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Form: 4
Topic: «Professions»
The Purpose of the lesson: present new lexical material, practice
language tools on the topic, develop students' skills of using new
vocabulary and improve reading skills.
1. Greeting
Good morning, еveryone! I am very happy to see you today. Please,
Show me your books, сopybooks and pencils. It is good. Everyone is
ready for the lesson. Thank you for your homework. It is a good job.
2. Warming-up
As you see, there is some box. How do you think, What is here?
Please, give me your ideas.
Pupils: «cat, сake, Sweets…
Do you want to know? What is here?
Pupils: YES
It is a pen. Do you use it?
Pupils: Yes, we use it.
And I also use it, because I am a teacher. I write some conspects,
write your marks.
3. Introducting of the topic.
The topic of our today`s lesson is «Jobs».Today we will do different
II.The main part of the lesson
Please open your books on page 30. You can see some pictures and
new words, please listen and repeat after me.
Now, рlease, read one by one and translate.

Please, look on the picture and say YES or NO

Is she a doctor?( No)

Is he a banker? (Yes)
Is he a vet? (No)

Is he a farmer? (No)

Is he a farmer? (Yes)
Thank you, it is a good job.
Now, please do exercise 4 on page 33
Read sentences and say I agree/I disagree. For example «A poliсеman
helps sick animals. I disagree.»

Student 1: A fireman cooks tasty meals. I disagree.

Student 2: Doctors help sick people. I agree.
Student 3 : Actors fight the fire. I disagree.
Student 4: A programmer works on the farm. I disagree.
Now, please pay attention on the board :

a doctor a vet an actress an uncle

Do you see some difference?
В англійській мові ви маємо два артиклі , які вживаємо перед
іменниками, які можемо по рахувати, це A і AN. Вони виконують
однакову функцію, різняться лише тим , що ми використовуємо A
перед словами , які починаються на приголосну букву , а AN
вживаємо перед словами, що починаються на голосну букву.
For example: a fireman
a doctor
an actress
a policeman
an aunt
a teacher
Please open your books on page 30 and do exercise 2. Choose а or аn
For example: an uncle because word starts with u

The next is exercise 2 on page 21. Choose the correct word.

For example My father works on the farm. He is a farmer.
You have two minutes to do it and we will check it.
I think you are a little tired. Please stand up and repeat after me.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, dance on your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, stand on your head.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go to bed.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.

It was great.
Please? Open your books on page 23/ On this page we have some text/
Please, listen to me

Now, please you read one by one and try to find professions.
Which professions do we have in this text?
Student 1 vet
Student 2 teacher
Student 3 farmer
The next exercise is to say TRUE FALSE. Please, listen to me and say
1.Olena`s father is a doctor. FALSE
2. Olena`s father in school. FALSE
3. Her mother is an actress. FALSE
4. Olena`s mother loves children. TRUE
5. Olena`s grandparents are farmers. TRUE
Now , tell me, who is your mother by profession.
For example, my mother is a teather.
Student 1My mother is a vet.
Student 2 My mother is a farmer.
Student 3 My mother is an actress.
III. The end of the lesson
Our lesson is over. Thank you for this lesson.
На дошці ви можете бачити ваше домашнє завдання на наступний
урок. Це вправа 1 на сторінці 16 та вправа 3 на сторінці 16. У
першій вправі потрібно поставити а або аn, як ми робили це на
уроці, наприклад перше слово a doctor. У третій вправі потрібно
виправити помилки у реченні.
Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day. Good bye.

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