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1 Methodology

1.1 Research Problem

The research problem for this master's thesis is to comprehensively analyze the extent to which
parasocial relationships influence viewer engagement on Twitch, emphasizing the dynamics of viewer-
streamer interactivity. Specifically, we aim to investigate the relationship between parasocial bonds
formed between viewers and Twitch streamers and the viewers' engagement behaviors such as
comments, donations, and subscriptions. Additionally, we seek to understand how the quality and
frequency of streamer-viewer interactions influence the strength of these parasocial relationships.

1.2 Research Questions

To address the research problem, the following research questions have been formulated:
“How does the frequency and quality of streamer-viewer interaction influence the strength of
parasocial relationships on Twitch?”
This question aims to explore the impact of both the frequency and quality of interactions between
Twitch streamers and their viewers on the development and strength of parasocial relationships.
“Do viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers engage more
frequently through comments, donations, and subscriptions?”
This question seeks to determine whether viewers who perceive stronger parasocial relationships with
Twitch streamers are more likely to engage in various forms of interaction, including leaving comments,
making donations, and subscribing to the streamer's channel.
“What specific actions or behaviors from streamers most significantly enhance parasocial
This question aims to identify the specific behaviors and actions exhibited by Twitch streamers that
have the most significant impact on strengthening the parasocial bonds with their viewers.

1.3 Conceptual Model

1.3.1 Key Components of the Conceptual Model

Parasocial Relationships (PSR): Parasocial relationships refer to the one-sided emotional connections
that viewers form with Twitch streamers. These relationships are characterized by feelings of
attachment, identification, and intimacy.

Viewer Engagement (VE): Viewer engagement encompasses various forms of interaction Data
Streamer-Viewer Interaction (SVI): Streamer-viewer interaction represents the frequency and quality
of interactions between Twitch streamers and their viewers. It includes streamer responsiveness,
communication, and engagement with viewers.

1.3.2 Hypothesis

The quality of streamer-viewer interaction (SVI) has a positive impact on the strength of parasocial
relationships (PSR).
2. Viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers are more likely to engage
frequently through comments, donations, and subscriptions.
3. The quality of streamer-viewer interaction (SVI) has a greater impact on the strength of
parasocial relationships (PSR) compared to the frequency of interaction.
4. The strength of parasocial relationships (PSR) has a positive impact on the quality of viewer
5. The strength of parasocial relationships (PSR) has a positive impact on viewer engagement. 6.
Viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers engage more frequently
through comments.
7. Viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers engage more frequently
through donations.
8. Viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers engage more frequently
through subscriptions.
9. Viewers who report stronger parasocial relationships with streamers donate more amount to the
10. A higher attraction to streamer attributes increases the strength of parasocial relationships.
11. Psychological metrics, including emotional involvement, cognitive involvement, and viewer
retention, are positively correlated with the strength of parasocial relationships on Twitch.
12. Streamer behaviors that promote viewer engagement (VE), such as addressing viewers by
name, responding to comments, and acknowledging donations, are likely to enhance parasocial
bonds (PSR).
13. Streamer behaviors, specifically authenticity, consistency, and responsiveness, significantly
enhance parasocial bonds and increase viewer engagement.
14. Community-building activities and sharing personal anecdotes by streamers positively
correlate with viewer engagement and the strength of parasocial relationships.
15. Genuine interactions by streamers enhance viewer perceptions and parasocial relationships,
while perceived inauthenticity hinders the development of strong parasocial bonds.

1.3.3 Conceptual Model Diagram

2 Methdology

2.1 Data collection

2.1.1 Type of Data and Sources :

This data will be quantitative in nature. The primary source of our data will be the numerical
and categorical responses derived from the questionnaire that will be distributed to a systematically
selected group of individuals who meet the specific demographic and behavioral criteria of our target
Quantitative research is often praised for its ability to produce objective data that can be
statistically analyzed. This method is particularly effective in identifying patterns and making
generalizations across larger populations (Bryman, 1984). However, this approach can be limited by its
often rigid structure, which may not account for the complexity of human experiences and behaviors
(Rahman, 2016)

Qualitative research, conversely, offers a more nuanced understanding of social phenomena,

capturing the depth of people's experiences and emotions. In their study, Devers & Frankel 2000)
discusses the critical importance of these aspects in qualitative research design, which can lead to a
richer, albeit more subjective, dataset. The subjective nature of qualitative research, while providing
depth, can also introduce biases and make it challenging to replicate studies or apply findings broadly
(Carr, 1994).

