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Sentence Types

 A sentence is a complete set of words that conveys meaning and can communicate:
1. A statement ( I am studying)
2. A command (Go away)
3. An exclamation (I’m so happy!)
4. A question (Who are you?; Do you live here?)
 A sentence is composed of one or more clauses
 A clause contains at least a subject and verb
Example: I (Subject) eat (verb); she (subject) drinks (verb) tea (object)
 There are two types of clauses:
1. Independent clause (main clause)
a. Is a complete thought
b. Can stand by itself
2. Dependent clause (subordinate clause)
a. Is an incomplete thought
b. Can't stand by itself
 There are four types of sentences
1. Simple sentences  one independent clause
2. Compound sentences  Two independent clauses + coordinating conjunction
3. Complex sentences  Independent clause + subordinating conjunction + dependent
4. Compound-complex sentences  One or more independent clauses + one or more
dependent clauses + subordinating conjunction + coordinating conjunction
 Subordinating conjunction + clause = dependent clause
 Coordinating conjunction + clause = independent clause

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