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Final Project

Muneeb Ahmed 2201113

Khadijah Abbasi 2201032
Iqra Mobeen 2201027
Muhammad Shahab 2201115
M. Umair Khan 9191062
Syed Hassan Mubarik 2201104
Class: BBA – 7 – (Morning)
Submitted to: Dr. Farhina Hameed
Submission Date: June 05, 2023

National University of Modern Languages,

4 Kahayan-e-Johari, H 9/4 H-9, Islamabad.













All praises to Almighty Allah (The most merciful the most beneficial) who helped us to
complete our long report and the report in spite of various difficulties.
We are thankful to our Social Media Marketing teacher, Dr. Farhina Hameed, who supervised
our project and assist us whenever we need any help related to our project. We are thankful to
our teacher that give us such a Practical Project to make us better understand our topics related to
our subject and open our minds to feel confident for our future.

OXYGENKICKS footwear brand established by mistake when I purchased shoes for my
own use while sitting the thing clicks in my mind why can’t I sell it so I took pictures of
shoes and posted it on Facebook marketplace Instagram and within one week I sold that shoe
that’s how shoes trader founded. It is an online store which works remotely. It serves all
generation of men but mostly Middle-class people.


Internal Analysis
Origin Story:
OxygenKicks was founded through a serendipitous discovery when the owner purchased
shoes for personal use and decided to sell them after experiencing success on social media
Business Model:
OxygenKicks operates as an online store, providing convenience, flexibility, and cost
savings compared to brick-and-mortar establishments.
Product Range:
OxygenKicks offers a diverse selection of footwear options for men of all generations,
catering primarily to the middle-class demographic.

External Analysis
Market Overview:
The footwear industry in Pakistan is highly competitive, with a range of brands and
options available to consumers. However, OxygenKicks can differentiate itself by focusing on
affordability and targeting the middle-class market segment.
Target Audience:
The brand's primary customer base consists of middle-class individuals who prioritize
value for money without compromising on quality. By understanding their needs and
preferences, OxygenKicks can tailor its products and marketing strategies accordingly.

Online Presence:
The increasing popularity of e-commerce and social media platforms presents a favorable
landscape for OxygenKicks. The brand has the opportunity to leverage these platforms to build
its online presence, engage with customers, and drive sales.


 The brand's accidental establishment adds an interesting and relatable aspect to its story,
which can resonate with customers.
 Being an online store allows for a wider reach and lower overhead costs compared to
physical stores.
 Focusing on the middle-class demographic allows OxygenKicks to tap into a sizable
market segment with specific needs and preferences.

 As a newly established brand, OxygenKicks may face challenges in building brand
awareness and gaining customer trust.
 The footwear market is highly competitive, requiring strategic positioning and
differentiation to stand out.

 The increasing trend of online shopping presents a significant opportunity for
OxygenKicks to expand its customer base and sales.
 With a focus on the middle-class demographic, OxygenKicks can cater to the needs and
budget constraints of a large consumer segment.
 Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help build brand
visibility, engage with the target audience, and generate sales.

 Existing footwear brands may have a strong presence and customer loyalty, posing a
challenge for OxygenKicks to establish itself in the market.
 Economic fluctuations and consumer spending patterns can impact the purchasing power
of the middle-class target audience.

1) Utilize social media platforms, online advertising, and influencer collaborations to create
brand visibility and increase recognition among the target audience.
2) Understand the specific preferences and affordability concerns of the middle-class market
segment and offer products that cater to their style and budget requirements.

3) Encourage customers to share their experiences through reviews, testimonials, and user-
generated content. Positive feedback and word-of-mouth can enhance brand credibility
and attract more customers.
4) Continuously assess customer demands and expand the product range to offer a variety of
footwear options that cater to different occasions, styles, and sizes.
5) Prioritize user-friendly website design, easy navigation, secure payment options, and
prompt customer support to ensure a positive online shopping experience.
6) Position OxygenKicks as an affordable footwear brand by offering competitive prices,
occasional discounts, and special promotions to attract price-conscious customers.
7) By capitalizing on these opportunities, OxygenKicks can position itself as a trusted and
go-to footwear brand for middle-class individuals, drive sales, and establish a strong
online presence.


