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Finite-Time Filtering for Fuzzy Nonlinear Semi-Markov Jump Systems With Deception Attacks and Aperiodical Transmission

Journal Pre-proof

Finite-Time Filtering for Fuzzy Nonlinear Semi-Markov Jump

Systems With Deception Attacks and Aperiodical Transmission

Guangtao Ran, Jian Liu, Chuanjiang Li, Hongtian Chen,

Chunsong Han

PII: S0016-0032(21)00496-8
Reference: FI 5234

To appear in: Journal of the Franklin Institute

Received date: 1 March 2021

Revised date: 12 June 2021
Accepted date: 22 July 2021

Please cite this article as: Guangtao Ran, Jian Liu, Chuanjiang Li, Hongtian Chen, Chunsong Han,
Finite-Time Filtering for Fuzzy Nonlinear Semi-Markov Jump Systems With Decep-
tion Attacks and Aperiodical Transmission, Journal of the Franklin Institute (2021), doi:

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Finite-Time Filtering for Fuzzy Nonlinear Semi-Markov
Jump Systems With Deception Attacks and
Aperiodical Transmission

Guangtao Rana , Jian Liub , Chuanjiang Lia,∗, Hongtian Chenc , Chunsong Hand
a Department of Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin
150001, China
b School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
c Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

T6G 1H9, Canada

d School of Mechatronics Engineering, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, China

This paper investigates finite-time event-triggered filtering problems for fuzzy
nonlinear semi-Markov jump systems (S-MJSs) subject to deception attacks.
First, an interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy S-MJSs is presented that can capture pa-
rameter uncertainties, in which the stochastic behavior is described by semi-
Markov process while the sojourn-time obeys non-exponential distribution. Sec-
ond, we design an adaptive event-triggered mechanism (AETM) for IT2 fuzzy
S-MJSs that can save network resources, in which the triggered parameter can
be automatically adjusted with the error information rather than a fixed value.
Third, a hidden-Markov model is employed to represent the asynchronous situa-
tion between the filter and system. Then, a new IT2 fuzzy filtering error system
is modeled by taking the effects of random deception attacks and AETM into
consideration. Moreover, finite-time boundedness (FTB) analysis and a filter
design method are proposed. Finally, an example is given to verify the effec-
tiveness of the finite-time event-triggered filtering algorithm.
Keywords: semi-Markov jump systems (S-MJSs), interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy
model, hidden-Marov model, finite-time boundedness (FTB), event-triggered

1. Introduction

Over the past half-century, the type-1 Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems
have received extensive attention in the control community because of their abil-
ity to deal with nonlinear systems well [1]. Although the type-1 fuzzy set theory

∗ Correspondingauthor
Email address: (Chuanjiang Li)

Preprint submitted to Journal of LATEX Templates August 25, 2021

5 can be used to handle nonlinear systems, the parameter uncertainties of non-
linear systems cannot be dealt with well. In fact, the parameter uncertainties
are inevitable in the process of system modeling, which could degrade systems
accuracy. Fortunately, an interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy model was proposed to
model the nonlinear plants with parameter uncertainties [2]. Subsequently, some
10 research works based on the IT2 fuzzy sets were reported and can be seen in
[3, 4, 5, 6].
On the other hand, some random factors directly affect the practical system,
such as accidental changes in the environment and damage to system compo-
nents [7, 8]. As we can observe, the Markov jump systems (MJSs) are an
15 efficacious tool for dealing with these unexpected phenomena [9, 10, 11, 12]. In
order to describe the model more accurately, many researchers have given the
results of the semi-Markov jump model [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. The reliable
filtering problem was considered for uncertain S-MJSs in [13]. In [14], the fault
detection problem was solved for continuous-time IT2 fuzzy S-MJSs. A mixed
20 estimator was designed for a class of nonlinear S-MJSs in [15]. Some other re-
sults on S-MJSs can be found in [19, 20, 21]. Moreover, most of the classical
control and filtering problems only give stability conditions but do not consider
the time for state convergence. Nevertheless, it should worth mentioning that
there are certain requirements for the control accuracy and convergence time.
25 Kamenkov proposed the concept of finite time stability, which guarantees the
convergence in finite time [22]. Due to the superiority of finite time conver-
gence, it has also been applied to the stability analysis of fuzzy systems, and
many results have emerged [23, 24, 25, 26]. The authors in [23] addressed the
filtering problem for discrete-time fuzzy systems and proposed a new finite-time
30 stability conditions. For continuous-time MJSs, the authors in [24] provided a
robust finite-time control algorithm.
However, the aforementioned work was based on a common assumption that
the sensor is periodic-triggered, which implies that all the sampled signals need
to be transmitted into the next node through communication networks without
35 concerning the limited network bandwidth and network resource. In fact, it
is unnecessary to transmit all sampled signals to the node when the states of
the controlled plant are close to the equilibrium point. Thus, traditional time-
triggered systems waste lots of network communication resources. In recent
years, the event-triggered scheme (ETS) has drawn considerable attention due
40 to its advantages in improving the utilization of the limited network bandwidth
and saving network resources [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]. In [27], the H∞ filtering
problem was addressed via a weighted try-once-discard protocol. A dissipative
asynchronous controller was developed for the IT2 MJSs with sensor saturation
and actuator nonlinearity [29]. In [32], a team-triggered algorithm was proposed
45 for double-integrator agents. The event-triggered mechanism has also been ex-
tended to the study of filtering problems S-MJSs [33, 34, 35, 36]. In [34], the
guaranteed cost finite-time control problem was considered for S-MJSs by an
event-triggered scheme and the reliable extended passive control problem was
addressed in [35]. In [36], a finite-time sliding mode controller was designed to
50 solve actuator-faults problems. Furthermore, a new ETS with an adaptive law

