ........................ 21

3. Movie ............................................................ 22

a. Definition of Movie .................................... 22

b. Genre of Movie .......................................... 24

c. Drama-Fantasy Movie Christoper Robin .... 30

d. Advantage and Disadvantage of Using

Movie in teaching language ....................... 33

e. Apply Movie in Teaching Narrative

Writting ...................................................... 38

B. Theoretical Framework ........................................ 39

C Hypothesis of the Study....................................... 41


A. Time and Place of the Study ............................... 42

B. Method of the Study ............................................ 42

C. Operational Definition of Variables ..................... 43

D. Population and Sample ....................................... 44

1. Population ..................................................... 44

2. Sample .......................................................... 44

E. Techniques of Collecting Data............................. 45

F. Techniques for Analyzing Data............................ 51

REFERENCES ................................................................................ 53



A. Background of the Study

Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or

written. Language is a system that consists of the development, acquisition,

maintenance, and use of a complex system of communication, particularly

the human ability to do so, and a language are any specific study is called

linguistics. According to Bonvillain (2019:1) Language is part of human

behavior, it is the primary means of interaction between people, language

has an important rule of human life, through which people can express their

ideas, emotions, and desires.

In this era the English Language is very important, it becomes the most

essential language in the world. Almost all the people from many different

countries around the world use it to communicate, including in schools that

are continental Asia. Improving English education outcomes in Indonesia is

a challenging problem. According to Florey in Pandarangga (2016:94) that

some local minority languages in Indonesia are critically endangered and

some of them become extinct languages because of Indonesia Language,

so that the writer can conclude that some parents in Indonesia using

Indonesia Language in their home to talk with their children, so Indonesian

children rarely to using English language because of their mother language.


So some students not interested in learning English. The teacher must be

created good techniques or using tools to make the students motivated in

learning English.

For teaching English successfully, the four skills: reading, listening,

speaking, and writing should be integrated in an effective way. In fact, the

integration of listening, speaking, writing, and reading will make learners

good listeners, speakers, writers, and readers so as to be able to

communicate effectively. Discuss the four skills as well some activities that

can be used in the classroom to promote all four through daily activities,

teachers provide learners with opportunities to develop each skill: student

listen (to the teacher use the target language, to a song, to one another in

pair activity), speak (pronunciation practice, greetings, dialogue creation or

recitation, songs substitution drills, oral speed reading, role play), read

(instructions, written grammar drills, card for playing games, flashcards),

and write (fill-in-the-blank sheets, sentence that describe a feeling, sight or

experience, a dialogue script, a journal entry).

Writing is part of the language skills besides listening, speaking, and

reading. In this era writing also has an important role. In the school usually,

when a teacher teaches the students about writing skill, teacher tell to the

students to write about their life, describe something, retelling some story,

and many more. Weih (2018:1) states teaching writing to the students

means teaching them how to write alphabetical letters, words, lists,


phrases, sentences, paragraphs, narrative text, expository text, and writing

mechanics (punctuation & grammar). But in fact, writing is not only the

activity to express ideas, opinions, or feelings in the text. In this globalization

era, many occupations require people who are able to master writing skills,

for example in the business aspect, people should have the ability to write

an application letters. Those facts make mastering English writing skill is a

must for the students. As Allah said in the Holy Qur’an :

“Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe. You are not, (O Muhammad),

by the favor of your Lord, a madman. And indeed, for you is a reward

uninterrupted. And indeed, you are of a great moral character. So you will

see and they will see.” (Q.S. Al-Qalam 68:1-5).

This verse shows that Allah swears by the pen which to write for kindest,

gives benefit for other people and give more knowledge. In this verse, Allah

swears by the pen that they used to write, which humans used to write

something and angels used to write good and bad deeds of every people.

This is to glorify the writing activity which is one tool to get more knowledge.

According to Barsam and Monahan in Nurjanah, Miranti, & Dwiastuty,

(2018:99) a movie is a story, which is shown on a screen. Movies, also

known as films, are a type of visual communication which uses moving

picture and sound to tell stories or information. Every people in this world

watches movies for entertaining, a way to have fun. It is undeniable movies

have become a big part of human life and culture. Not only for people who

live in the big city, even for people in the small city must have watched a

movie at least once in their life.

It is not easy for English teachers to teach the students to reach the

primary goal of writing skills. The most challenging skill of the English

language is Writing (Fareed, Jawed, & Awan, 2018:83). It happens because

in writing, students must share their idea and it is not easy to translate

directly what their thinking to be written, and not only translate, in writing

students also have to be clever to choose and combine the vocabularies to

create something meaningfully. The students also must pay attention to

grammar, so some students think that writing is difficult. In the other side,

there is another factor that makes writing is the most challenging skill of the

English language. First, students have less experiences with written

expression. Second, students feel tired, bored and lazy to writing, if it is too

long. Third, students are a lack grammar, it is not easy to thinking and after

that writing with good grammatical. Fourth, there are a lot of many kinds of

text in English, such as narrative, descriptive, recount, and many more.

Each text has different characteristics.

To overcome those problems, it is important for the teacher to find a new

media in the writing skill to help the students to be more active in the writing

process. The teachers have to make some media to make the students

more interest in writing. Media such as movies, tape, recorder, puppet,

radio, television, computer, and many more, are useful to achieve the

instructional goals of the teaching and learning process, and they can also

be easily found in our daily lives. The aims of this paper were to introduce

drama-fantasy movie, Christopher Robin, as the media in teaching writing.

Movie is a valuable activities for language learning, especially for young

learners. Children enjoy to watch and thus participate without anxiety. Using

movie genre drama-fantasy can create significant changes in the teaching

and learning process. Having understood that young learners pay attention

and concentration in the learning process, it is better to provide something

playful to them.