The primary purpose of this study is descriptive. This type of study that aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation, or phenomenon. The primary goal is not to test
hypotheses or make predictions but to paint a picture of what is occurring or has occurred (Kumar,
2014). This type of research often involves collecting data that can be quantified and then used to
identify patterns, trends, or relationships. In this study, the intention is to provide a detailed account
of the current state of parasocial relationships on Twitch, based on the perceptions and experiences of
The research is formal in nature. The decision to conduct formal research was based on the
need to test specific hypotheses and theories about parasocial relationships on Twitch. Given the
extensive literature and prior studies on the topic, a formal approach was deemed more appropriate
to provide definitive conclusions and insights.
2.1.2 Method of Data Collection: Questionnaire
This thesis will use a survey research design, utilizing a structured questionnaire as the primary
data collection tool. This design was selected because of its suitability for gathering large amounts of
data in a standardized form, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of parasocial relationships
and viewer engagement patterns on Twitch. The questionnaire will be administered electronically,
allowing participants to complete it at their convenience. This method ensures a broader reach and
facilitates easier data compilation and analysis.

2.1.3 Relevance of the Chosen Method

While other research designs, such as experimental or case study designs, were considered,
the survey research design was deemed the most appropriate for several reasons. First, the aim was to
capture a broad spectrum of Twitch viewers' experiences and perceptions, which is feasible through a
questionnaire. In addition, survey research allows for data collection from a larger sample, enhancing
the generalizability of the findings. Finally, given the time constraints of a master thesis, a questionnaire
provides a time-efficient method to collect substantial data.

2.1.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Data Collection Method

Electronic questionnaires offer several advantages for data collection. Firstly, they are cost-
effective, mainly when disseminated to a large audience, making them an economical choice for
researchers. Additionally, their anonymity ensures that participants can respond without the fear of
revealing their identity, often leading to more genuine and candid feedback. Furthermore, the
electronic format facilitates easy data compilation, allowing for a seamless import into statistical
software and streamlining the analysis process.
However, like all research tools, electronic questionnaires have their limitations. They might
not capture the intricate depth and nuances of participants' feelings and perceptions in the same way
interviews can. To address this, we can include open-ended questions that allow for more detailed
responses.. There is also the potential for response bias; participants might either misunderstand
questions or provide answers they deem socially acceptable rather than their true feelings. This can be
mitigated by designing clear, unambiguous questions and emphasizing the importance of honest
feedback. Lastly, a significant concern is the potential for a low response rate. Strategies to counteract
this include sending personalized invitations or reminders. Despite the ease of electronic
dissemination, there is no guarantee that all recipients will engage with and complete the
questionnaire, which can impact the study's overall validity.
2.2 Sampling Design

2.2.1 Sampling Method

The target population for this study is Twitch viewers. A convenience sampling method will be
employed, where participants will be recruited through Twitch community forums, social media
platforms, and direct links shared on popular Twitch channels. The questionnaire will be shared with
fellow students through class announcements and distributed via the school's student email system.
Links to the questionnaire will be posted on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook,
and Instagram, to reach a broader audience. Using appropriate hashtags related to Twitch and
streaming can further enhance visibility. To directly target the Twitch audience, the questionnaire link
will be shared in the chatboxes of select Twitch channels. This method can capture real-time viewers
who are actively engaged in watching streams. For most social science research, a sample size of 150
respondents can provide a reasonable estimate of the target population's characteristics, assuming a
relatively homogenous group

However, it's important to note that convenience sampling does not provide a representative
sample of the population, which can limit the generalizability of the results. The sample is composed
of individuals who are easily accessible to the researcher, which may introduce bias. Despite these
limitations, if the study aims to get preliminary insights or understand trends within a readily accessible
subset of Twitch viewers, a sample of 150 can yield useful data.

2.2.2 Advantages and Limitations of Convenience Method

Convenience sampling offers several distinct advantages for researchers. Its primary benefit
lies in its ease of access; the method is straightforward and fast, with participants selected based on
their immediate availability. This approach facilitates rapid data collection, especially when time is of
the essence. Additionally, convenience sampling is cost-effective. Unlike other sampling techniques
that necessitate a systematic or randomized approach, this method is often less financially
burdensome. This cost efficiency is particularly beneficial for studies with limited resources.
Furthermore, for exploratory research aiming to gain initial insights or a basic understanding of a topic,
convenience sampling proves invaluable. When using a questionnaire as the main data collection tool,
as in our case, this method allows for swift distribution to readily accessible groups, be it colleagues,
friends, or students in a specific setting.