was developed to further save computing resources and transmission resources
[37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42]. Herein, the event-triggered function is developed by
designing the adaptive law for the threshold.
Furthermore, for the wireless channel, the cyber-attacks can not be ignored
55 when the signal is transmitted, especially considering the event-triggered con-
trol. Among the attacks, deception attacks are what we need to consider most
because it leads to serious threats to systems [43, 44, 45, 46]. In [43] an event-
triggered dynamic output feedback controller was designed for MJSs with de-
ception attacks. The nonhomogeneous MJSs with asynchronous modes was
60 considered in [44]. For the the Markov jump singularly perturbed systems, the
nonstationary quantized control problem was solved in [45]. In [47], the static
output feedback control problem was addressed for disturbed MJSs with ran-
domly deception attacks asynchronous mode information.
Although there are some results about filtering for S-MJSs, some issues
65 worthy to discuss further. The first one is that the designed filter is mode-
independent in [48], which means that all the system modes only correspond to
one filter gain. The second one is that the threshold parameter of the designed
ETS in [33] is set to be a fixed value, which cannot truly reflect the dynamics of
the system, thereby leading to a certain conservatism. The third one is that the
70 proposed method in [33, 48, 49] cannot be applied to S-MJSs with uncertainties,
but the uncertainties are inevitable in practical systems.
Motivated by these observations, this paper investigates the problem of
finite-time filter design for nonlinear S-MJSs with deception attacks and aperi-
odical transmission via IT2 T-S fuzzy models. The contributions are listed as
75 follows:
1) Different from [33, 48, 49], we consider a more practical IT2 fuzzy S-MJSs
that covers more complex situations: complex stochastic process, delay, decep-
tion attacks, asynchronous modes, and the limited network resources.
2) Compared with the existing works [33, 49], in this paper, the designed
80 filter can guarantee the FTB of the IT2 fuzzy S-MJSs, rather than infinite-time
interval. Moreover, the hidden-Markov model is introduced to describe the re-
lationships between system mode and filter mode.
3) The adaptive event-triggered mechanism (AETM) is designed to guaran-
tee that the IT2 T-S fuzzy S-MJSs are finite-time boundedness (FTB). Different
85 from the studies [48, 49], the proposed method can not only guarantee the per-
formance of the filtering error system but also reduce unnecessary waste of
communication resources.
The rest parts are organized as follows: In Sec. 2, some basic results are
presented. The main results are given in Sec. 3. Sec. 4 provides an example.
90 The conclusions are summarized in Sec. 5.

Notation: Let Rn denote n-dimensions Euclidean space; Let N denote the

positive integer; M > 0 (M ≥ 0) and M < 0 (M ≤ 0) stand for positive def-
inite (semi-definite) and negative definite (semi-definite) matrix, respectively;
95 He{W } represents W + W T and Ξ{·} stands for mathematical expectation op-
erator; Let ’−1’ denote the inverse of the matrix and ’T ’ stand for the transpose

Fig. 1: The diagram of the system

of the matrix; λmin (W ) (λmax (W )) denotes the minimum (maximum) eigen-

value of W . Besides, I and 0 represent the identity matrices and zero matrix
with suitable dimensions. Moreover, ∗ is the symmetric term.

100 2. Problem Statement

2.1. Fuzzy S-MJSs Model
Consider the following S-MJSs modelled by IT2 fuzzy sets:
Plant Rule i: IF F1 (x(t)) is Ni1 , F2 (x(t)) is Ni2 ,..., and FK (x(t)) is NiK , THEN

 ẋ(t) = Aϑt i x(t) + Bϑt i ν(t)
y(t) = Cϑt i x(t) + Dϑt i ν(t) (1)

z(t) = Eϑt i x(t)
where Fi (x(t)) and Nik (i ∈ O1 = {1, 2, ..., r}; k ∈ O2 = {1, 2, ..., K}) respectively
105 denote the premise variable and IT2 fuzzy set, in which r is the number of
fuzzy rules; x(t) ∈ Rnx and y(t) ∈ Rny denote state vector and measured
output, respectively; ν(t) ∈ Rnν represents external disturbance input that be-
longs to L2 [0, ∞); z(t) ∈ Rnz is the signal to be estimated in the later; Aϑt i ,
Bϑt i , Cϑt i , Dϑt i , and Eϑt i are known system matrices with suitable dimensions;
110 {ϑt , δ}t≥0 := {ϑp , δp }p≥1 (p ∈ N) represents the semi-Markov process taking
values in the finite set O3 = {1, 2, ..., N1 }, and it is governed by the following
probability transitions:

 Pr {ϑp+1 = n, δp+1 ≤ w + ∆|ϑp = m, δp+1 > w}

= ρmn (w)∆ + o(∆), m 6= n

 Pr {ϑ p+1 = n, δp+1 > w + ∆|ϑp = m, δp+1 > w}

= 1 + ρmn (w)∆ + o(∆), m = n
where δp is sojourn time between adjacent modes, lim o(w) w = 0; ρmn (w)
denotes the transition rate from mode m to n when m 6= n and ρmm (w)= −

n=1,n6=m ρmn (w). Inspired by [2, 30], the activation intensity corresponding to
the i-th rule can be written as ~i (x(t)) ∈ [~L
iQ(x(t)), ~U
i (x(t))], where ~i (x(t)) =
∂=1 µNi∂ (F∂ (x(t))) ≥ 0 and ~i (x(t)) =
∂=1 µNi∂ (F∂ (x(t))) ≥ 0 are lower
and upper grades (LAUGs) of membership function, respectively. µL Ni∂ and
Ni∂ are lower and upper membership functions, respectively. Then, the overall
120 IT2 S-MJSs fuzzy model (1) can be inferred as

 ẋ(t) = Amh x(t) + Bmh ν(t)
y(t) = Cmh x(t) + Dmh ν(t) (3)

z(t) = Emh x(t)

where P Pr Pr
Amh = Pi=1 ~i (x(t))Aϑt i , Bmh = Pi=1 ~i (x(t))Bϑt i , CP mh = i=1 ~i (x(t))Cϑt i ,
r r r
Dmh = i=1 ~i (x(t))Dϑt i , Emh = i=1 ~i (x(t))Eϑt i , i=1 ~i (x(t)) = 1,
~i (x(t)) = αiU (x(t))~U L L L U
i (x(t))+αi (x(t))~i (x(t)), in which αi (x(t)) and αi (x(t))
125 are nonlinear functions with 0 ≤ αi (x(t)) ≤ 1, 0 ≤ αi (x(t)) ≤ 1, αi (x(t)) +
αiU (x(t)) = 1.

