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Swansea Castle 2 North


On 30 June 2020, the expected resident population of Castle 2 North was 2,050, representing a

14.0% increase over the previous five years. On 30 June 2020, the population density of Castle 2

North was 2,983 persons per km2, which is significantly greater than the population density in

Swansea and Wales. According to the data, Castle 2 North has a comparatively young

population, with 80.9% of individuals aged 16 to 64 years, 14.3% aged 65 and up, and just 4.8%

aged 0 to 15 years. According to the ethnicity data, Castle 2 North is less diverse than Swansea

and Wales, with 77.2% of the inhabitants identifying as White ( Furthermore,

10.7% of the population is Asian/Asian British, and 6.4% is Black/African/Caribbean/Black

British. According to data on country of birth, the majority of residents in Castle 2 North were

born in Wales, followed by people born outside of the EU and the UK but outside of Wales.

Figure 1-

Figure 2-

In terms of language, records show that only 5.0% of Castle 2 North residents could speak

Welsh, compared to 11.4% in Swansea and 19.0% in Wales. The majority of Castle 2 North

households (80.5%) have English or Welsh as their primary language, with only 16.7% having

no English or Welsh as their primary language.

Life expectancy at birth in this community is 81.6 years for males and 84.6 years for females,

which is higher than the Welsh average of 78.6 years for males and 82.1 years for females. The

percentage of adults who smoke (19%) and drink heavily (19%), on the other hand, is higher

than the Welsh averages of 16% and 16%, respectively ( Swansea Castle 2

North has a population that is equally distributed across the major age groups, and its residents

have longer life expectancies than the Welsh national average (data base Cymru. net). The

increased percentage of individuals who smoke and drink too much, though, could have a

negative effect on their health outcomes.


According to housing statistics for this area, 24% of households are rented from social landlords,

while 60% of households are owned by their owners. The average home price in this

neighbourhood is £184,039, which is marginally less than the £184,297 average for Wales.

According to environmental data, this village has low levels of air pollution, with an average

concentration of PM2.5 of 8.3 g/m3, which is lower than the Welsh average of 9.3 g/m3

( However, this neighbourhood has a higher proportion of fuel-poor

households (12%) than the Welsh average (9%). The majority of homes in Swansea Castle 2

North are owner-occupied, and this neighbourhood has low levels of air pollution. However, the

increased share of fuel-poor households may have a negative impact on their health results.


An individual's health and well-being are significantly impacted by volunteering and exercise.

Sports and physical activity can help you stay in shape, lower your chance of developing chronic

diseases, and enhance your mental health. Volunteering, meanwhile, can increase social

connections, give people a feeling of purpose, and improve their sense of wellbeing. Swansea

Castle 2 North participation data show that fewer adults than the Welsh average engage in sport

or physical activity at least once per week. (Evans et al. 2019). This suggests that there can be

obstacles to community engagement in physical activity, such as a lack of facilities, accessibility

to transportation, or social support. Addressing these hurdles may be critical for raising physical

activity participation rates among adults in this community. However, the figures show that the

percentage of adults who have volunteered in the last 12 months is greater (24%) than the Welsh

average (22%) ( This shows that there is a strong sense of community

engagement and social responsibility in this community. Volunteering can give various benefits,

including a sense of accomplishment, social connectedness, and improved mental health.


Economic indicators like the unemployment rate and median household income can have a big

impact on people's health and well-being both individually and collectively. Swansea Castle 2

North has a lower median weekly household income of £514 than the national average of £575

for Wales. This indicates that households in this community might have less disposable income,

which may make it more challenging for them to access healthy food, suitable housing, and other

resources (World Health Organization, 2013). Along with having lower household income,

Swansea Castle 2 North has an unemployment rate that is marginally higher than the 5% national

average for Wales. Due of the financial hardship, social isolation, and limited social support that

come with unemployment, it can have a detrimental effect on mental health.