1) Increase Brand Awareness:
Increase brand recognition and visibility among the target audience through strategic
marketing efforts, including social media advertising, influencer collaborations, and online
promotions. Aim to achieve a certain level of brand recall and familiarity within a specific
2)Drive Website Traffic and Online Sales:
Increase website traffic and online sales by implementing effective digital marketing
strategies, optimizing the online store's user experience, and leveraging social media platforms
to attract potential customers. Set specific targets for website traffic, conversion rates, and sales
3)Expand Customer Base:
Expand the customer base by reaching new customers and retaining existing ones.
Implement customer acquisition strategies, such as referral programs, discounts for first-time
buyers, and targeted advertising campaigns, to attract a wider audience and increase customer
4)Enhance Customer Engagement and Satisfaction:

Foster customer engagement and satisfaction by providing excellent customer service,
responding promptly to inquiries and feedback, and implementing customer-centric policies.
Aim to achieve high customer satisfaction ratings and positive reviews.
5)Establish Brand Credibility:
Build trust and credibility in the market by consistently delivering high-quality products,
ensuring transparent pricing, and showcasing positive customer testimonials and reviews.
Strive to become a trusted and reliable footwear brand among the target audience.
6)Expand Product Range and Offerings:
Continuously assess market trends, customer preferences, and demand to expand the
product range and offer new and innovative footwear options. Regularly introduce new designs,
styles, and collections to meet the evolving needs and fashion preferences of customers.
7) Increase Social Media Engagement:
Increase engagement on social media platforms by creating compelling content, running
interactive campaigns, and fostering a sense of community among customers. Set targets for
social media followers, engagement rates, and user-generated content.

8) Monitor and Analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Regularly monitor and analyze important metrics, such as website traffic, conversion
rates, sales revenue, customer satisfaction ratings, and social media engagement. Use this data
to make informed decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and track progress towards

Analyze demographic data such as age, gender, location, and income level to understand
the primary characteristics of the target audience. Consider factors like lifestyle, occupation, and
education level that may influence their purchasing behavior and preferences.
Consumer Surveys and Interviews:

 Conduct surveys or interviews with potential customers to gather feedback and insights
about their footwear preferences, buying habits, and price sensitivity.
 Ask questions about their preferred style, comfort requirements, budget constraints, and
brand preferences to understand their needs and expectations.
Competitor Analysis:

 Analyze the target audience of competitors in the footwear industry to identify any
overlapping segments or untapped opportunities.
 Examine the positioning and messaging of competitors to understand their approach to
the target audience and identify potential gaps.
Social Media Listening:

 Monitor social media platforms, forums, and online communities to understand

conversations, trends, and sentiments related to footwear.
 Look for discussions, comments, and feedback about affordable footwear options, quality
concerns, and style preferences to gain insights into the target audience's mindset.
Customer Data Analysis:

 Analyze data from previous sales, website analytics, and customer interactions to identify
patterns and trends.

 Look for common characteristics among the existing customer base, such as age group,
purchasing frequency, and average order value, to understand the primary target
Psychographic Analysis:

 Consider psychographic factors such as lifestyle, interests, values, and attitudes that may
influence the target audience's purchasing decisions.
 Explore their fashion preferences, level of brand consciousness, and motivations behind
purchasing footwear.
Feedback and Reviews:
 Monitor customer reviews, ratings, and feedback on platforms like e-commerce websites,
social media, and review websites.
 Pay attention to the positive and negative aspects highlighted by customers to understand
their expectations and preferences.

