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R Companion to Political Analysis 2nd

Edition Pollock III Test Bank

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Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

1. Correlation analysis produces a statistic that estimates the size of the effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable.
a. True
*b. False (Regression analysis does this)
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Introduction

2. Pearson’s r is a measure of association known as a correlation coefficient.

*a. True
b. False
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Introduction

3. Pearson’s r is used to gauge the strength of a relationship between two interval level
variables when performing ______________ analysis.
*a. Correlation
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Introduction

4. The size and effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is estimated
by the __________________ coefficient.
*a. Regression
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Introduction

5. A researcher working with data about individuals’ ages and their income wants to
know how income is related to age. Does income go up or down or remain constant with
age? Which analysis would help the researcher understand this relationship best?
*a. Correlation analysis
b. Regression analysis
c. Means comparison analysis
d. Logistic regression analysis
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Introduction
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

6. A researcher is working with two variables measured at the interval level. Which
statistical tool should the researcher use?
a. Chi-square analysis
*b. Regression analysis
c. Proportion analysis
d. Cross-tabulation
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Introduction

7. The relationship between two variables is called __________________.

a. Association
b. Affiliation
*c. Correlation
d. Regression
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Correlation

8. A graphical display of the data points in a set with a line of best fit is called a
a. Bar graph
b. Line graph
c. Pie chart
*d. Scatterplot
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Correlation

9. Suppose a researcher is plotting the median age and voter turnout rate for each of the
fifty states. If states with a higher median age have higher voter turnout rates what type
of relationship exists between the variables?
*a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Inverse
d. No relationship
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Correlation
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

10. In a scatterplot the ____________ variable is measured on the horizontal axis and the
______________ variable is on the vertical axis.
a. Dependent/Independent
*b. Independent/Dependent
c. Dependent/Intervening
d. Control/Dependent
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Correlation

11. A Pearson’s r value of .51 signifies a ________________.

a. Weak negative relationship
b. Weak positive relationship
*c. Moderate positive relationship
d. Moderate negative relationship
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Correlation

12. The formula y = a + b(x) represents the ________________.

a. Pearson’s r
b. Regression coefficient
c. Correlation coefficient
*d. Regression line
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

13. A researcher is studying her students’ test scores and the amount of coffee (# of cups)
consumed before the exam. In the equation y = a + b(x) which variable represents the
test scores?
*a. y
b. a
c. b
d. x
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

14. In the equation y = a + b(x) which variable represents the y-intercept?

a. y
*b. a
c. b
d. x
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

15. In the equation y = a + b(x), b stands for the _______________.

a. Independent variable
b. Correlation coefficient
*c. Regression coefficient
d. Dependent variable
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

16. The regression coefficient is also known as the ________________.

a. Correlation coefficient
b. R2
c. Test value
*d. Slope of the line
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

17. Write the regression equation when the y-intercept equals 41, the slope is .6, and the
independent variable is 10.
*a. y = 41 + (.6)(10)
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

18. After performing a correlation analysis between two variables a researcher gets a
Pearson’s r-value of -.03. What does this mean?
*a. There is a very weak negative relationship (if any) between the variables.
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

19. The y-intercept is the value of y when x equals zero.

*a. True
b. False
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

20. In the equation y = a + b(x), x represents the value of the dependent variable.
a. True
*b. False
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

21. The actual value of the dependent variable less the predicted value of the dependent
variable is known as the _________________.
*a. Prediction error
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

22. Suppose a researcher predicts that a 28-year-old male watches 4.1 hours of television
per day but finds that he watches 3.2 hours per day. Calculate the prediction error in the
*a. .9 hours
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression

23. A researcher conducting a study of turnout in the fifty states finds a regression
coefficient of .35. This tells the researcher that ____________________.
*a. Turnout increases by .35 for each one unit increase in the independent variable
b. Turnout increases by .35 for each year a person ages
c. Turnout decreases by .35 for each one unit increase in the independent variable
d. Turnout increases by .35 for each one unit decrease in the independent variable
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bivariate Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

24. A regression coefficient of .26 has a p-value of .008. What should the researcher do?
a. Accept the null hypothesis
*b. Reject the null hypothesis
c. Accept the alternative hypothesis
d. Reject the alternative hypothesis
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: R-Square

25. An R2 of .312 means what?

a. There is no relationship between the variables
b. There is a strong relationship between the variables
*c. There is a 31.2% improvement in our ability to predict the dependent variable
d. There is a 31.2% decrease in our ability to predict the dependent variable
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: R-Square

26. R2 always has a value between _______________.

a. 1 and 2
b. -1 and 1
c. -1 and 0
*d. 0 and 1
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: R-Square

27. Researchers typically report the adjusted R-square value because they lack confidence
in the actual R-square.
a. True
*b. False (it is to account for random error associated with samples)
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: R-Square

28. A dummy variable is a variable that has no effect on the regression equation.
a. True
*b. False (It is a dichotomous variable)
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Dummy Variable Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

29. Name the major characteristic of every dummy variable.

*a. It is a two category dichotomous variable
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Dummy Variable Regression

30. Every case in a dummy variable has a value of either _______ or ___________.
*a. 0 / 1
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Dummy Variable Regression

31. Suppose a researcher is studying voter turnout and includes a dummy variable for
whether a state is located in the south. What happens to the regression equation if a state
is not in the south?
*a. The dummy variable drops out of the equation
b. The regression coefficient is overestimated
c. The regression coefficient is underestimated
d. Nothing because it is a dummy variable
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Dummy Variable Regression

32. A researcher wants to estimate voter turnout for different regions of the country. She
divides the country into four regions. How many dummy variables will she have in the
a. 1
b. 2
*c. 3
d. 4
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Dummy Variable Regression

33. One reason to perform multiple regression analysis is to _____________ for the
effects of additional independent variables.
a. Eliminate
b. Alleviate
c. Minimize
*d. Control
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Multiple Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

34. Multiple regression analysis produces a _________________ for each independent

variable in the model.
*a. Partial regression coefficient
b. Partial correlation coefficient
c. Partial chi-square
d. Partial adjusted R-square
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Multiple Regression

35. Multiple regression is both _____________ and __________________.

a. Linear/ Interactive
*b. Linear/ Additive
c. Linear/ Regressive
d. Linear/ Spurious
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Multiple Regression

36. In a multiple regression analysis of voter turnout including variables for age and
income a researcher finds a regression coefficient of .213 for age and .246 for income.
What does this mean?
*a. Age explains 21.3% of the variance in turnout when controlling for income and
income explains 24.6% of the variance in turnout when controlling for age.
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Multiple Regression

37. In a multiple regression equation the interaction effect is the multiplicative product of
two or more independent variables.
*a. True
b. False
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Multiple Regression

38. If two variables are very closely related to one another they are said to have
*a. Multicollinearity
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Multiple Regression
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter 8, Correlation and Linear Regression

39. When two independent variables are closely related to each other it is difficult to
measure the effects of each on the dependent variable.
*a. True
b. False
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Multicollinearity

40. In a study of voter turnout, age is correlated with income at .85. Will multiple
regression return a good estimate of the effect of age and/or income on voter turnout?
*a. No, because multicollinearity is present.
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Multicollinearity

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