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Why the people I know don’t follow their dream.

In no particular order:

1. They’re “okay with the way things are” - they have dreams but they’re comfortable with in their
current state
2. Their circumstances - familial responsibilities, time and money etc.
3. Lack of belief in their dreams
4. Lack of belief in themselves
5. They got caught up thinking about all the things that could go wrong
6. They don’t know where or how to start
7. They don’t have the right resources or any backup plan
8. They’re worried about not having any guidance
9. Peer pressure (or a lack thereof) - they don’t feel motivated because others around them don’t
seem to care about achieving their dreams either
10. They’re scared - sometimes achieving their dreams means their lives have to change drastically.

Do you have trouble saying NO?

A. your mother? Yes

B. your sister? Less of a yes but still a yes

C. your spouse? Maybe. I’d probably give a soft no (not yet).

D. your boss? No

E. your friend? No

F. salesmen? No

G. neighbour? No

Desired future state:

My dream for my life is: a well-rounded life where I am content and at peace, in a nice little place of my
own surrounded by people and things I love.

My dream for my family is: that they’re also happy and healthy and live a life free of worries about money
or health, and they’re able to keep doing the things they love to do and maybe explore other hobbies
they never got the chance to.

Professional or business dream: To make a real, positive impact in my chosen field. I hope to use my
expertise and experience to inspire others and the next generation, especially those that tend to belong
in the minority.

Health and wellness dream: To be physically fit and active, and I would be in the position to afford
medical procedures to have a full, big picture of my health and how to improve it or how to prevent
diseases. Continue to regularly meditate and stay in touch with myself and nature.

Financial dreams are: Like above, my dream is to be in the financial position to afford the things /
services I want and/or need. Also to have reliable, independent sources of income that allow me to have
more time to spend with myself, with the people I love and pursue special hobbies or other interests I
otherwise would not have the chance to, like travelling the world.
Spiritual dreams are: Able to fully pursue and satisfy my curiosity in religion, and exploring further ways
to be in touch with myself and the world, as well as understand how others view the world.

Dreams for friends, community etc: that my friends also fulfil their dreams, or are otherwise
happy/content with their place in life, and that I have the abundance to be able to offer help and support
as much as I want. I want my community (family, people I work with, and to some extent maybe wider
society) to thrive together, where everybody helps everybody else out, and where arguments or
disagreements can be resolved peacefully and meaningfully.

My fun or outrageous dreams are: Grow a huge following on social media for something, or multiple
somethings, super niche or silly.

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