Based on previous research that the writer found by Soo Ruey Shing

and Lim Kun Yin's journal “Using Films to Teach Speaking in the ESL

Classroom: A Case Study” (2014). This journal explain that the

effectiveness of using films for teaching speaking skills specific focus on

four-voice aspects – pronunciation, intonation, stress, and pauses. The

result of that research are, the use of English Movie only gives minor impact

on students pronunciation but teaching English using films makes learning

experiences more fun, exciting and meaningful.

In this research the writer chose a drama-fantasy movie Christopher

Robin in a writing class. Christopher Robin is a America drama-fantasy

movie that release on 2018. This movie is inspired by Winnie-the-Pooh

books that written by A. A. Milne. This movie tells about the life of

Christopher Robin, the boy who has a friends named Pooh. Pooh is a teddy

bear who can speak, eat, and walk. We will be brought into the imagination

of Christopher Robin with his friends

The writer hopes that by using movie the students will be more

interested in learning writing in a class. The writer will use narrative text

because the narrative is interesting for students, they can share their idea,

opinion and their own experience based on what they see or they feel. A

writer wants to analyze whether teaching English by using drama-fantasy

movie is more effective to improve students writing skills. In the other hand,

the writer chooses drama-fantasy movie which is connected with writing skill

specifically narrative text because no previous studies have discussed this.

Based on the background above, the writer would like to conduct

research under the title “The Use of Drama-Fantasy Movie Christopher

Robin to Improve Students Narrative Writing”


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the students writing skill was still

low. There were some factors related to the students writing skill which

encompass problems related to students, teacher and learning activity, they

are :

1. The students are hard to share their idea and translate it directly.

2. The students are hard to combine the vocabularies to create

something meaningfully.

3. The students are lack in grammar.

4. The English teacher has little creativity in using a teaching technique

and teaching media.

C. Limitation of the Problem

From the discussion in the identification of the problem, the students got

difficulties in writing skills. The writer focused on the effort that helps the

students improve their writing skills. The writer decided to use a drama-

fantasy movie to improve students writing skills. The writer assumed that

there should be some suitable media in teaching writing which could

motivate students to write.


D. Problem of the Study

The problem will be discussed in this paper. The problem investigated

is stated as follow :

1. Is the drama-fantasy movie effective to improve student's narrative


E. The Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study above, the aim of this research is to

find out whether teaching English using drama-fantasy movies is effective

or not for improving narrative writing.

F. Significance of the Study

On basis of the objective of the study, the significance of the study can

be stated as follows:

1. For the students, watching drama-fantasy movies can motivate the

students in order to be more interested in learning English.

2. For the teacher, to provide a better technique for teaching English

writing skill

3. The writer hopes that the results of the research can be used as

references for those who want to conduct research in teaching




A. The Description of the Theories

1. Writing

a. Definition of Writing Skill

Writing is one of the productive English skills that should be

masterly skilled by people around the world, especially EFL students.

Writing skill is an important part of communication in learning the

English language. In the globalisation era, writing ability is essential

for students. Writing is a tool that can express feelings and thoughts

by writing them on paper or electronically. According to Timothy in

Imelda, Cahyono, & Astuti (2019:326) writing is the most challenging

skill than three language skills (reading, listening, speaking) for a

foreign language.

There are many definitions to define what is writing skills. Writing

is a skill in which students start to obtain from primary school

education, writing is a tool to express feelings and thoughts by writing

them on paper or digitally (Dincel & Savur, 2018:48). According to

Sumarsih and Sanjaya in Sabaruddin (2019:37) Writing is an ability

to formulate and arrange ideas in the right words to translate and


express the intent to the reader on a piece of paper. Writing indicates

what we think or what we see. It is because the process of writing

represents an idea that exists or stay in mind. For this practice,

students who are hesitant to write down things sometimes suffer.

Students find it hard to start looking with reasons to write and

producing written sentences. Furthermore, Murcia in Language &

Program, (2013:1) argues that writing is an act of interaction that

implies an interactive process between the writer and the reader. It

means that in the writing process the author may connect their ideas

or opinions between two or more people, it means that writing is used

as a means of providing the reader with ideas, feelings, and

perceptions in writing.

In addition, Can & Kutluca Canbulat (2019:2) claims that writing

skill is the ability of students can express their feelings, thoughts,

dreams, ideas, and impressions by obeying with the rules of written

expression. Praba, Artini, & Ramendra in Aghayani &

Hajmohammadi (2019:79) also claimed that writing is a cognitive skill

that involves learning, understanding, applying and synthesizing new

knowledge as one of the skills that can be learned in EFL classes.

From the definitions above it can be concluded that writing skill is

one of type of language skills that should be mastered by EFL


students. Writing skill is the ability to express thoughts, ideas,

feelings to other people through written language and usually written

on a paper, computer screen or handphone. Writing skills already

existed when we were in kindergarten or primary school. Writing is

the part of communication, if speaking skill is oral communication

that mostly used to tell to other people about our ideas, feelings,

opinions by spoken but if writing is the written communication that

tells about our ideas, feelings, opinions by written in the paper or

digitally (computer or handphone).

b. Type of Writing

According to Welch’s (2017) It is possible to write sentences and

essays in different types or styles, usually the write will think and

choose one of the type of writing before they write depending on the

needs of writing. Welch’s (2017) states there are four types of writing,

as follows:

1. Narrative : Narrative writing is a form of writing that tells a

story (Mulyaningsih, 2013:17). Narrative is a story-telling form of

writing. Narrative writing related events, experiences, fiction (fairy

tale, fable, story, novel, poetry, ect) or non-fiction (biography,

autobiographhy, journalism, historiography, ect).


2. Descriptive : Descriptive writing is a text to describe a person,

place, object to the readers in such a way (Asmayanti

&Hajaruddin, 2017:53-55). Descriptive writing produces a picture

of a person, place, object or event. In descriptive writing, it tell

what somethig looks, tastes, smells, or feels like.

