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How has your hometown changed in recent years?

How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
How has restaurants changed in recent years?
In recent years, there has been a significant transformation in the restaurant
industry, driven largely by technological advancements. The introduction of online
reservation systems, digital menus, and mobile payment options has streamlined the
dining experience, making it more convenient and efficient for both customers and
restaurant staff.
How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
The education of my country has witnessed a radical shift over the last decade. In the past
teachers can only lecture verbally on the blackboard but in the new technology’s era there
are many sporting electrical devices such as projectors and computers these provide vivid
images to help students to focus more on the lessons and understand them more easily.
Do you think that is important for people to go on holiday?
certainly yes. This is simply because vacation is one of the best chances to take a
break and recharge batteries from time to time. for example, capturing the
breathtaking mountain views with a peaceful atmosphere can reuse the trust at
work and get out of rat race. Beside that, it is also a good way to have families
become closer.
Is that important for children to wear uniforms at school?
Yes, I think that children in middle, school and high school should wear a uniform to school.
1 strongly believe that it is essential for giving children a sense of identity and unity. Young
children can be very snobbish about fashion and often ridicule and pick on children who
don't wear expensive or designer clothes...
Do you believe that children can learn a lot from team sport?
Yes, I do. Children need to learn how to work in groups and co-operate as well as build
leadership skills. Sport is also good for children to learn to be competitive in a mature
manner. It's also very important that children keep fit and healthy.
For example, it's been proven that children who learn to play team sports grow up to be
more understanding and co-operative adults.

; yes because museum is one of the most common place that school organize trips for
students to enhance their knowledge about history so free an for education is totally
essential furthermore it also an effective way to spread the culture of country to foreigners

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