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The nature of philosophy is to search for meaning.

So it is in the nature of the philosophy that

allow the philosopher to search for meaning of him/herself and his world. Human has the ability to
wonder about his life, about love and loneliness Birth and death, about truth, beauty and freedom,
because he/she adopt the nature of philosophy.

The nature of philosophical inquiry defined as man’s effort to integrate his experience as
responsible agent. This inquiry helps me to think together with the community, because it is very
obvious that I’m not alone living in this earth, so it is necessary to me to build a relationship with others
and work with them, so being a philosopher I must think and live with the community. As man’s effort to
inquire or to practice thinking his experiences to integrate his signifies events. There are different steps
in inquiry. 1. Man functions as the responder. Man is not just a reactor, he responds. Man are called to
give and to share what he has. It is indeed, that man must have these kind of attitude to share what he
has, because it shows being grateful what he has, he shares it and enjoy it with others. 2. Man may be
aware of the inadequacy of past habits in dealing with a problem which gives rise to hesitancy and
uncertainty. Man’s must be aware of his bad habits or vises, on the other hand man’s must have virtues
or he must goal a good characteristic. Man must think which is more important quality of life or length
of life? 3. The uncertainty is a positive and pervasive quality of the interactive process itself. It is this
incoherence that calls for inquiry. Father Joel has an exact explanation on philosophical inquiry.
“Philosophical inquiry looks to all meanings in the agent-community experience precisely as meanings,
both in their relationships to one another and to the over-all quality of life. It emerges in response to
tensions and conflicts inherent in human life itself. It lifts life to a level of integrity and coherence that
cannot divorce itself from the ongoing course of human life and actual concerns of men. Because it
bears the quality of life itself, it must begin there and end there.”

The branches of philosophy. There are 9 branches of philosophy in philosophy of Human Person
Logic, Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Social/Political Philosophy, Rational or
Philosophical Psychology, Theodicy, and Philosophy of Man. There are four main branches: Logic, Ethics,
Epistemology, and Metaphysic.

The first branch is Logic. Logic is the science and art of correct thinking and reasoning. Logic
helps the man to give a correct thinking and reasoning.

Ethics is the study of nature and morality of human acts. Ethics refers to well-founded standards
of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations,
benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Man’s must goal good characteristic and virtue. Ethics
refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards. Man’s must act in moral way or with

Epistemology is the study of human knowledge. It is the philosophical study of the nature,
origin, and limits of human knowledge. Epistemology derived from the Greek word episteme which
means Knowledge, and logos means reason, and accordingly this field are referred to as the theory of
knowledge, because it’s considering the relationship between knowledge, truth, belief, reason,
evidence, and reliability.
Metaphysics is the science of the ultimate principles and properties of real beings. It is a study of
being as being. This is the major branch of the Philosophy. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy
that studies the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity and
possibility. It includes questions about the nature of consciousness and the relationship between mind
and matter. It concerns existence and the nature of things that exist.

Aesthetics is the study of beauty, its nature and appreciation. Aesthetics, also spelled
esthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which
is concerned with the nature of art and the concepts in terms of which individual works of art are
interpreted and evaluated.

Social/Political Philosophy the study of man in relation to the family, state, and the church.
Meaning his place in society. Political philosophy, as distinct from the study of political and
administrative organization, is more theoretical and normative than descriptive. the study and
interpretation of society and social institutions in terms of ethical values rather than empirical relations.

Rational or Philosophical Psychology the study of the life principle of living things, specifically
that of man. Rational psychology is a part of mathematics, the conceptual investigation of psychology.
An approach to the study and explanation of psychological phenomena that emphasizes philosophy,
logic, and deductive reason as sources of insight into the principles that underlie the mind and that
make experience possible.

Theodicy the philosophical study of God. Theodicy derived from the Greek word theos which
means God, dike, justice. Theodicy are explanation of why a perfectly good, almighty, and all-knowing
God permits evil. Theodicies and defenses are two forms of response to what is known in theology and
philosophy as the problem of evil.

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