3. Expository : The expository text is a written English text in

which the writer convinces people that something should or

should not happen (Siahaan & Shinoda, 2008:101). Expository

writing is a paragraph that describes, explain, convey information,

discuss about something, and explain something that can be

push the reader to accepts or follows it. Expository writing may

include essay, newspaper and magazine articles, textbooks, and

other forms of writing, as long as they attempt to explain.

4. Persuasive : Persuasive writing is a creative writing or

argument, is a piece of writing in which the writer uses phrases

to convince the reader that the writer’s opinion on a topic is right

(Beyreli & Konuk, 2018:182-187). Persuasive writing aims to

persuade readers to convinced in an idea or opinion and to do an


c. The Important of Writing Skill

The most difficult of the four skills in English is Writing skill.

Writing is important for human communicate. writing can conveying


thoughts, ideas, and facts. All students need good writing skills to

fulfil their academic and employable requirements V Satya Sri

Durgndra Sekhar & Rao (2018:2). However Ariana (2010:134)

claims that from writing skills, students can be more confident,

comprehensible, fluent and imaginative in writing, Writing skills is an

important goal for all learners of English, because the writing skills

to portray yourself well on paper will help you secure a job in the

future. Writing is important because in higher education and in the

workplace it is used extensively. If students don't know how to write,

they won't be able to communicate well with professors, employers,

peers, or just about anyone else (Klimova, 2012:9). V Satya Sri

Durgndra Sekhar & Rao (2018:2-3) claims some of the reasons of

the importance of writing skills:

1. Writing technical papers, research papers, and presenting

the right facts and information.

2. Searching for and getting a job.

3. For writing report and presentation, etc.

4. In order to improve communication skills.

5. To improve imagination, discovery, and essential self-


On the other hand according to Güneş in Bağcı (2019:8-9)

there are benefaction of writing to students as follows :


1. Writing can facilitates the activation of mental processes,

and it also can control of thoughts and establishing

communication by express thoughts to sentences.

2. Writing facilitates the transition of thoughts to paper,

making it easy to analyse, compare, extend, and


3. Writing opens the way of thought.

4. Writing needs a lot of emotions to touch. The meaning of

the senses impacts the student and the student expresses

their thoughts by writing.

5. Writing helps students understand better what they're

watching, listening and reading.

d. Writing Process.

Works in a gradual manner to conduct written expression that

helps students produce competent writings. Writing with these

stages will help to reveal the deficiencies of the students (Remzi,


According to Tompkins in Remzi (2017:268) The writing process

consists of four stages, as follows:


1. Pre-writing : In the first stage of writing, there are Pre-

waiting, in this stage when considering their goals students

try to formulate their ideas fluently. One conducts research

on the topic and reveals the ideas on which to write.

2. Draft : In the second stage, Students are fleshing out the

idea of prewriting into a written work. In other words,

students write down their ideas, the ideas by the students

are changed into text form.

3. Revision of content : In the revision of content, the writing

is assessed in revision and tasks are done such as adding,

removing and correcting spellings. Focus on the quality of

the text written by the student at this stage. This point

focuses on the structural elements of the text: grammar,

word use, formatting, spelling and punctuation.

4. Sharing : In the last stage, Revision is the final sub-

unit of the writing process. The resulting material is

distributed (publication) with others, it can share in verbal

or visual ways.

e. Teaching of Writing Skill

Writing is one of the four abilities of language learning – LSRW

(listening, speaking, reading and writing). It is the collection of written


symbols with various structures-capitalization, spelling and

punctuation, word type and purpose-representing language sounds,

syllables or phrases (V Satya Sri Durgndra Sekhar & Rao, 2018:1).

According to Ahn in Okari (2016:65) writing is different from

speaking, because it is less spontaneous and more permanent.

Effective writing is very important in every subject in the school.

Unconsciously in writing students can share their opinion, ideas, and

thoughts, but some students difficult to make the translation from

speaking to writing, because speaking is so immediate and

spontaneous but if writing they should mastery in grammatical.

The language skills development has always been a very

challenging and interesting activity. The writing process indicates

that we can actually teach students how to write with accuracy, a

good grammar structure, and an appropriate spelling (Ali & Ramana,

2018:291-292). Helping students express their thoughts in words is

the main reason for teaching Writing. However Rajesh (2019:135)

claims that writing skill provides a way for people to communicate

their thoughts and feelings on paper, so the message between the

teacher and the students must be loud and clear.

As a teacher of English, writing skills is a challenging skill

especially for foreign language students. Toba, Noor, & Sanu,


(2019:58-59) states that several studies have been conducted in

writing to examine the problems of the Indonesian EFL participants,

it is mostly because they having limited knowledge of writing aspects,

writing anxiety, lack of writing practice, dislike writing, and low

motivation in writing. According to Ali & Ramana (2018:294) there

are some problems of the students in learning writing skills, as

follows :

1. Limited of vocabulary, vocabulary is very important in

learning English, especially of writing process. If students

less in vocabulary, they hard to writing well.

2. Lack of grammatical, there is no doubt that grammar is

important for students in writing. Some students lack the

motivation to write when they don’t mastery in grammar.

3. Lack of motivation, as just written before, many students

lack motivation in writing because they thinking that writing

is the most complicated skill because of grammar, and lots

of vocabulary they should mastery.

4. Learning environment, evidently the environment is one of

the problems that a student faced in writing, in a remote

area most their parents and people around them didn’t

support them in writing.


However, the EFL students are suggested to improve their

writing ability by practice their writing skill, and give them high

writing motivation, moreover for the teacher should be creating

enjoyable writing classroom atmosphere (Toba et al., 2019:67-


2. Narrative

a. Definition of Narrative

There are many types of writing, it is classified by the purposes.

