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Nama: Abdul jalal

Bid. Study : PGSD

isi file: Tugas 1.

Mata kuliah : bahasa Inggris

1. Buat lah percakapan 2 orang, menggunakan sapaan salam tentang keadaan.

"Unswer "

Beno : hey jalal, good morning..

jalal : good morning too beno..

Beno : how are you today?

Jalal : I'm not well, ben.

Beno : Why,?

Jalal : lately I often catch a cold.!

Beno : ouhh, get well soon jalal, take care of your health..

Jalal : ok.. thanks beno..

2. Buat contoh deskripsi ungkapan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.


Hi. my name is Abdul Jalal.

you can call me jalal.

I live in Bogor.

I was born on December 24th.

my physical characteristics, my height is about 168 cm, my hair is neatly short, and i like to wear t-shirts or shirts.

I have a quiet nature, like to joke, my current job is as an elementary school teacher, and a trader too,

My hobby is of course working, and I also like swimming, even though I'm not good at swimming.
3. Buatlah contoh karangan deskripsi yang menjelaskan tentang silsilah keluarga.


my name is jalal.

I am the first child of 4 siblings.

2 of them were female and 1 male. I also have parents, my father works as a farmer, and my mother as a housewife,

My 2 younger sisters have graduated from school, and my 1 younger brother is still in school

4. Buat lah contoh simpel past tense, simple present, simple present continuous, dan future tense, dalam bentuk statement (+),
negatif (-), dan question (+).


A. Simple past tense

(+) I will close the door.

(-) I will not close the window.

(?) Will you close the door?

B. Simple future tense

(+) My mother will buy me a new bicycle.

(-) My mother will not buy me a new bicycle.

(?) Will your mother buy you a new bicycle?

C. Simple present

(+) The train leaves at 6.00 a.m.

(-) The train does not leave at 6.00 a.m.

(-) Does the train leave at 6.00 a.m?

D. Simple present continuous

(+) I am not reading my encyclopedia now.

(-) I am not reading my encyclopedia now.

(?) Am I going to the library?

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