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Republic of the Philippines

City of Masbate


(Section 2548) - PA 205 Fundamentals of Statistics
1st Semester 2023-2024

Answer the following.

1. Discuss and give your own example of the application of statistics in:

a. Business forecasting

Answer: Let's consider a retail store as an example. The store manager wants to forecast
the sales of a specific product for the next year. They have monthly sales data for the past
three years. By applying statistical methods to the historical sales data and relevant
factors, the retail store manager can make a more accurate sales forecast. This allows
them to plan inventory, staffing, and marketing strategies more effectively, leading to
improved business decisions and ultimately increased profitability.

b. Market research

Answer: Consider a market research project aiming to assess customer satisfaction with a
new smartphone model. By utilizing statistical methods in market research, the team can
provide valuable insights to the smartphone manufacturer. They can identify which
customer segments are most satisfied with the product, pinpoint areas for improvement,
and make data-driven decisions to enhance the product and marketing strategies,
ultimately increasing market competitiveness and profitability.

c. Quality Control

Answer: Example on automotive manufacturing quality control, by using statistics in

quality control, organizations can reduce defects, improve product consistency, and
enhance customer satisfaction. In the automotive industry, this leads to safer and more
reliable vehicles, as well as cost savings due to reduced rework and warranty claims.

d. Insurance

Answer: Example on Auto Insurance Premium Calculation by utilizing statistics in

insurance, companies can make more accurate assessments of risk, set fair premiums, and
manage their finances effectively. These benefits both the insurance industry by
maintaining profitability and policyholders by ensuring that they receive the appropriate
coverage at a reasonable cost.

e. Job

Answer: Example on Employee Engagement Survey Analysis by applying statistics in

various job-related aspects, companies can make more data-driven decisions, whether in
hiring the right talent, assessing employee performance, or determining competitive
compensation. This, in turn, leads to better talent management, job satisfaction, and
overall business success.
2. Explain what these two statements mean:

a. “statistics is a kind of lie”

Answer: The statement "statistics is a kind of lie" is a provocative and somewhat

controversial way of expressing a common concern or criticism about the use of statistics.
It implies that statistics can be manipulated or misinterpreted to convey a certain
narrative or perspective, even if it doesn't accurately represent the underlying truth. It's
important to note that statistics, when used correctly and responsibly, are a valuable tool
for understanding and interpreting data. They can provide insights, guide decision-
making, and inform public discourse. However, the statement "statistics is a kind of lie"
underscores the importance of critical thinking, transparency, and responsible use of
statistics to ensure they accurately represent the underlying reality. In essence, statistics
themselves are not lies, but their interpretation and presentation can be misleading or
deceptive if not handled with care and integrity.

b. “figures do not lie, but liars’ figure”

Answer: The statement "figures do not lie, but liars’' figure" is a clever play on words
that highlights the idea that numerical data or facts themselves are typically accurate and
objective. However, people with dishonest intentions or biases can manipulate or present
these figures in a misleading or deceptive manner. In essence, the statement underscores
the importance of using data and statistics responsibly and truthfully. It suggests that the
integrity of the information lies not in the numbers themselves, which are inherently
accurate, but in how people choose to use, interpret, or present those numbers. It serves
as a reminder that we should critically evaluate the context and source of data to avoid
being misled by those who might present data in a misleading or biased manner.

3. Explain how statistics exist in your work place?

Answer: I am currently working at Provincial Office on Environment and Natural

Resources Management – Masbate. In a government agency focused on environmental
protection, statistics play a significant role in various aspects of the agency's work. For
example, on Resource Allocation: Statistics assist in resource allocation, ensuring that
limited resources are efficiently utilized. Environmental agencies use statistical data to
prioritize cleanup efforts, pollution control, or conservation initiatives. They may use
statistical techniques to identify areas with the greatest environmental risks, such as high
levels of air pollution, and allocate resources accordingly. Statistics are an integral part of
the decision-making processes in a government agency focused on environmental
protection. They aid in monitoring, regulation, and the development of policies that aim
to safeguard the environment and public health. These statistical insights help ensure that
environmental protection efforts are evidence-based, effective, and accountable.

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