Narrative is one of type of writing. Narrative is a writing that tells

about story the purpose of this writing is to tell, to inform, and to

entertain the reader. According to Kheryadi (2017:379) in writing

narrative It is considered as a representation of the story told by the

author, the author composes it to tell and see the past event or even

the current events.

There are many explanations about narrative by the expert.

According to Mulyaningsih (2013:17) narrative is a story text about

people or group of people, the aims of narrative text to explore social

and cultural values and to entertain the reader. In addition Bulut &

Türközü (2019:29) argues that narrative is the type of text that

express the experiences of the writer, it tell stories from life. Narrative

is a writing story that explains about daily life, can be fiction or


nonfiction, it can be fables, tales, personal experience, etc. Usually

most of people use narrative text to express their experiences.

Narrative is a type of the text that refers to a written work whose

story is told from a specific point of view, it usually in the first person

I and me (Ager, 2016:1). Also Welch’s (2017:1) states that narrative

is a paragraph or text that tell a story, and usually narrative writing

using first person as point of view. Someone who write narrative

mostly using first person as point of view, it because narrative is a

story telling writing, the author using first person as point of view to

allows and make the readers see and feel the character experiences.

From definition above, it can be concluded that narrative writing

is the type of writing that tell about story, it can be our experiences

or our imagination. People using narrative writing to express their

experiences, so the author mostly using first person as point of view

(I and me) in narrative writing, to make the story more imaginative

and makes the reader involved into the story.

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Aziz & Fathiyyaturrizqi (2017:208) states that the generic

structure of narrative are:


1. Orientation

Generic structure of narrative usually begins with

orientation. Orientation is where the writer tells the audience

who the character is in the story where the story takes place,

and when the story happened. In this stage the author

introduce the story and also used to create atmosphere to

persuade the student to follow the story.

2. Complication

In the second stage is complication, it is where there are

problems and where the main character tries to solve the

problem. This section explains the story's sequence. The

character's problem faced. The complication makes the story

more interesting because it prevents the character from

reaching his or her desires. It's at the heart of the story.

3. Resolution

The next stage is resolution, it is where the story

complication is solved or problem solved. After the

complication of the story of course the author should write the

problem solving of the story. The complication can be

resolved for better or worse, but it is rarely left unresolved.


4. Coda

The last stage is coda or reorientation, it is the moral or massage

to learn from the story. Coda describes what the story tells or tells

the character again and includes the readers 'message of moral

value. But this stage is optional, several narrative text don’t use it.

c. Teaching Narrative Writing

Writing in English is not easy for students in the country where

English is a foreign language. Writing is a method of bringing

together feelings, ideas, thoughts, experiences events and stories

through writing letters, notes, etc. According to Manik & Sinurat

(2015:172) some of student said the writing session was so bored.

Usually, when asked to write something, the students complained.

Finding out, creating and translating the thoughts in their minds into

written language was different for them.

On another hand Aziz & Fathiyyaturrizqi (2017:207) claims that

narrative text is one of the ways to improve writing skill, narrative

simply requires an event or sequence of events to be recounted and

it deals with an experience. In addition, narrative text is the language

most often used in early learning years. If someone writing narrative

it referred to writing stories.


Narrative or a story assigns, can lead students to imagine, telling

a story, telling personal experience in the past or current event,

interesting moment, unforgettable moment, embarrassing moment

(Kheryadi, 2017:380). The teacher will therefore need to adjust the

strategies to the needs of the student and develop a specific strategy

to enhance the ability of the student to write. Teacher can use story

telling, using picture, music, movie, etc.

In addition narrative is a story-telling writing, students ought to

already know how to write narrative, because we normally tell our

story, our feeling, our experiences to other people by orally, but some

of students are confused to translate it to English and after that write

it in the paper. In this research, the writer tries to use a movie to

teaching narrative writing. Students can feel more relaxed, enjoyed,

fun in learning writing and it will be easier for students to produce a

narrative writing.

3. Movie

a. Definition of Movie

Movie, as stated in Nurjanah, Miranti, & Dwiastuty (2018:99-100)

is a story captured in a series of celluloid strips / films that are shown

at a certain speed on a screen to give the impression of movement.

Furthermore, Movie is a collection of sound captured moving pictures


that tell a story. (Aziz & Fathiyyaturrizqi, 2017:207). Also film or

movie is a video of moving images telling a story and viewing on a

computer or on TV. Usually people watch a movie on the big screen

in cinema, television, and laptop/computer.

On the other hand, movies are stories of day-to-day survival, in

the past or present, movies are a way for people to learn and connect

to the world in positive ways (Studies, International, & Centre,

2015:31). Movie is also narrative, in there are have several narrative

structures, such as: plot, events, duration, character, setting.

However Mallinger and Rossy in Cardon (2010:151) claims that

movie is a special tool for the study of culture. Nowadays movies are

not only for entertaining, but it’s also for study, teacher usually using

movie because it’s very simple to use and fun for students.

From definition above the writer can conclude that Film or movie

is a collection of images that can move and form a story. Movie is a

media that incorporates words and image that can move. Movie is

the same as narrative, because in the movie we can watch story with

setting, plot, and character. Movies not only for entertaining but it

also the way of people to learn about culture.


b. Genre of Movie

Movie genre has a big influence on consumer preference. In

addition, genre is a sign of each varied form, to make them look

distinct and representative, to make selection easier for viewers.

Movie genres are different forms, or types, divisions, classifications

or classes of films that can be categorized Solomon (2009:278-279).

However, Andrew in Yao (2010:3) states that genre as a series of

movies and their social and psychological background. Similarly

according to Bondebjerg (2015:160) genre is a group of films based

on social, cultural and psychological aspects. There are 11 main

movie genres according to Dirks (2016) :

1. Action

Action movies are a genre of movie where scenes of

action, such as battles, stunts, car chases or explosions, take

precedence over elements such as characterization or

complex plots. In comparison to most war movies, the action

typically involves individual efforts on the hero's side. The

genre is intimately linked to the genres of thriller and

adventure film. The example of Action movies are Mission:

Impossible-Fallout (2018), John Wick (2014), Rambo (2008).


