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1. I started a perfumes business.

Perfumes have become of great importance in our daily

lives, as they are used daily and without hesitation at all times, It adds a touch of charm to
your style and personality, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go. I decided to
open my business because of my love for perfume smell , new scents and so that my
clients could create their own perfumes. Each of us likes to have his own perfume that
distinguishes you and makes someone remembers you whenever smell a similar
perfume. I will introduce this in my business , of course to make money, love from
customers and develop the brand so that my company becomes more famous. What
distinguishes the business is that it does not cost large financial resources. Its conditions
are not to own a large commercial store, it not needs amount of employ to worker. It's
very simple business and effortless, My company will include many distinctive and unique
scents of musk, tea leaves, imported vanilla and many other things, which made me
decide to choose perfumes for my company because smell is a strong sense that affects
our relationship with people. The first thing that attracts a person to another person is his
smell, regardless of his face, so perfumes have taken a large place in global markets and
have become one of people's priorities. I will make research about perfume bottles, tester
bottle and smells wholesalers offer. After that I will make research what customers would
like to get - which bottles; which sizes; what price; which smells. I will also ask about
tester and sample sizes. Create brand I will make design a logo to represent my
business, I will create a template for business cards, information brochure, bottle label,
and ingredients list to distribute to potential vendors. Then I will order it from a print shop.
After I finalize all of this I will also visit many perfume shops to see their prices. Set up a
website it’s an important thing helps businesses grow because it's a tool to establish the
good perfume brand, promote the company and help in generating a comfort level with
the offered perfumes with potential resellers as well as consumers. Certainly I will include
the promotional material and ingredient lists provided to potential resellers. I believe that
the power of fragrance should be celebrated with inspiring words, so I will post some
perfume quotes for Instagram and social media.By posting about my perfume line on
social media pages, I can reach a lot of people in a short period of time. Social media be
used to promote giveaways and contests related to the perfume brand more over I will
provide information on my website about my product.
1. market research helps find answer to all questions you have to make good business and it
gives you value recommendations for the future of business. I will make group sample of both
genders and my target customer age is from 15 to 33. I would asked them what smell they
prefer and size of bottles, size and type of samples and payment type. Also if they prefer buy
online or in the mall. I will offer my perfume on mall and I will provide free samples to
customers to take their reviews.

2. I will do group simple research of both genders farther more I will publish questions on my
instagram account and I will make interviews.
.Primary Research: surveys, Interviews, observations
.Secondary Research: data

3. I will analyze all data on excel and I will make ppt to see better very important results.

4. Marketing research helps businesses understand their customers. Knowing your

customers is the first step in running a successful business, manage risk: Risk is an intrinsic
part of the business world. However, by understanding market trends and customer behavior
we will be able to make good business.
* Primary data sources in marketing :

1. Opinion polls: Primary data can be obtained by conducting opinion polls or form to obtain
the opinions and preferences of the target customer. Like on my perfume company I will offer
free samples to family and friends so that they can test the scents and give me constructive

2. Personal interviews: Interviews can be conducted with customer to know what they want to
see on my business and discuss about perfume scents, my target customer will be from 15 to
33 years.

3. Direct observation: Customers’ behavior can be monitored and observed when choosing
perfumes. Therefore, I decided to go to different perfume shops to see how customers
behave, what they like, how they pay

* Secondary data sources in marketing include:

1. Previous reports and studies: related to the subject studied can be used to obtain
secondary data, such as: which perfumes are bestselling these days.

2. Magazines and newspaper: see new and popular scents and get idea how to mix perfume

3. National data: There are many registrated Emirati perfume producers, so I will get this data
and see who my competitors are.

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