2.2. AETM
Considering the limited network resources in the practice system, we employ
an AETM to alleviate the burden of communication network and save network
130 resources. As shown in Fig. 1, the sampled data y(sk h) can be transmitted only
violating the following condition:

eTy (t)Xm ey (t) ≤ ε(t)y T (tk h)Xm y(tk h) (4)

where ey (t) = y(tk h) − y(sk h) is the error between latest transmitted signal
y(tk h) and current sampled signal y(sk h); tk h and sk h = tk h + Ch are latest
transmitted instant and current sampling instant, respectively; Xm denotes
135 the weighting matrix to be designed later for m ∈ O3 . ε(t) is the triggered
parameter, similar to the existing [50], which is determined by the following law
ε(t) = ε + (ε̄ − ε) exp−κky(sk h)−y(tk h)k (5)

where ε and ε̄ are predefined scalars that satisfy 0 < ε < ε̄ ≤ 1; κ > 0 is applied
to regulate the sensitivity of the ky(sk h) − y(tk h)k . According to (4) and (5),
the next triggered instant can be formulated as follows

tk+1 h = tk h + min Ch|eTy (t)Xm ey (t) > ε(t)y T (tk h)Xm y(tk h) (6)

140 It is worthy notice that network-induced delay always exists in practical

control systems. Therefore, network-induced delay  is also considered in this
work. Here, we assume that the delay is dtk ∈ 0, d¯ . By using method in
[30, 50], the time interval of the two adjacent triggers can be presented as
tk h + dtk , tk+1 h + dtk+1 = ∪ Ωu , where Ωp denotes the p-th sub-interval.

145 Define

 t − tk h, t ∈ Ω0
d(t) = t − tk h − ih, t ∈ Ωi , i = 1, 2, ..., L0 − 1 (7)

t − tk h − L0 h, t ∈ ΩL0
which satisfies 0 ≤ d(t) ≤ h + d¯ = dM , t ∈ tk h + dtk , tk+1 h + dtk+1 . Overall,
we can derive y(tk h) = ey (t) + y(t − d(t)).

Remark 1. Different from the current results [33, 48, 49], this paper designs
the ATEM (4) to save network resources. It can be observed that the current
150 sampling signal can only be transmitted when the triggering condition (4) is
violated. In addition, it can be found that there is at least one sampling interval
h between two triggering interval. Therefore, the designed AETM (4) can avoid
Zeno behavior. Furthermore, the threshold of the designed AETM (4) can be
dynamically adjusted with the system. Therefore, the method proposed in this
155 paper contains the static case [33, 51].

Remark 2. Note that the triggered parameter is regulated by the condition

(5). When the error ey (t) increases, the triggered parameter will decrease, and
the triggered condition will be relatively loose. On the contrary, when the error
ey (t) decreases, the trigger parameter will increase, so the triggered condition
160 is rather strict, and the purpose of reducing the data transmission is realized.

2.3. Deception Attacks

On the other hand, data is vulnerable to cyber-attacks during transmission.
These attacks can affect the regular operation of the system or even breakdown.
Hence, we consider a typical type of cyber-attacks that is deception attacks in
165 this paper. The characteristic of deception attacks is that the adversary injects
false information into data to achieve the purpose of disrupting the integrity of
data. According to this feature, we assume that the system is subject to random
deception attacks, and the real filter input can be expressed as:

ỹ(t) = χ(t)f (t) + (1 − χ(t)) y(tk h) (8)

where f (t) ∈ Rny is the spurious signal sent by attacker, which satisfies the
170 following energy constraint [51]:

kF y(t)k2 ≥ kf (t)k2 . (9)

χ(t) is applied to describe random deception attacks and satisfies Bernoulli

distributed as follows:

Pr {χ(t) = 1} = Ξ {χ(t)} = χ1 , Pr {χ(t) = 0} = χ̄1 = 1 − χ1 , χ1 ∈ [0, 1]. (10)

Remark 3. It should worth noticing that χ(t) = 1 means that deception at-
175 tacks occur. On the contrary, no deception attacks occur when χ(t) = 0.

2.4. IT2 Fuzzy Filter
In this paper, we consider the following filter:
Filter Rule j: IF E1 (x(tk h)) is Mj1 , E2 (x(tk h)) is Mj2 ,..., and Eq (x(tk h)) is
Mjq , THEN
ẋf (t) = Af$t j xf (t) + B$
f (11)
zf (t) = E$t j xf (t)

180 where xf (t) denotes the state of filter; Af$t j , B$

, and E$ tj
are parameter
matrices to be designed; variable $t ($t ∈ O4 = {1, 2, ..., N2 }) is employed to
describe the asynchronous phenomenon and satisfies the conditional probability
matrix Υ = {ςml } with
Pr {$t = l|ϑp = m} = ςml , ςml = 1, (12)

The following interval sets present the firing strength of the j-th rule:

λ̄j (x(tk h)) ∈ [λ̄L U

j (x(tk h)), λ̄j (x(tk h))], j = 1, 2, ..., r. (13)