2. Adventure

Adventure Movies are adventurous stories, including

exotic place or new experiences. Adventure genre is similar

to action movies, because in adventure movies there is an

energetic action and experience for the audience, but the

difference is that action movies emphasize violence and

fighting while adventure movies emphasize travel

somewhere, exploration, battle. There are some examples of

adventure movies, such as Life of Pi (2012), Jurassic World

(2015), Tomb Rider (2018), Dora and the Lost City of Gold


3. Comedy

Comedy films are films that can lure the audience to laugh.

comedy films are fun dramas, made to entertain the

audience. Although some serious content may be taken on

by the comedy film, most have a happy ending. An example

of a movies that has a comedy genre are Mr. Bean’s Holiday

(2007), Gulliver’s Travels (2010), Diary of a Wimpy Kid


4. Crime

Crime movie is a genre which revolves around a criminal

mastermind's behavior. Crime movie same as action movies,


where a lot of fighting, and violence.. A Crime movie also

center around the criminals themselves. Some Crime movies

will have a storyline that follows the victim of the crime. This

genre appears to be rapidly paced with an air of mystery–this

mystery can come from either the storyline or the characters.

Example of this movies are The Godfather (1972), The Raid

(2011), Baby Driver (2017).

5. Drama

Drama movies are genre that play the emotions of the

audience, drama movies are largely dependent on the

development of characters, interactions, and themes that are

very emotional. In a good drama movie, the audience can feel

what is felt and identified by the character. There are several

drama movies, such as Titanic (1997), Wonder (2017),

Christopher Robin (2018).

6. Epic

Epic genre movies are a historical film that tells about the

history of the past. Epics-Historical Movies frequently focus

on a real or fictional event, a mythical, legendary or heroic

figure, adding an elegant setting and sumptuous costumes,

followed by greatness. It is hero stories, framed in the sense

of the great historical events of the past. The example of epic


movies, such as, Gladiator (2002), Troy (2004), 300 (2006),

Hercules (2014), Pompeii (2014)

7. Horror

Horror movies is a movie genre made with the aim to scare

the audience. Horror movies concentrate on the dark side of

life, the forbidden, and strange, frightening occurrences. We

deal with our most primitive existence and its anxieties: our

fears, our insecurity, our loneliness, our revulsions, our fear

of the unknown, our fear of death and dismemberment. An

example of a movies that has a horror genre are Paranormal

Activity (2007), Insidious (2010), Annabelle (2014), The

Grudge (2020).

8. Musical/dance

Musical / dance movies are movie forms that greatly

emphasize full-scale scores or song and dance

performances, or movies that rely on music, dance, song or

choreography combinations. The genre of musicals features

different musical artists or dancing stars with lyrics that

support the story line, often with an alternate, escapist view

of life-a search for love, happiness, riches and popularity.

There are several examples of musical/ dance movies, such


as Pitch Perfect (2012), La La Land (2016), The Greatest

Showman (2017).

9. Sci-fi

Sci-fi is the genre of movie lifts imaginative and fantasy

stories based on science. In this movie a lot of using

advanced technologies, usually in sci-fi movie tells the life of

the future, where technology has developed very rapidly,

such as vehicles that can fly, advanced clothing, and others.

some movies usually tell about aliens, outer space, or robots.

A Science Fiction movie will include heroes, villains,

unexplored locations, fantastic searches, and advanced

technology. The example of this movies is After Earth (2013),

Gravity (2013), Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Men

In Black: International (2019).

10. War

War movie genre is a movie that in which a fiction or true

story about an actual historical war. Fighting that war,

planning it, and undergoing combat within it should fill the

major portion of the running time. In war movies many scenes

involving shooting, bombing, or fighting, film war also requires

a lot of people in each scene, so don't be surprised if the film

war requires a lot of capital and spending much money. In


such diverse example as, Pearl Harbor (2001), Hacksaw

Ridge (2016), Dunkirk (2017).

11. Western

Western genre is the main genre that describes the

American movies industry. With their mythical origins they are

one of the oldest, most popular and flexible genres, and one

of the most iconic American genres. very recognizable plots,

elements, and harassments (weapons, horses, dusty towns

and trails, cowboys, Indians, etc.). There are several war

movies, such as Django Unchained (2012), Hostiles (2017),

Buffalo Boys (2018).

On the other hand, Fowkes (2013:1-3) claims that fantasy

is also a part of genre, fantasy is a story that would be

impossible in the real world. Fantasy is a kind of imaginative

story that is often inspired by the myth and mythology of the

real world. The examples of fantasy movies is Alice in

Wonderland (2010), Harry Potter (2001-2011) Paddington

(2014), Aquaman (2018), Christopher Robin (2018).

Nowadays, genre of movies has developed rapidly, a lot

of film genres that combine one genre with another genre. For

examples drama musical, comedy drama, romantic comedy,

drama fantasy, comedy horror, western romance, etc.


From definition above the writer can conclude that genre

of movies is a category form of movies. Genre as a series of

movies and social and psychological background. The movie-

maker using genre to makes people easier to choose what

movies that want to watch. The genre is the product of

categorizing films based on recurring elements or themes in

them. Many films concentrate on one genre, while others

merge genres by incorporating elements of other genres to

make the film more interesting.

c. Drama-Fantasy Movie Christopher Robin

Drama is a kind of narrative fiction that is intended to be more

dramatic in its tone than humorous. The purpose of this genre is to

create strong viewer empathy, an empathy strengthened by a strong

sense of faith or reality and a clear focus on the emotional state of

the dramatic characters and their interpersonal relationships (Visch,

2007:30-31). In addition, Drama focuses on interpersonal or social

problems and therefore often focuses on a family. Drama characters

are serious characters who may know their weaknesses and are

recognizable and realistic.