However, while convenience sampling offers several benefits, it's crucial to recognize its
inherent limitations. A significant concern is the potential for bias. Given that the sample isn't a
comprehensive representation of the entire population, there's a pronounced risk that the findings
may not be generalizable to the larger group. This limitation can impact the study's overall validity and
reliability. Moreover, the lack of random selection in convenience sampling can result in skewed data.
Specific segments of the population might be overrepresented, while others might be
underrepresented, leading to an imbalance in the collected data and potentially misleading

2.3 Measurements instruments:

Given the nature of our research, a questionnaire has been chosen as the primary tool for data
collection, and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) will be employed for data analysis.

SPSS stands as a premier tool for researchers due to its multifaceted capabilities. One of its
primary strengths lies in its capacity for comprehensive analysis. The software is equipped to handle a
vast array of statistical tests, ranging from fundamental descriptive statistics to more intricate
inferential statistics, catering to a broad spectrum of research requirements. Complementing its
analytical prowess is its user-friendly interface. SPSS is designed with a graphical user interface that
streamlines the processes of data input, manipulation, and analysis, thereby optimizing the efficiency
of the research process. Beyond its analytical and user-centric features, SPSS excels in data
visualization. Researchers can seamlessly craft charts, graphs, and tables, which not only enhance the
interpretability of the data but also aid in presenting research findings in a more digestible manner.
Furthermore, the precision of SPSS's computations bolsters the reliability and validity of research
outcomes, ensuring that scholars can place confidence in their results.

2.4 Data analysis

First, we will use Descriptive Statistics. This will provide a basic overview of the data, including
measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of dispersion (range, variance,
standard deviation). This will help in understanding the general trends and patterns in the data.
We will also use Regression Analysis to determine the relationship between the frequency and
quality of streamer-viewer interaction and the strength of parasocial relationships. This will help
understand how much of the variance in parasocial relationships can be explained by streamer-viewer
In addition, we will use T-tests to compare the means of two groups, for instance, viewers who
report stronger parasocial relationships vs. those who don't. This will help in determining if there are
significant differences between the two groups in terms of their engagement behaviors.
Moreover, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) will be used. For example, comparing engagement
behaviors across different categories of streamers (based on their frequency of interaction, type of
content, etc.).
Finally, Correlation Analysis will be conducted to understand the strength and direction of the
relationship between two variables. For instance, understanding the relationship between the
frequency of interaction and viewer engagement.

Building on these statistical methods, we will develop two distinct frameworks. The first framework
will be dedicated to evaluating the quality of interaction between streamers and viewers. This
framework will integrate findings from Descriptive Statistics and Regression Analysis to assess how
different aspects of streamer-viewer interaction (such as frequency, type, and responsiveness)
contribute to the overall quality of interaction. Key indicators in this framework will include metrics
derived from viewer feedback, interaction frequency, and the nature of the interactions (e.g.,
personal anecdotes, direct acknowledgments).
The second framework will focus on evaluating the strengths of parasocial relationships. This will
involve a comprehensive analysis combining T-tests, ANOVA, and Correlation Analysis to understand
the depth and nature of the relationships viewers form with streamers. We will examine factors such
as the duration and intensity of viewer engagement, emotional investment, and perceived closeness.
This framework aims to quantify the strength of these parasocial relationships and identify the key
drivers that contribute to their development.
Both frameworks will be designed to provide actionable insights. The interaction quality framework
will help streamers optimize their engagement strategies for better viewer relationships, while the
parasocial relationship framework will offer a deeper understanding of viewer loyalty and
attachment. Together, these frameworks will provide a holistic view of the dynamics of streamer-
viewer interactions on Twitch and similar platforms

2.5 Ethical Consideration

2.5.1 Informed Consent

Before participating in the study, all participants will be provided with an informed consent
form. This form will clearly outline the purpose of the research, the nature of their involvement,
potential risks, and their rights as participants. They will be informed that their participation is entirely
voluntary, and they can withdraw from the study at any point without any repercussions.
2.5.2 Anonymity and Confidentiality
To protect the privacy of participants, all data collected will be anonymized. Participants will
not be asked for any personally identifiable information, and any indirect identifiers will be coded or
removed during the data analysis phase. All data will be stored securely, with access restricted to only
the research team. Once the research is completed, the raw data will be securely destroyed after a
specified period.

2.5.3 Transparency
Participants will be informed about the objectives of the research, the methods used, and the
potential implications of the findings. There will be no deception involved, and any changes to the
research protocol will be communicated to the participants.

2.5.4 Questionnaire Design

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