185 Let $t = l and xµ = x(tk h). Then, by using fuzzy inference, we have

ẋf (t) = Alλ xf (t) + Blλ ỹ(t)
zf (t) = Elλ xf (t)

r P
r P
Alλ = λ̄j Af$t j , Blλ = f
λ̄j B$ t j , Elλ = f
λ̄j B$ tj
j=1 j=1 j=1
βjL (xµ )λ̄L U U
j (xµ )+βj (xµ )λ̄j (xµ )
0 < λ̄j = λ̄j (xµ ) = Pr L L U U ,
j=1 (βj (xµ )λ̄j (xµ )+βj (xµ )λ̄j (xµ ))
0 ≤ βj (xµ ) ≤ 1, 0 ≤ βj (xµ ) ≤ 1, βj (xµ ) + βj (xµ ) = 1.
 T _
Let x(t) = xT (t) xTf (t)
_ _
190 , z (t) = z(t) − zf (t), χ̄(t) = 1 − χ(t), and ν (t) =
 T T
ν (t) ν T (t − d(t)) . For the sake of simplicity, ~i (x(t)) is replaced by ~i .
Combining with (3), (8), and (14), the filtering error system can be represented

 _˙ _ _
 x(t) = Ãmlhλ x(t) + B̃mlhλ1 x(t − d(t)) + B̃mlhλ2 f (t)
+ B̃mlhλ3 ey (t) + B̃mlhλ4 ν (t) (15)

 _ _
z (t) = Ẽmlhλ x(t)

r P
r P
r P
195 Ãmlhλ = ~iλ̄j Amlhλ , B̃mlhλ1 = ~iλ̄j Bmlhλ1 ,
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
Pr P r P
r P
Ẽmlhλ = ~iλ̄j Emlhλ , B̃mlhλ3 = ~iλ̄j Bmlhλ3 ,
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
Pr P r
B̃mlhλ4 = ~iλ̄j Bmlhλ4 ,
i=1 j=1

Ami 0 0 0 0 0
Amlhλ = f , Bmlhλ1 = f + χ̃(t) f ,
0 Alj χ̄1 Blj Cmi 0 −Blj Cmi 0
0 0 0 0
Bmlhλ2 = χ̃(t) f + f , Bmlhλ3 = f + χ̃(t) f ,
Blj χ1 Blj χ̄1 Blj −Blj
Bmi 0 0 0
200 Bmlhλ4 = f + χ̃(t) f ,
0 χ̄1 Blj Dmi 0 −Blj Dmi
h i
Emlhλ = Emi −Elj , χ̃(t) = χ(t) − χ1 , Ξ {χ̃(t)} = 0, Ξ {χ̃(t)χ̃(t)} = χ1 χ̄1 .
Before we give the main result, the following definitions and lemma are listed
for the convenience of later analysis.
Definition 1. Given a positive matrix P , positive scalars c1 , c2 , cv , and Tf ,
205 with c1 < c2 , the filtering error system (15) is FTB w.r.t. (c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P ) for
any t ∈ [0, Tf ], if the following inequalities hold:
_T _ ˙T
_ ˙
sup Ξ x (θ)P x(θ), x (θ)P x(θ) ≤ c1 , (16)
−dM ≤θ≤0

Z Tf n T o
_T _ _ _
ν (θ) ν (θ)dθ ≤ cν , Ξ x (t)P x(t) ≤ c2 . (17)

Definition 2. Given a positive matrix P , positive scalars c1 , c2 , cv , and Tf ,

with c1 < c2 , the filtering error system (15) is FTB with a prescribed perfor-
210 mance level w.r.t. (c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P, γ) for any t ∈ [0, Tf ], if the filtering error
system (15) is FTB w.r.t. (c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P ) and under zero initial condition the
following condition is ensured for any non-zero ν(t) ∈ L2 [0, ∞):
(Z ) ( Z )
Tf Tf
_T _T
< Ξ γ2
_ _
Ξ z (θ) z (θ)dθ ν (θ) ν (θ)dθ (18)
0 0

Lemma 1 [52]: For any positive

 definite matrix Q = QT > 0, vector ẋ(·) :
[−dM , 0] → Rn , and ≥ 0, the following inequality holds:
∗ Q
− ẋT (s)Q
t−dM ẋ(s)ds 
−Q Q−S S
≤ d1M MT (t)  ∗ −2Q + S T + S Q − S  M(t)
∗ ∗ −Q
215 where MT (t) = xT (t) xT (t − d(t)) xT (t − dM ) .

3. Main Results

This section firstly presents a sufficient condition that the filtering error
system (15) remains FTB via the AETM and has H∞ performance. Then, the
existence condition of the filter is provided for the filtering error system (15).

220 3.1. H∞ FTB Performance Analysis
Theorem 1. Given scalars µ > 0, c1 > 0, c2 > 0, cv > 0, Tf > 0, 0 ≤ χ1 ≤
1, 0 < ε̄ ≤ 1, and matrix P > 0, the filtering error systems (15) is FTB w.r.t.
(c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P ) and satisfy with a prescribed H∞ performance
 level γ̃ > 0, if
there exist matrices Gmli , Q > 0, R > 0, Ym > 0, ≥ 0, Xm > 0, for
∗ R
225 each i, j ∈ O1 , m ∈ O3 , l ∈ O4 , such that the following conditions hold:
ςml Gmli − R − Q < 0 (19)

Λmlii < 0 (20)

Λmlij + Λmlji < 0, i < j (21)

c1 (b1 + b2 + b3 ) + γ 2 cν
 ≤ c2 (22)
exp−µTf λmin P −1/2 Ym P −1/2

where  
mlij Λ12
mlij Λ13
mlij Λ14
 ∗ −R 0 0 
Λmlij =  ∗
0 
∗ −R
∗ ∗ ∗ −I
 
ψ11 ψ12 WT ψ14 ψ15 ψ16
 ∗ ψ22 W T − RT ψ24 0 ψ26 
 
 0 
Λ11 =  ∗ ∗ ψ33 0 0 ,
mlij  ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ44 0 ψ46 
 