Fantasy genre is a genre that tells more about mythology, myth,

or legend (Friedman, 2012:1). However according to Nah

(2012:1545) the fantasy genre describes a world of imagination that


triggers popular interest from a generated view of the world, and a

fantasy is described as a story that describes an imaginary world in

which science or horror elements are at its centre, the picture of

imagination is a space where it makes possible some illogical non-

factual things which do not exist in reality. In addition Fowkes

(2013:1) argues that this type of film is considered trivial or childish

because in fantasy movies many scenes provide us with the

fulfilment of unrealistic expectations. In fantasy movies there are

usually a lot of scenes that are out of reason, and may not occur in

real life, such as animals that can talk and move, magic, and also

creatures that do not exist in real life.

Drama-fantasy movie is a combination of two genres of movies,

the first thing that we know, drama is a narrative story. Drama movies

are genre that play our emotions as an audience. The second things,

fantasy movie is a genre tell about imagination, magic, and

supernatural thing, where we are taken to stories that are not real,

and do not exist in real life, so drama-fantasy movie is a genre of

movie that tell about narrative story added with imagination, magic,

and supernatural scene, definitely drama-fantasy movie is a fiction

story. There are several examples of drama-fantasy movies, such

as, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016), Along With

the Gods: The Two Worlds (2017), Christopher Robin (2018).


Christopher Robin is a drama-fantasy movie that release on 2018

by Walt Disney Studios. This is an America movie but all of the

dialogue in the scene using British accent. This movie is inspired by

Winnie-the-Pooh books that written by A. A. Milne. This movie was

directed by Marc Forster, produced by Bringham Taylor, Kristin Burr,

and the screenplay was written by Tom McCharthy, Allison

Schroeder, and Alex Ross Perry. Main character of this movie is

Ewan McGregor as Christopher Robin, and also Hayley Atwell as

Evelyn Robin (Christopher’s wife), Bronte Carmichael as Madeline

Robin (Christopher’s daughter).

Taking place in England, Christopher Robin's movie takes us into

the imagination of Christopher's past, a boy who has a teddy bear

that he named Pooh, Winne-the-Pooh. Christopher Robin had to

leave all his little friends, Pooh the little bear, Tiger the careless,

Piglet the cute pig, and Eeyor the lazy donkey. Not without reason

Christopher had to leave them, he had to leave his best friend

because he had to go to boarding school. A few years later,

Christopher grew up working in a company, he had a small family

with a beautiful wife named Evelyn Robin, and a smart daughter

named Madeline Robin. Christopher doesn't remember his old

friends. But suddenly Pooh appears in the front of Christopher adult

and he asked Christopher to help him to find his lost friends. This is

where the joy of Christopher's story with his old friends begins

(Macca, 2018:2).

This movie is suitable for all ages. There are no scenes of

violence, fighting, and things that can make the audience follow it.

The joy and tension in this movie bring us into the imagination of

Christopher and his friends.

d. Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Movie in Teaching


Movies, also known as films, are a type of visual communication which

use moving pictures and sound that tell a narrative story. People in every

part of the world watch movies for entertaining, a way to have fun. For some

people, fun movies can mean movies that make them laugh, but for other

people it can mean movies that make them cry, or feel afraid.

Movie have become a part of human life, in this era watching

movie is very easy. We can go to cinema, watching on television.

buy original DVD, or watch it in laptop, or computer. Not only for

people who lives in the bog city, even for people in the small city

must have watched a movie at least once in their life.

In this modern era, movies not only for fun, but it also can very

useful for teaching and learning media. As stated in Abdullah &

Rahman (2017:100) watching movies not only for entertainment, but


people do it for educational purposes as well. Similarly, movies can

be useful and effective way of teaching English foreign language, it

can make students more motivated, interest, and easy to

understand, watching movies also make students easily remember

because watching images movement on the screen is more

interesting than reading the book (Isna, 2018:53-54).

On the other hand, Cardon (2010:151) claims that in deciphering

other cultures, films can be a valuable intellectual exercise. Students

experience plots and characters that show mechanisms of

communication, attitudes that are socially acceptable, and cultural

values that underlie them. Furthermore use film as a teaching tool

can build up student knowledge enable students to understand the

subject, allow teachers to teach material effectively and motivate

students, it also can foster students critical thinking (Aziz &

Fathiyyaturrizqi, 2017:207-208). Using movie can make class more

brightens up, enjoyment, and interest in language learning.

In addition, using movies in teaching English also have

advantage and disadvantage, according to Sari & Sugandi (2015:11-

13) there are some of advantage and disadvantage of using movies

in teaching English.

Advantage of using movies :

1. Interest in learning English.

The students in the classroom enjoyed the assigned

activities. Students were more motivated to see and hear

follow the real life situation than the activities in the textbook.

They gave the impression that a relaxed atmosphere was also

provided by movies.

2. Improving the student’s listening skill

Using Movies with English subtitle in teaching English can

improve students listening skill. The native speaker will be a

perfect way for students although it may be difficult to

understand for them because the native will speak too fast.

3. Improving the student’s speaking skill

Teaching English using movie also can improve students

speaking skill. When they watching a movie with native

speaker and English subtitles they will imitating the actors and

actress in the movie, they can listen how to link their words


4. Improving student’s pronunciation

Pronunciation is difficult for students, especially EFL

students, it is because they hard to say the words. Listening

to native speakers of English will help students hear the

pronunciation of words. Students may know where to place

the intonation on certain words and phrases.

