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Name: Jocelyn D.

Course & Year Level: BEED, Level III
Professor: Ms. Sarah Jane Guban

Finals- Assignment 1

Compare and contrast the teacher-centric classroom from the Learner-centric classroom
by discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

The teacher-centric classroom and learner-centric classroom are both approaches used
for teaching and learning, Moreover, the comparison of these two methods, is teachers
and students in the classroom are both expressing themselves, absorbing and applying
the discussion and the information of the lesson that they are studying. differentiating
these two methods the teacher-centric approach mainly focuses on a teacher wherein the
students will just listen to the discussion and do the classroom activities or tasks
individually as this approach aims to foster the learning of students by doing it on their
own unlike the learner-centric classroom, it not just focus on a teacher but also to the
students because they are encouraged in collaborative learning, giving an opportunity to
all students to have the freedom to communicate and express themselves in a way that
they work in a group resulting to have an enthusiastic learning process. The advantage
of the teacher-centric classroom is that teacher facilitates the learning of students wherein
students must listen and keep quiet inside the classroom as the teacher are fully
responsible for what students should attain after the discussion, this approach is also an
efficient way for teachers to apply because it will show how a teacher handle and want to
discipline the class. However, there are also disadvantages to this approach, the students
are not engaged in collaborative work because the student must work on their own in a
way that students are independently learning to think creatively and critically and it is a
missed opportunity for the students to interact with their classmates because this
approach limits the ability of the students to develop their communicative skills and it
lessen the chance for the students to acquire more information as each of the students
do the activities by their own. The advantage of a student-centric classroom it develops
the communicative and collaborative skills of the students because they learn to work
with their classmates and are given an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas.
Moreover, this method is usually applied in a classroom setting because it fosters the
learning of the students as they exchange information and ideas about the activities, and
how their group should work to attain the knowledge in a lesson. But this approach can
also have disadvantages because it limits the time of discussion, as the students just
work on their classmates, additionally, it will be difficult for a teacher to assess all students
because some students have different learning styles and it can also be a challenge for
a teacher to manage all the activities at once in a classroom.

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