 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −χ1 I 0 
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ66
Λmlij = dM Amlhλ B̄mlhλ1 0 B̄mlhλ3 B̄mlhλ2 B̄mlhλ4 ,
13 √  T
Λmlij = dM χ1 χ̄1 0 Σ1 0 Σ2 Σ3 Σ4 ,
Λmlij = Emlhλ 0 0 0 0 0 ,
PN1 Cmi  
235 ψ11 = Q − R + He {Ym Amlhλ } + n=1 ρ̄mn Yn + χ1 F T F Cmi 0 ,
ψ12 = Ym B̄mlhλ1 + RT − W T ,
ψ14 = Ym B̄mlhλ3 , ψ15 =  YmTB̄mlhλ2
ψ16 = Ym B̄mlhλ4 + χ1 F T F 0 Dmi ,
ψ22 = W T + W − 2R + ε̄ Xm Cmi 0 ,
 T   T 
Cmi Cmi  
240 ψ24 = ε̄ Xm , ψ26 = ε̄ Xm 0 Dmi ,
0 0
ψ33 = − l=1 ςml Gmli , ψ44 = (ε̄ − I) Xm , ψ46 = ε̄Xm 0 Dmi ,

0 T
ψ66 = χ1 T F F 0 Dmi + ε̄ T Xm 0 Dmi − γ 2 I,
Dmi Dmi
0 0 0
B̄mlhλ1 = f , B̄mlhλ2 = f ,
χ̄1 Blj Cmi 0 χ1 Blj
0 Bmi 0
B̄mlhλ3 = f , B̄mlhλ4 = f ,
χ̄1 Blj 0 χ̄1 Blj Dmi
0 0 0 0 0 0
245 Σ1 = f , Σ 2 = f , Σ 3 = f , Σ 4 = f ,
−Blj Cmi 0 −Blj Blj 0 −Blj Dmi
b1 = λmax P Ym P −1/2 , b2 = dM expµdM λmax P −1/2 QP −1/2 ,
d 3 
b3 = 2M expµdM λmax P −1/2 W P −1/2 .

Proof: Choose the following Lyapunov-Krasovskii function

_ _
V ( x(t), m, t) = Vg ( x(t), m, t) (23)

250 where
_ _T _
V1 ( x(t), m, t) = x (t)Ym x(t),
R t _T _
V2 ( x(t), m, t) = t−dM expµ(t−s) x (s)Q x(s)ds,
R0 Rt _˙T ˙
V3 ( x(t), m, t) = dM −dM t+θ expµ(t−s) x (s)R x(s)dsdθ,
By computing the weak infinitesimal operator ` [·] [53] of (23), it yields that
h i X3 h i
_ _
` V ( x(t), m, t) = ` Vg ( x(t), m, t) , (24)

255 where
h i
` V1 ( x(t), m, t)
_ _
= ` x (t)Ym x(t)
h nP
1 N1
= lim+ ∆ Ξ n,n6=m Pr {ϑp+1 = n, δp+1 ≤ w + ∆|ϑp = m, δp+1 > w}
_T _
× x (t + ∆)Yn x(t + ∆) +
o Pr {ϑp+1 = m, δip+1 > w + ∆|ϑp = m, δp+1 > w}
_T _ _T _
260 × x (t + ∆)Ym x(t + ∆) − x (t)Ym x(t)
h nP
1 N1 Pr{ϑp+1 =n,ϑp =m}
= lim ∆ Ξ n,n6=m Pr{ϑp =m}
Pr{δp+1 ≤w+∆,δp+1 >w|ϑp+1 =n,ϑp =m} _T _
× Pr{δp+1 >w|ϑp =m} x (t + ∆)Yn x(t + ∆)
o i
Pr{δp+1 >w+∆|ϑp =m} _T _ _T _
+ Pr{δ p+1 >w|ϑp =m}
x (t + ∆)Y m x(t + ∆) − x (t)Ym x(t)
h nP
1 N1 Fm (w+∆)−Fm (w) _T _
= lim ∆ Ξ n,n6=m gmn 1−Fm (w) x (t + ∆)Yn x(t + ∆)
∆→0+ o i
T _T
+ 1−F m (w+∆) _ _ _
1−Fm (w) x (t + ∆)Ym x(t + ∆) − x (t)Ym x(t) ,
h i Rt
_ _T _ _T _
` V2 ( x(t), m, t) = µ t−dM expµ(t−s) x (s)Q x(s)ds + x (t)Q x(t)

_T _
− x (t − dM )Q x(t − dM ),
h i R0 Rt
_ _˙T ˙
_ ˙T
_ ˙
` V3 ( x(t), m, t) = µ −dM t+θ expµ(t−s) x (s)R x(s)dsdθ + d2M x (t)R x(t)
Rt ˙T
_ ˙
− dM t−dM x (s)R x(s)ds.
270 where Fm (w) denotes the cumulative distribution function of the residence time
Pr{ϑp+1 =n,ϑp =m}
w when the system is maintained on the mode m. gmn := Pr{ϑp =m} =
Pr{ϑp+1 = n|ϑp = m} stands for the probability density of the system switching
from m to n. According to Taylor expansion, the following formula can be
derived for giving small constant ∆.
_ _ ˙
x(t + ∆) = x(t) + x(t)∆ + o(∆) (25)

275 Similar to [53], we have

1 − Fm (w + ∆) Fm (w) − Fm (w + ∆)
lim = 1, lim = ρm (w) (26)
∆→0+ 1 − Fm (w) ∆→0+ ∆(1 − Fm (w))

Then defining ρmn (w) = ρm (w)gmn , m 6= n, it follows that

h i  T  XN1
_ _ _˙ _T _
` V1 ( x(t), m, t) = He x (t)Ym x(t) + x (t) ρ̄mn Yn x(t) (27)
where ρ̄mn = Ξ {ρmn (w)} = 0 ρmn (w) fm (w) dh, fm (w) indicates that the
probability density function of sojourn time w in mode m. Thus, (24) can be
rewritten as
h i
` V ( x(t), m, t)
 T  PN1
_ _˙ _T _
= He x (t)Ym x(t) + x (t) n=1 ρ̄mn Yn x(t)
Rt _T _ _T _ _T _
+µ t−dM expµ(t−s) x (s)Q x(s)ds + x (t)Q x(t) − x (t − dM )Q x(t − dM )
R0 Rt ˙
_˙ _˙ T