5. Improving student’s vocabulary

The last things of the advantage of using movie in teaching

English is improve student’s vocabulary. Students listen to

many new words and phrases through watching English films,

especially idioms and colloquial expressions, and also English

subtitled movies will help the students see how the words are


Aside from several advantages, there are still the disadvantages

or problems of using English movies in EFL classroom. As follows:

1. Takes a long time

Watching movies can takes long time, more or less movies

have two hours duration, it’s common if students easy to get

bored to finish the movie till the end. Some students may avoid

watching English subtitled film because it takes more time and


effort to understand because they should read the subtitles

and watch the scenes together.

2. Students focus on the actors or actresses

Students prefer watching actors or actresses than focus on

the main instructional goal. The actors and actress of the film

will attract the students, and they will forget the purpose and

goal of watching the film. They can't pay attention to their tasks

while watching the film.

3. Students can imagine something illogical in fiction movies

Many fiction movies such as Harry Potter, Narnia, Alice in

Wonderland, Fantastic Beast are not real and illogical and it

can make students often imagine, after watching English

fiction movies, if they were in a world of fairy tales. They create

a story of their own and behave like a prince, a princess, a

witch or an angel.

4. Students can imitate bad scenes

Movies can make students imitate the actors or actresses

in bad scenes. There are some bad English movie scenes that

usually imitate students such as scenes of fighting, adult

scenes, scenes of smoking.


To overcome the disadvantage of using English movies, before

and after watching the movie teacher must remind students the

instruction goal. And also the teacher should selecting the good

English movies that safe to watch for students, in this research the

writer using live action movie of Christopher Robin, it is drama-

fantasy movie, so in this movie there is no fighting scene that can

make students imitated. Christopher Robin is safe for students to


e. Apply Movie in Teaching Narrative Writing

Teaching narrative writing not only using books or something that

can makes students bored, as mentioned in Aziz & Fathiyyaturrizqi

(2017:207) teacher need to use the method and crated a new

strategy, one of them is using movies. Movies an effective way to be

motivator for studying English language, movies also stimulate the

imagination of students (Kabooha, 2016:249).

The way to applying movie in teaching narrative writing, such as:

1. For enhanced understanding of the characters in the

movie, and to make students easier to understand,

give a list of phrases and vocabulary term that are

frequently used in the movie.


2. The students will be given instruction about the whole


3. Tell the synopsis of the movie, to make students know

what movie that they want to watch.

4. Students watched a whole movie.

5. After all students watch the movie, the writer will give

time to students to break and prepare their books and

pen to write.

6. The students must write stories about the films they

have watched and made into narrative texts. it all must

include the title, orientation, complication, resolution,

and coda / reorientation.

B. Theoretical Framework

Writing is part of English skills that should be mastered for students,

especially EFL. Writing skill is the ability to express thoughts, ideas, feelings

by written in the paper, or electronic. Writing skill has significance in

assessing the communicative competence of the students in the target

language. Having good writing skills will also help the students to research

ideas and compose them in coherent and grammatically readable texts.

Writing is also the part of communication, if speaking skill is a

communication that tell to other people spoken but if writing is the written

communication that tells by written. As we know writing skills already

existed when we were in kindergarten or primary school, students in primary

school learn how to write alphabet

Don't underestimate the writing skill, writing skills is an important goal

for all English students, as writing skills to well describe yourself on paper

will help you secure a job in the future. Writing is important because it is

extensively used in higher education and in the workplace.

Writing is a challenging skill especially for EFL/ESL teacher, there are

limitations facing both teachers and students on the teaching and learning

of writing skills, such as, limited of vocabulary, it’s an important part of

learning English, the more vocabulary are mastered the easier it is to

understand, but conversely if we know a little vocabulary the more difficult

it is for us to understand. Lack of grammatical, grammar also the important

things after vocabulary, some of students not paying attention in

grammatical, they only write what they want to write, it can make writing

disorganized and untidy. Lack of motivation, writing in English is difficult for

some students, they easy to get bored in writing, they will lose motivation

when the teacher tells them to write in English, it is supported because in

writing English they must mastery grammar and they must know a lot of

vocabulary. Learning environment, it also one of the problems a student

faced in writing, most of their parents and the people around them did not

support them in writing, some of their parents don’t understand or don’t

know about English so they can’t help their children in writing English. As a

result, the students can’t develop their writing skill optimally.

To overcome those problems, it is important for the teacher to find new

media in teaching writing, to help the students to be more active and not

easy to get bored in learning process, there are many kinds of media to

teaching writing, one of them is using movies. As a result, the writer uses

drama-fantasy movie Christopher Robin as an alternative media to teach

narrative writing

C. Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the problem statements that presented by the writer, the

research Hypothesis (Ha): accepted, a drama-fantasy movie Christopher

Robin is effective to improve student narrative writing. Hypothesis (Ho):

accepted, a drama-fantasy movie Christopher Robin is not effective to

improve student narrative writing.




A. Time and Place of the Study

The research place will be conduct in MAN 11 Jakarta located on

Jl. H. Gandun No. 60, Lb. Bulus, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan. The

research will be conduct in the second semester at ten grade students

in academic year 2019/2020 from February 1st until March 1st, 2020.

B. Method of the Study

In this research, the writer used quantitative research. According

to Muijs (2004:1) Quantitative research explains phenomena through

the collection of numerical data analysis using mathematically based

methods (especially statistics). Quantitative is one of educational

research that collect numerical data. The data must be in numerical form

in order to use mathematically based approaches.

In this quantitative research, the writer used pre-experimental

design, which is used one experimental group. There are three steps in

this experimental design, pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The firstly

given in this experimental is pre-test before the treatment. Then, the


group will be give the treatment, in teaching and learning writing

process, group investigation will use as teaching media. After the

treatment, post-test was given.

Table 3.1

Pre-test and post-test pre-experimental research design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

T1 X T2

(Source : Key, 2011:1)

X : The treatment is given to the experiment by using Drama-

Fantasy movie Christopher Robin.

T1 : Pre-test, to measure learning improving before the

treatments are given.

