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( PDGK4303)


1. Umi Siska NIM. 856758117

2. Nicolas Silas Fafare NIM. 856758052
3. Sofillah Nanda Utami NIM. 856758091
4. Yuli Lestari NIM. 856785131





A. Background
Profession is a job done by humans to earn money. There are so many jobs in this world. For
example we can see our parents who work every day. What are their jobs?
In this life we must have a job, whether it's a teacher, doctor, writer, trader, even you who are a
student is also a job. We can also make the job we want as our ideals in the future.
In everyday life, of course, we have activities that we routinely do every day, from waking up,
taking a shower, going to school, eating, and so on. So Daily Activities are also called daily activities
that are usually carried out every day by us.

B. Questions of the problem

1. How to ask someone job in English?
2. How to say your job in English?
3. How to tell your daily routines in English?


A. Jobs
a. Asking about job
This is some questions that we can use when we want to ask someone job.
1. What is your work?
2. What is your job?
3. What is your occupation?
4. What do you do?
5. What do you do for a living?
6. What kind of work do you do? 
7. What’s your position/title?
8. What’s your profession?
9. What line of work are you in?
10. Where do you work?
b. Answering the questions about job
1. What Do You Do?
“What do you do?” or in Indonesian is “Apa yang kamu lakukan (untuk bekerja)?”
is the most common interrogative sentence in English that is used when you want to ask what kind
of job someone has.
When other people ask “What do you do?” we can answer with the pattern I am + our job, or  I
work as + our job. Example : “I am a writer” or “I work as a writer”.
 I am a freelancer.
 I am an entrepreneur.
 I’m a housewife.
 I work as a civil servant.
 I work as an office worker.
 I’m an intern.
 I’m a part-time worker.
2.  What Do You Do for a Living?
We can answer the question of “What do you do for a living?” with the pattern I am + our job,  I
work as  + our job, atau I work at  + our job place.
 I’m an artist.
 I work at a hospital.
 I work as a police officer.
3. What is Your Job/ Occupation?

In Indonesia the meaning of , “What is your job” or, “What is your occupation?” is “Apa
pekerjaanmu?”. Based on English grammar, this interrogative sentence is indeed correct. However,
it's best not to use this interrogative sentence with strangers, as it's too direct and doesn't sound
natural to native English speakers. However, sometimes there are people who use this interrogative
sentence to ask someone's job. We can use the pattern  I am + our job, I work as + our job, atau I
work at  + our job place.

c. Using Article “a” or “an”

We use article “a or an” to explain about someone profession.
1. a is using to the profession begins with consonant letter.
Example :
 a singer
 a dentist
 a teacher

2. an is using if the professions begins with Vocal letter.


 an employee
 an artist
 an engineer
d. Conversation of asking job in English
A : Are you a college student?
B :  I got my Diploma last year, I’m working now.
A : Oh, what do you do?
B : I’m a nurse.
A : That’s nice. My mother was a nurse, too.

B. Routines
Talking about daily routines is not difficult, because we already understand the content of the
conversation well and there is nothing to make up. Telling about the activity is simply done by stating
the facts about what happened (the activity), the time sequence, and additional details such as feelings
or with whom the activity was carried out.
To be able to talk about daily activities in English, what is needed first is vocabulary about the
activities carried out, conjunctions of time to sort activities, and descriptions of when the activity

1. Verb that explain daily routine

Daily activity is the activity that routine to do (habit), so that using simple present tense.
 I  / You  / We / They + Verb 1
 I go to school from Monday until Friday.
 We always go home together after school.
 He / She / It + Verb 1 + (s/es)
Example :
 She likes to read books every day. (Dia suka membaca buku setiap hari.)
 My father drinks coffee every morning. (Ayahku meminum kopi setiap pagi.)

2. (time connectors)
 After 
I go to sleep after I brush my teeth.
 Before
She always eats breakfast before school.
 During 
During holiday, I usually get up at 8 am.
 Since
Since  I was I kid, I always sleep with the lamps off. 
 Until
My younger brother always watches television in the morning until school time.
 Then 
I brush my teeth then wash my face.

3. The sentences of Daily Activity

 I usually wake up at 04.30 a.m in the morning
 I go to school at 06.30 a.m 
 My father take me to the school with his car
 In the school, I study from 6.30 a.m until 11.00 a.m
 After school, I play video games with my friends
 I'm doing my homework in the night than I go to sleep
4. Teks of Daily Activity.
My Daily Activities
I usually wake up in the morning at 4.00 a.m. Then I immediately pray subuh. Before I go to
school I already tidied my room, breakfast, and fed my cat. I go to school at 06.30 with my father
accompany me. In the school I study from 06.30 a.m until 12.00 p.m. After school, I immediately
change my clothes and have a lunch. After that, I play with my beloved cat. In the afternoon, I
usually watch TV with my family. In the night, I do my homework and go to sleep at 09.00.


If we want ask someone’ss job, we can use some questions like is “ What is your job or what is your
ooccupation?” and we can answer that question with add article “a or an” before professions. Example : I
am a teacher , she is an artist.

If we want to tell our daily activity so that we must understand about simple present tense.

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