+µ −dM t+θ expµ(t−s) x (s)R x(s)dsdθ + d2M x (t)R x(t)
Rt ˙T
_ ˙
−dM t−dM x (s)R x(s)ds
Moreover, it follows from Lemma 1 that
Rt ˙T
_ _˙
−dM t−dM x (s)R x(s)ds
 _ T  
x(t) R −RT + W T −W T
≤ − x(t − d(t))   ∗ 2R − W − W T −RT + W T 

x(t − dM ) ∗ ∗ R (29)
 _ 
×  x(t − d(t)) 

x(t − dM )

Recalling (9), we can obtain

−χ1 f T (t)f T T
( (t) + χ1y (t)F  F y(t) T
Cmi T
Cmi _T
= ~i χ1 x (t) FTF x (t)
i=1 0 0
(  T   T )
_T Cmi 0 _ (30)
+He χ1 x (t) FTF T ν (t)
0 Dmi
   T )
_T 0 T 0 _ T
+χ1 ν (t) T F F T ν (t) − χ1 f (t)f (t) ≥ 0
Dmi Dmi
Define Gmlh = i=1 Gmli and combine (19), we can compute that
ςml Gmlh − R − Q < 0 (31)

280 According to the AETM (4), one has

−eTy (t)Xm ey (t) T

 + ε̄y (tk h)Xm  y(tTk h) 
_T Cmi
= ~i He ε̄ x (t − d(t)) Xm ey (t)
i=1   0
_T 0
+He ε̄ ν (t) T Xm ey (t)
( D mi )
 T   T
_T Cmi 0 _
+He ε̄ x (t − d(t)) Xm T ν (t) (32)
0 Dmi
 T   T T
_T Cmi Cmi _
+ε̄ x (t − d(t)) Xm x(t − d(t))
0 0 )
_T 0 0 _
+ε̄ ν (t) T Xm T ν (t) + ε̄eTy (t)Xm ey (t)
Dmi Dmi
≥ −eTy (t)Xm ey (t) + ε(t)y T (tk h)Xm y(tk h) ≥ 0

Using Schur complemet lemma, Λmlij < 0 is equal to the following condition:
 
−R 0 0
Λ̄mlij = Λ11
mlij − Πmlij
 ∗ −R 0  ΠTmlij < 0 (33)
∗ ∗ −I
where Πmlij = Λ12 Λ13 Λ14
mlij .
h mlij mlij i
T _T _T _T
Define ΘT (t) = _ x (t) x (t − d(t)) x (t − dM ) eTy (t) f T (t) ν (t) .
It follows from (23) to (33) that
n h i o
_ _ _T _ _T _
Ξ ` V ( x(t), m, t) − µV ( x(t), m, t) + z (t) z (t) − γ 2 ν (t) ν (t)
r P r (34)
≤ ~iλ̄j ΘT (t)Λ̄mlij Θ(t) < 0
i=1 j=1

285 The following inequality can be obtained by integral calculation of (34):
n o
_ _
Ξ exp−µt V ( x(t), m, t) − V ( x(0), ϑ0 , 0)
n R Rt o (35)
t _T _ _T _
< Ξ − 0 exp−µθ z (θ) z (θ)dθ + γ 2 0 exp−µθ ν (θ) ν (θ)dθ

It is easily to calculate from (23) that

n o
Ξ V ( x(0), ϑ0 , 0)
 _T _
≤ λmax P −1/2 Ym P −1/2 x (0)P x(0) n T o
 _ _
+dM expµdM λmax P −1/2 QP −1/2 sup Ξ x (θ)P x(θ) (36)
−dM ≤θ≤0  T 
d3M  ˙
_ ˙
+ 2 expµdM λmax P −1/2 W P −1/2 sup Ξ x (θ)P x(θ)
−dM ≤θ≤0
≤ c1 (b1 + b2 + b3 )

Similarly, we have
n o n n o T o
Ξ V ( x(t), m, t) ≥ Ξ λmin P −1/2 Ym P −1/2 x (t)P x(t)
_ _ _

Combining (35)–(37), it can be deduced that

n T o c1 (b1 + b2 + b3 ) + γ 2 cν
_ _
Ξ x (t)P x(t) ≤ −µT
 ≤ c2 (38)
exp fλ −1/2 Y P −1/2
min P m

Additionally, under zero initial condition, it can get from (35) that
(Z ) ( Z )
Tf Tf
_T _ 2 _T _
Ξ z (θ) z (θ)dθ < Ξ γ̃ ν (θ) ν (θ)dθ (39)
0 0

290 According to the Definition 2, the filtering error system is of FTB w.r.t.
p1 c2 , cν , Tf , P ) and satisfies with a prescribed H∞ performance level γ̃ =
γ 2 expµTf . This completes the proof.

Remark 4. It is worth pointing out that the constructed Lyapunov function

(23) is mode dependence. Compared with the traditional common Lyapunov
295 function, the derived conditions contain more useful information.

