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My Thursday(August 24, 2023)

Today was a pleasant yet somewhat nerve-wracking

day. I woke up at 4 am for my school classes. This early
start is due to my school's location. I reached the
terminal by 5:30 am and arrive at school around 6:35 am.
Upon arriving, my classmates and I found out that our
Marketing class was canceled due to a student council
campaign event, lasting until 9 am. After the campaign,
during our recess, my friends and I gathered in our room,
awaiting the remaining three morning classes.
After classes, I had lunch with friends, bought some
snacks, and waited until 2 pm for our next session. The
nervousness I mentioned earlier peaked around 3 pm due to
a scheduled recitation in Fundamentals of Accounting. The
fear of not being able to answer weighed on me, but
fortunately, it went well, and I managed to respond to a
Once the accounting class ended, I checked my
messages and saw my cousin's chat. She proposed coming
over, but I explained I had a class until 5 pm. After the
class, I confirmed she could visit. Back home, I changed
and prepared for bed, then spent some time chatting with
both my special someone and my cousin before finally
going to sleep.

How was my sleep

Great Good Okay Not good Awful

Hours of sleep Wake up time

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