1) Demographic Profile:
 Gender: Primarily men.
 Age: All generations, but with a focus on middle-aged individuals.
 Socioeconomic Status: Middle-class individuals, who prioritize value for money and
2) Psychographic Profile:
 Lifestyle: Individuals who lead an active and busy lifestyle, requiring comfortable and
functional footwear.
 Fashion Preference: Style-conscious individuals who appreciate trendy and
fashionable footwear options.
 Budget Consciousness: Customers who are price-sensitive and seek affordable
footwear options without compromising on quality.
3) Behavioral Profile:
 Online Shopping Preference: Customers who are comfortable and accustomed to
making online purchases.

 Convenience Seekers: Individuals who prefer the convenience of remote shopping,
saving time and effort.
 Value-Oriented: Customers who prioritize getting the best value for their money and
seek affordable yet stylish footwear options.


Based on the nature of OxygenKicks as an online footwear brand and its target audience,
Zone 4, Social Commerce, would be the most suitable zone for the brand. This zone focuses on
e-commerce and online shopping, which aligns with OxygenKicks' business model and the
platform it operates on.
As for the choice of vehicle, OxygenKicks can leverage multiple social media platforms
to reach and engage with its target audience. Here are a few recommendations:

 Facebook: Create a Facebook page for OxygenKicks to showcase the product range,
share updates, and run targeted advertising campaigns. Utilize Facebook Marketplace for
selling products directly to potential customers.
 Instagram: Establish an Instagram business account to visually showcase the footwear
collection, engage with followers through visually appealing content, and leverage
Instagram Shopping features to enable direct product tagging and purchasing.
 YouTube: Consider creating engaging video content related to footwear fashion, styling
tips, and product reviews. This can help build brand authority, increase engagement, and
attract potential customers.

In the context of OxygenKicks, the Social Community zone can be leveraged to connect
with footwear enthusiasts, create a community of loyal customers, and foster engagement
around the brand and its products. Here's how OxygenKicks can utilize the Social Community
zone to their advantage:
Online Forums and Groups

OxygenKicks can participate in existing online forums or create their own groups
centered on footwear fashion, styling tips, and trends. By actively engaging in discussions and
sharing valuable insights, the brand can position itself as an
Influencer Engagement
Collaborate with influencers or micro-influencers who have a strong presence in the
footwear and fashion community. These influencers can promote OxygenKicks products, share
their personal experiences, and encourage their followers to engage with the brand's social
media accounts or join the OxygenKicks community and build trust within the community.
Q&A Sessions and Expert Advice
Organize live Q&A sessions or interviews with footwear experts, stylists, or designers
to provide valuable insights, tips, and advice.

1) Brand Identity:
Establish a clear brand identity that resonates with middle-class customers. Focus on
offering affordable, yet stylish and quality footwear options that cater to various generations
of men.

2) User-Friendly Online Platform:

Develop a user-friendly and visually appealing website that allows customers to
easily browse and purchase products. Ensure that the online store is accessible across
different devices and offers a seamless shopping experience.
3) Product Selection:
Curate a diverse range of footwear options that cater to different styles, occasions,
and preferences of the target audience. Regularly update the product catalog to stay in line
with fashion trends and customer demands.
4) Competitive Pricing:
Maintain competitive pricing to appeal to middle-class customers. Offer affordable
options without compromising on the quality and design of the footwear.
5) Personalized Customer Service:

Prioritize exceptional customer service by promptly responding to inquiries,
providing accurate product information, and addressing customer concerns. Consider
implementing live chat support or a dedicated customer service hotline to enhance the
shopping experience.
6) Seamless Order Fulfillment:
Streamline the order fulfillment process to ensure timely delivery of products.
Communicate shipping updates and provide tracking information to keep customers informed
about their orders.
7) Social Media Engagement:
Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage
with customers, showcase new arrivals, and share style inspiration. Encourage user-generated
content by featuring customer photos and testimonials.
8) Customer Loyalty Program:
Implement a customer loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer incentives
such as exclusive discounts, early access to new collections, or free shipping to encourage
customer retention.
9) Reviews and Feedback:
Actively seek and encourage customer reviews and feedback to gain insights into
customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Regularly monitor and respond to
reviews, demonstrating a commitment to customer care.
10) Continuous Improvement:
Stay updated with industry trends, customer preferences, and feedback to
continuously improve the product offerings, website usability, and overall customer