3.2. Fuzzy Finite-time Filter Design

H∞ FTB condition for the filtering error system is given in Theorem 1. How-
ever, the designed parameters can not be directly solved due to some nonlinear
items that exist in Theorem 1. Consequently, we will focus on designing the
300 filter in the form of linear matrix inequalities. Now, the following Theorem 2 is

Theorem 2. Given scalars s1 > 0, µ > 0, c1 > 0, c2 > 0, cv > 0, Tf > 0,
0 ≤ χ1 ≤ 1, 0 < ε̄ ≤ 1, and matrix P > 0, the filtering error systems is
FTB w.r.t. (c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P ) and satisfy with a prescribed H∞ performance level
305 γ̃ > 0, if there exist matrices
 Gmli, Q > 0, R > 0, Ym > 0, Ym1 > Ym2 > 0,
Q > 0, R > 0, Ym > 0, ≥ 0, Xm > 0, for each i, j ∈ O1 , m ∈ O3 ,
∗ R
l ∈ O4 , such that the following conditions hold:
ςml Gmli − R − Q < 0 (40)

≥0 (41)
∗ R

Λ̃mlii < 0 (42)


Λ̃mlij + Λ̃mlji < 0, i < j (43)

c1 (b1 + b2 + b3 ) + γ 2 cν
 ≤ c2 (44)
exp fλ −1/2 Y P −1/2
min P m

where  
mlij Λ̃12
mlij Λ̃13
mlij Λ14
 ∗ 2
−2s1 Ym + s1 R 0 0 

Λ̃mlij =  ,
∗ ∗ −2s1 Ym + s21 R 0 
∗ ∗ ∗ −I
 
ψ̃11 ψ̃12 WT ψ̃14 ψ̃15 ψ̃16
 ∗ ψ22 W T − RT ψ24 0 ψ26 
 
 ∗ ∗ ψ33 0 0 0 
11 
Λ̃mlij =  ,

 ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ44 0 ψ46 
 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −χ1 I 0 
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ66
315 Λ̃12
mlij = dM ζ1 ζ2 0 ζ3 ζ4 ζ5 ,
13 √  T
Λ̃mlij = dM χ1 χ̄1 0 Σ̃1 0 Σ̃2 Σ̃3 Σ̃4 ,
PN1 Cmi  
ψ̃11 = Q − R + He {ζ1 } + n=1 ρ̄mn Yn + χ1 FTF Cmi 0 ,
" # 0
Ym1 Ami −Āflj
ζ1 = , ψ̃12 = ζ2 + RT − W T ,
−Ym2 Ami Āflj
" # " #
f f
−B̄lj Cmi 0 −B̄lj
ζ2 = χ̄1 f , ψ̃14 = ζ3 , ζ3 = χ̄1 f ,
B̄lj Cmi 0 B̄lj
" #  T 
−B̄lj Cmi  
320 ψ̃15 = ζ4 , ζ4 = χ1 f , ψ̃16 = ζ5 + χ1 FTF 0 Dmi ,
B̄lj 0

" # " #
f f
Ym1 Bmi −χ̄1 B̄lj Dmi B̄lj Cmi 0
ζ5 = f , Σ̃1 = f ,
0 χ̄1 B̄lj Dmi −B̄lj Cmi 0
" # " #
f f
B̄lj 0 −B̄lj Dmi
Σ̃2 = f , Σ̃ 3 = − Σ̃ 2 , Σ̃ 4 = f ,
−B̄lj 0 B̄lj Dmi
Then, the corresponding parameters of the filter can be written as

Aflj = Ym2
−1 f f
Ālj , Blj −1 f
= Ym2 f
B̄lj , Elj f
= Ēlj . (45)

 For the sake
 of analysis, we decompose the matrix Ym into Ym =
Ym1 −Ym2
325 > 0. We can easily observe that Ym1 > Ym2 > 0. More-
−Ym2 Ym2
over, some variables are defined as follows:

Āflj = Ym2 Aflj , B̄lj

f f
= Ym2 Blj f
, Ēlj f
= Elj ,
 −1 −1
H = diag I, I, I, I, I, I, Ym R , Ym R , I . (46)

Then, premultiplying and postmultiplying both sides of (20) by H, we can

obtain that
 11 
Λ̃mlij Λ̃12
mlij Λ̃13
mlij Λ14
 ∗ −Ym R−1 Ym 0 0 
 <0 (47)
 ∗ ∗ −1
−Ym R Ym 0 
∗ ∗ ∗ −I
Inspired by [30], there always exists a scalar s1 > 0 such that Ym (−R) Ym ≤
330 −2s1 Ym + s21 R. Hence, it is not hard to obtain (40)-(44). This completes the

Remark 5. Note that Theorem 2 gives the existence conditions of the filter
parameters, and the filter gain can be obtained by selecting appropriate pa-
rameters. However, there is no optimal method for the selection of parameters,
335 which prompts us to conduct further research in future work.

4. Numerical Example

In this section, we will list the following numerical simulations to demon-

strate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
As shown in Fig. 2, an electric circuit model is considered [53], where it
340 contains parasitic capacitors and a nonlinear resistor. The characteristics of the
resistor can be presented as IR (t) = 0.2vc (t) vc2 (t) − 1 . It follows from Kirchoff
voltage that

Lm I˙Lm (t) = σ1 U − ILm (t)R − vcm  (48)
C v̇cm (t) = ILm (t) + σ2 U − 0.2vcm (t) vc2m (t) − 1

where Lm (t) and vcm (t) (m = 1, 2) represent the inductor current and ca-
pacitor voltage, respectively. σ1 = 0.01, σ2 = 0.005, R = 2; when m = 1,

Fig. 2: Electric circuit model with switching modes.

345 L1 = 0.1, C1 = 0.1; when m = 2, L1 = 0.2, C1 = 0.5. Let x1 (t) = IL (t) and
x2 (t) = vc (t). Then state vector can be expressed as x(t) = x1 (t) x2 (t) .
Moreover, U consider as disturbance input. By adopting IT2 fuzzy sets with
r = 2, we have
Plant Rule 1: IF x2 (t) is 0, THEN

 ẋ(t) = Am1 x(t) + Bm1 ν(t)
y(t) = Cm1 x(t) + Dm1 ν(t) (49)

z(t) = Em1 x(t)

Plant Rule 2: IF x2 (t) is −3 or 3, THEN

 ẋ(t) = Am2 x(t) + Bm2 ν(t)
y(t) = Cm2 x(t) + Dm2 ν(t) (50)

z(t) = Em2 x(t)

where  
  −20 −10 0.1
A11 B11  
=  10 2 0.05  , E11 = 0.3 −0.2 ,
C11 D11
0.5 −0.4 −0.3
 
