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There are times in our lives where we tend to close our eyes and try to see the person

would want to become in the future. We seemingly imagine a purposeful life to live where we
can offer ourselves the best and extend to our society the things that you can share as an expert
where you are good at something, where you can offer something, where you love what you are
doing. We introspect that one day we will become the person we have been working so hard to
become. Did we really achieve that dream? Are we in the place where we wanted to be? Are we
doing the things that we love? At some time, do we question ourselves what went wrong? Why
am I not in the place where I want to be? After achieving many things, why am I not satisfied? It
is because our physical self tends to keep on dreaming for more that we tend to forget that where
we are now is what we have been dreaming and praying before.

Few years ago, I prayed for the position where I am right now. But right now, I am
praying on becoming someone way better than I am right now. Although I am truly grateful for
the things that I have achieved, for the things that I have right now, for the people I am with and
I have with, and for who I am right now. I may not be perfect, but I strive to be better. Better
than who I am yesterday. I always put in mind that the only person I should strive to compete
with is my past self. I should grow each day. Finishing school is not the end, but the beginning of
the real battle for life and for your purpose. Am I in the right field? If you are happy and you are
living in bliss, then where you are right now is your place. I can say that I am living my life with
purpose. A purpose to take up space. Be part of the society where I can contribute to the
betterment of many. What is the purpose of being good if you cannot apply?

In my field, I am trained to stand in front of people and make an impact. My voice is not
just to be heard but to make a change. A change where I can touch lives and be part of their
journey to success. Being a teacher puts you to different organizations. We face couple of people
and everyone expects you to be good. I can say that I am very much proud to be a teacher. A
teacher who is also a painter. A teacher who is also a carpenter. A teacher who is also a singer. A
teacher who is also dancer. A teacher who is also a peace maker. But the best of all is a teacher
who has become a parent to his/her students. My profession and my mission do not just end in
school. I extend my knowledge and hand to my community. I am a leader right now to the youth
of my municipality and I am always saying that we are the true guardians of our society. Our
words are impactful. Our actions are gold. We have the power to achieve our dreams, and with
that we can provide the future generations a better place to enjoy and to learn. My purpose is to
continue bridging gaps. We need to connect to everyone for us to connect to the rest of the
world. We are talented individuals and we have so much to offer to our organizations. Be a
leader and be a follower.



In this course, we will learn many beneficial lessons and information by examining
individuals, groups and organization from the behavioral and structural point of view. Also about
employee motivation and satisfaction, communication, power and politics, the dynamics of
groups and teams, conflict management, and organization design and change. I believe with this
knowledge about these topics, I will look the work environment at a different perspective. I
believe this knowledge will give me the tools to understand how an organization works no matter
what the field of the business it is focused in. Also, working with individuals, it will be easier to
spot deficiencies in group settings and possibly fix them right away.
We will also learn about how organizations structure themselves and when and why different
structural types are preferred.

I found that the subject or topic was very informative and interesting. As a student, one of
the most important activities is to understand how people should behave in organizations, for me,
it’s school. I see that the nature of management is mainly power, influence and of course,
leadership. Managing has been essential to ensure coordination of every people’s efforts;
whether it’s for a group work project or for a larger society. And as society has to come to rely
increasingly on group effort, many are being performed in large tasks and the rising importance
of skills and expertise required to achieve roles involving leadership responsibilities. I am also
excited about how to be an effective leader which will involve working with other people’s goals
and motivations, which you can also learn from other people. Leadership leads you to listen to
others to understand them.

I know every career will surely involve working in organizations. The effectiveness and
efficiency were one of the most important key points to learn from the lesson and it provided me
more knowledge how your own effectiveness and efficiency at work depends on the
understanding of the organization you work in. It was also said that we will learn more on
management which is actually very critical and situational, management does not advice the best
way of doing things but the manager has to apply different approaches, principles and techniques
of management. I believe that management is the art of directing and also, inspiring people.
Organizations and Management has different functions that includes; planning, organizing,
staffing, directing etc. Management should be treated not only as a profession or science, but also
as an art. The art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best
possible way. I am open to learn more about the Organizations and Management from the future
lessons as I am also an aspiring student to gain the skills and specialty of being a leader and also
with an astounding behavior.

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