T2 : Post-test, to measure learning improving after the

treatments are given.

C. Operational Definition of Variables

There are two variables in this research, independent variable (X)

that might cause the outcome, and dependent variable (Y) that

influenced by independent variable. The independent variable (X) is

Drama-Fantasy Movie Christopher Robin and the dependent variable

(Y) is Students Narrative writing.


D. Population and Sample

1. Population

Often known as a well-defined research population is a collection

of individuals or objects considered to have similar characteristics

(Hanlon & Larget, 2011:7). However, Murphy (2016:5-7) claims that

population is the larger group of people that you expect to generalize

your study findings to.

From definition above, the writer can conclude that population is

a group of people or individuals who become research areas will be

subject to generalization that have similar characteristics. Population

is the subject of research. Population of this study is students of ten

grade in MAN 11 Jakarta. There are 15 classes with 450 students,

so the population of this research is 450 students.

2. Sample

Sampling may be defined as the selection process for individuals

or groups or organizations from a population of interest (Shinawarta,

2006:1). On the other hand Lynch (2008:1) states that sample is the

method or technique of selecting a small part of a population to

determine specifications or characteristics of the population as a


From definition above sample is a small part taken from the

population. Sample is a part of the object taken from the whole


research object and is considered to represent the entire population.

The writer chooses X IPA 1 as the sample of this research. Students

in X IPA 1 is 30 students, so the sample of this research is 30


E. Techniques of Collecting the Data

In this research, the writer used three step of a test to collecting

the data, such as :

1. Pre-test

The writer gave pre-test to students in the first meeting, the aim of

pre-test is to measure learning improving before the treatments are

given, and to know the basics of students narrative writing skills

2. Treatment

After doing the post-test, the writer did a treatment. In this meeting

the writer taught the narrative writing and give a media that is Drama-

Fantasy movie Christopher Robin. The writer given the treatment at

learning process.

3. Post-test

The last meeting, the writer gave post-test to the class, to compared

the scores of pre-test and post-test. The aim of post-test is to

measure learning improving after the treatments are given.


In assessing the test, there are a rubric for assessing narrative

writing (Heaton in Wibowo, 2013:3-4) :

Table 3.2

The Scoring Guidance for Assessing Narrative Writing

Criteria Score Descriptor

Excellent: Flow style, very easy

5 to understand, very efficient, both

complex and simple sentences.

Good: Quite fluent in style,

mostly easy to understand and

some complex phrases, very

effective. Correct

Fluency Fair: Style reasonably smooth, Score X

not mostly (but not all) hard to 3

understand, simple sentences,

fairly effective

Inadequate: bad style, effort to

understand and to enjoy complex

phrases, confusing phrases or

compound phrases.

Unacceptable: very bad, difficult

to understand, hardly readable,

1 almost all simple phrases,

complex confusing phrases,

overuse of "and"

Excellent: Mastery grammar,

only 15% mistakes.

Good: mistakes 25% only

(prepositions, articles, etc).
Fair: 30% mistakes only, but
Grammar 3 Score X
there are 3-4 minor ones.
Inadequate: grammar mistakes

Unacceptable: more than 50%

grammar mistakes.

Excellent: use a variety of

5 vocabulary words, and one

mistake only.
Vocabulary Score X
Good: use new words acquired,
4 fairy appropriate synonyms, and

only 2-3 mistakes.


Fair: Attempts to use words

acquired a quite acceptable

vocabulary overall, but there are

4 vocabulary mistakes.

Inadequate: limited vocabulary,

use of synonyms (but not always

2 appropriate), imprecise and

vague, and 5 mistakes


Unacceptable: Very limited

vocabulary, not inappropriate use

1 of synonyms seriously disrupts

communication. More than 5

mistakes vocabularies.

Excellent: All phrases support

the topic organized, consistent

5 Correct
progress of ideas, well related,
Content Score X
like educated native speakers.
Good: Ideas well organized,
linked could sometimes be

clearer but communication not


Fair: some lack in the

organization, classification of

3 ideas is needed when reading,

because there are shortcomings

in organization

Inadequate: Little or no attempt

at connectivity, though reader can

conclude some organization,

individual ideas may be clear but

very difficult to conclude

connection between them

Unacceptable: Lacks of

organization to serve that

communication is seriously


Excellent: spelling error only

5 Correct
Spelling Score X
4 Good: spelling error 25%.
3 Fair: 40% spelling error.

Inadequate: 60% error in


Unacceptable: spelling error


(F x 3) + (G x 2) + (V x 1,5) + (C x 2) + (S x 1,5)
Score = X 100

Table 3.3

The Classifying Scores

Criteria of mastery Grade

91-100 Excellent

81-90 Very Good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very Poor


F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, the writer analysed the data by using

statistic calculation.

1. The analysis of the pre-test (X1) variable as follows:

a. Determining mean of X1 (Mean of pre-test score) variables.

∑ 𝑥1
𝑋1 =

Note: ∑ 𝑥1 = The sum of the students’ pre-test score.

𝑁1 = Numbers of sample.

b. Determining of standard deviation score of X1 variables.

𝑆𝐷1 = √
𝑁1 − 1

∑ 𝑥1
𝑆𝑆1 = ∑ 𝑥12 −( )

2. The analysis of the post-test (X2) variable as follows:

a. Determining mean of X2 (Mean of post-test score) variables.

∑ 𝑥2
𝑋2 =

Note: ∑ 𝑥2 = The sum of the students’ post-test score.

𝑁2 = Numbers of sample.

b. Determining of standard deviation score of X2 variables.

𝑆𝐷2 = √
𝑁2 − 1

∑ 𝑥2
𝑆𝑆2 = ∑ 𝑥22 −( )

3. Determining t-test.

𝑋1 − 𝑋2
𝑆𝑆1 + 𝑆𝑆2 1 1
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2) (𝑛1 + 𝑛2 )

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