  −10 −5 0.05
A12 B12  
= 2 0.4 0.01  , E12 = 0.2 −0.2 ,
C12 D12
0.3 −0.1 −0.2
 
  −20 −10 0.1
A21 B21  
355 = 10 −16 0.05  , E21 = 0.1 −0.5 ,
C21 D21
0.25 −0.2 −0.2
 
  −10 −5 0.05
A22 B22  
= 2 −3.2 0.01  , E22 = 0.1 −0.5 .
C22 D22
0.15 −0.3 −0.1
The LAUGs of membership functions of the plant and filter are given in the

Table 1: The values of a and b for different modes
modes a b
m=1 1 2
m=2 2 1

Table 2: The number of triggers for different ε̄

ε̄ 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Trigger number 27 22 18 17

2 2
~L1 (x2 (t)) = 1 − exp , ~1 (x2 (t)) = 1 − exp−x2 (t)/5 ,
−x2 (t)/9 U

360 ~L2 (x 2 (t)) = 1 − ~ U

1 (x2 (t)), ~ 2 (x2 (t)) = 1 − ~1 (x2 (t)),

αiL (x2 (t)) = 0.6 × sin (x2 (t))2 , αiU (x2 (t)) = 1 − αiL (x2 (t)),
−x22 (t)/7 U 2
1 (x2 (t)) = 1 − exp , λ̄1 (x2 (t)) = exp−x2 (t)/6 ,
λ̄L U U L
2 (x2 (t)) = 1 − λ̄1 (x2 (t)), λ̄2 (x2 (t)) = 1 − λ̄1 (x2 (t)),
βjL (x2 (t)) = 0.6 × sin (x2 (t))2 , βjU (x2 (t)) = 1 − βjL (x2 (t)).
365 Moreover, the switch modes obey the semi-Markov process and take values
in with the following transition matrix
η11 (w) η12 (w) −2w 2w
η(w) = =
η21 (w) η22 (w) 0.5w −0.5w
Assume that the sojourn time obeys the Weibull distribution and accords with
the probability density function fm (w) = abb wb−1 exp−(w/a) , w ≥ 0. Table I
gives the values of a and b for different switch modes. From Table I, we can
370 obtain f1 (w) = 2wexp−w and f2 (w)  = 0.5exp
. Based
 on the results, we
−1.7725 1.7725
then can calculate that Ξ {η(w)} = .
1 −1
Let the disturbance input ν(t) = 0.2 sin(t) × exp−0.3t , the upper bound of
delay d¯ = 0.1 , dM = 0.2, ε̄ = 0.3, ε = 0.1, κ = 0.5, χ1 = 0.5 and deception
attacks function f (t) = 0.2sin(x2 (t)) with the upper bounded  F =0.2. Besides,
0.5 0.5
the conditional probability matrix is chosen as Υ = . According
0.4 0.6
to Definition 2, set (c1 , c2 , cν , Tf , P ) = (0.1, 1, 1, 10, I). By solving the linear
matrices inequalities in Theorem 2, we can derive that
−18.4693 2.0369 −10.8753 −1.0381
Af11 = , Af12 = ,
 4.0141 −11.3711   0.7056 −2.7149 
−18.4693 2.0369 −10.8753 −1.0381
Af21 = , Af22 = ,
 4.0141  −11.3711   0.7056  −2.7149

f 1.0163 f 0.6356 f 1.0163
B11 = , B12 = , B21 = ,
−0.4204 −0.2489 −0.4204
   T  T
f 0.6356 f −0.0497 f 0.0468
B12 = , E11 = , E12 = ,
−0.2489 −0.0426 −0.1425
 T  T    
f −0.0497 f 0.0468 X1 0.4842
E21 = , E12 = , = .
−0.0426 −0.1425 X2 0.8455


System modes

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Filter modes


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 3: System and filter modes.

Let the initial state vector is x0 = xf 0 = [ 0.3 −0.3 ]T . The modes of

system and filter are depicted in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the trajectories of z(t)
and its estimated zf (t). Fig. 5 depicts the filtering error trajectories, we can see
375 that the filtering error is asymptotically converge to zero, which implies that
the filter design method is effective. Moreover, Fig. 6 reveals the parameter of
AETM, it can be found that ε(t) is updated over time, rather than a fixed value.
Under the AETM, the sampled must be satisfied the trigger condition before
to be transmitted. The real release instants and release intervals are shown in
380 Fig. 7. Table II depicts the release number for different ε̄. It can be seen from
Table II that as ε̄ increases, the release number decreases. Furthermore, the
energy curve of the filtering error system in finite time is shown in the Fig. 8.
Based on the simulation results, it is not hard to verify that the proposed AETM
can effectively save the networked bandwidth while guaranteeing the filtering
385 error system performance.

5. Conclusion

The finite-time event-triggered filtering problems were addressed for fuzzy

nonlinear S-MJSs with deception attacks. A hidden-Markov model was em-
ployed to represent the asynchronous situation between the filter and the sys-
390 tem. Moreover, a new IT2 fuzzy filtering error system was modeled by taking
the effects of random deception attacks and AETM into consideration. Fur-
thermore, FTB analysis and filter design method were proposed. Finally, an
example was given to verify the effectiveness of the finite-time event-triggered
filtering algorithm.










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 4: The curve of the z(t) and zf (t).


Estimate error


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 5: Filtering error.







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 6: The curve of the AETM.

The release instants and release intervals






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 7: Release instants and intervals.









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 8: Filtering error system energy in finite-time

395 Acknowledgments

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China under Grant 61876050, the China Scholarship Council under
Grant 202006120100, the Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research
Funds under Grant 2020Z081, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen-
400 tral Universities under Grant 2242021R20002, the China Postdoctoral Science
Foundation funded project under Grant 2021M690032, and the Equipment Pre-
research Field Fund (JZX7Y20190243001201).



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