Brand Identity and Positioning:

 Define the brand identity, values, and unique selling points of Oxygenkicks.
 Develop a compelling brand story that resonates with the target audience.
 Position Oxygenkicks as an affordable and stylish footwear brand for middle-class men.
Website Development and Optimization:

 Design and develop a user-friendly website with a clean and intuitive interface.
 Optimize the website for mobile devices to ensure a seamless browsing experience.
 Implement secure payment options and a streamlined checkout process.
Product Catalog and Inventory Management:

 Curate a diverse range of footwear options that cater to different styles and occasions.
 Regularly update the product catalog with new arrivals and seasonal collections.
 Implement an efficient inventory management system to ensure accurate stock levels.
Social Media Marketing:

 Create profiles on relevant social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, and
 Develop a content strategy that showcases Oxygenkicks products, style inspiration, and
customer testimonials.
 Engage with followers, respond to comments and messages, and build a community
around the brand.

Influencer Partnerships and Collaborations:

 Identify influencers and fashion bloggers who align with Oxygenkicks' target audience.
 Collaborate with influencers for sponsored posts, product reviews, or giveaways to
increase brand visibility and reach.
 Leverage influencer-generated content to enhance the brand's credibility and social proof.


To effectively manage and measure the performance of Oxygenkicks, you can follow these steps:

 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Define specific KPIs that align with Oxygenkicks' goals and objectives. Some
potential KPIs for Oxygenkicks could include:
 Website traffic:
Measure the number of visitors to the website.
 Conversion rate:
Track the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase.

 Average order value:
Monitor the average amount spent by customers per order.
 Customer acquisition cost (CAC):
Calculate the cost of acquiring a new customer.
 Customer lifetime value (CLV):
Measure the value a customer brings to the business over their lifetime.
 Social media engagement:
Assess metrics such as likes, comments, and shares on social media platforms.
 Analytics and Tracking Tools:
Implement analytics and tracking tools to collect relevant data and measure
performance. Some popular tools include Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and email
marketing platforms that provide detailed insights into user behavior, conversion rates,
and customer demographics.

 Regular Reporting and Analysis:
Set up regular reporting intervals (weekly, monthly, and quarterly) to review the
performance of Oxygenkicks against the defined KPIs. Analyze the data to identify
trends, patterns, and areas of improvement. Use the insights to make informed decisions
and refine strategies.
 Customer Feedback and Reviews:
Encourage customers to provide feedback and reviews about their experience with
Oxygenkicks. Monitor online reviews on platforms like Google, social media, and review
websites. Address customer concerns promptly and leverage positive feedback as
testimonials for social proof.
 A/B Testing and Experimentation:
Conduct A/B testing to compare different versions of website layouts, marketing
campaigns, or product presentations. Experiment with various strategies to identify the
most effective approaches. Use data-driven insights to optimize conversion rates and
customer engagement.
 Customer Surveys and NPS (Net Promoter Score):
Implement customer surveys to gather feedback on specific aspects of the brand,
products, and customer service. Use the NPS methodology to measure customer loyalty
and identify promoters, passives, and detractors.
 Competitor Analysis:
Monitor and analyze the activities of competitors in the footwear industry.
Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas where Oxygenkicks can differentiate
itself. Stay updated on market trends, new product launches, and customer preferences to
adapt the brand's offerings accordingly.
 Continuous Improvement:
Use the insights gained from data analysis, customer feedback, and competitor
analysis to make continuous improvements. Test new strategies, refine marketing
campaigns, and optimize the website experience to enhance customer satisfaction and
increase conversion rates.



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