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1. Genetics — branch of biology that studies heredity

2. Gene: functional unit of heredity. It is a fragment of DNA that contains the information for a
protein that will define a trait (for example, color of the eyes)
3. Heredity — passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring
4. Trait — characteristic that is inherited. For example: color of the eyes
5. Allele — alternative forms of a gene for each variation of a trait of an organism. For example:
regarding the trait “color of the eyes” the different alleles could be blue, brown, green…
6. Locus/loci: physical place of a trait in a chromosome
7. Dominant — observed trait of an organism that mask the recessive form of a trait
8. Recessive — trait of an organism that can be masked by the dominant form of a trait
9. Heterozygous/ hybrid — when there are two different alleles for a trait
10. Homozygous — when there are two identical alleles for a trait
11. Genotype — combination of genes in an organism
12. Phenotype — outward appearance of an organism. It is usually the result of the genetics of
the individual plus the influence of the environment
13. Diploid — cell with two of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a diploid, or 2n, number
of chromosomes
14. Haploid — cell with one of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a haploid or n, number
of chromosomes.
15. Homologous chromosome — paired chromosomes with genes from the same traits arranged in
the same order.
16. Crossing over — exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids from
homologous chromosome during prophase I of meiosis; results in new allele combinations
17. Genetic recombination — major source of genetic variation among organisms caused by
re-assortment or crossing over during meiosis
18. Gamete — male and female sex cells, sperm and eggs/ovules
19. Meiosis — type of cell division where one body cell produces four gametes, each containing
half the number of chromosomes in a parent’s body.
20. Egg/ovule — haploid female sex cell produced by meiosis
21. Sperm — haploid male sex cells produced by meiosis
22. Fertilization — fusion of male and female gametes
23. Zygote — diploid cell formed when a sperm fertilizes an egg.
24. Sexual reproduction — pattern of reproduction that involves the production of subsequent
fusion of haploid cells.

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