Additionally, being unemployed can have an impact on one's physical health by limiting their

access to good food, physical activity, and medical treatment. Swansea Castle 2 North's lower

household income and greater unemployment rate could be a factor in the community's general

health disparities. Access to healthcare, wholesome food, and other resources necessary for

optimal health may be further complicated for those with lower earnings and higher

unemployment rates. These economic variables may also increase stress and social isolation,

which can have a detrimental effect on health outcomes.


The safety and wellbeing of a community can be affected by crime rates. High crime rates can

cause people to feel uneasy, stressed out, and afraid, which can have a bad effect on their mental

health and quality of life. Knowing a community's crime rates can aid in identifying problem

areas and informing improvement measures. According to crime statistics for Swansea Castle 2

North, there are 87% more crimes committed per 1,000 people than there are in Wales as a

whole. This suggests that people living in this neighbourhood may be more likely to become

victims of crime ( The violent crime rate per 1,000 people is lower than the

Welsh average.


According to environmental data for this area, 55% of households recycle, which is lower than

the Welsh average of 63%. 89% of homes have access to green spaces within a 5-minute walk,

which is higher than the Welsh average of 86%. While recycling rates in Swansea Castle 2 North

are lower than the Welsh average, the percentage of homes with access to green areas is greater

(data. Cymru, com). Swansea Castle 2 North has a generally good level of health and well-being,

with a high life expectancy and good access to green spaces, according to the data. However,

there are some areas of concern, such as the higher percentage of adults who smoke and drink

excessively and the higher percentage of households in fuel poverty. The health of the residents

of this town could be negatively impacted by the lower median weekly family income, higher

unemployment rate, and increased overall crime rate.

Part B

I will concentrate on Swansea Castle 2 North's population of people 65 and older for Part B. The

percentage of people aged 65 and older who have a limiting long-term disease is 43.6%, which is

higher than the Welsh average of 36.8%, according to the WIMD health division. I will apply the

Social Determinants of Health model created by Dahlgren and Whitehead to examine the social

determinants of health for this population group. Individual behavior, social and community

networks, living and working arrangements, and overall socio-economic, cultural, and

environmental variables are the four levels of this paradigm.

Individual behavior

An important factor that influences both personal health and the general health of the population

is individual behavior. Smoking, exercise, diet, and alcohol use are just a few examples of

personal decisions and habits that can have a favorable or bad impact on someone's health.

Numerous other elements, such as social, cultural, and economic considerations, have an impact

on these behaviors as well.

Smoking is a serious health risk factor that has been linked to a number of chronic diseases,

including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. Similar to overeating, drinking too

much can result in health difficulties like mental health problems, cancer, and liver illnesses. In

Swansea Castle 2 North, the population group of people 65 and older is higher than the Welsh.

(The King's Fund, 2016). This population already has a higher chance of having chronic

illnesses, and their risk is simply raised by their lifestyle choices. It is crucial to address these

behaviors as a result, using focused treatments such social support, counseling, and education.

Promoting healthy lifestyle choices, such as frequent exercise and a nutritious diet, can have a

profoundly positive effect on a person's health and wellbeing. Additionally, by encouraging these

behaviours, we can lessen the financial and social toll that chronic illnesses take on the

healthcare system.

Social and community networks

Social and community networks can offer a range of supports, including those that are vital to

people's wellbeing and quality of life, such as emotional, informational, instrumental, and social

assistance. Informational support gives people access to information and resources that might aid

them in making informed decisions, whereas social support includes giving people both practical

assistance and emotional support. While instrumental support consists of the provision of

tangible resources like transportation, financial assistance, and access to healthcare, social

support offers a feeling of identity, friendship, and social interaction (Shokouh et al., 2017).

Family, friends, neighbours, churches, community centres, clubs, and other organizations are

examples of social and communal networks. They are necessary for maintaining the ties that give

people a sense of value, deference, and support. Those who don't have social or communal

networks, on the other hand, face the risk of becoming socially isolated, which can be harmful to

their mental and physical health. According to the study, social isolation affects more people 65

and older in Swansea Castle 2 North than it does in all of Wales. As a result, senior members of

this community might not have the social and communal networks to receive the help they need

to maintain their health and well-being.

living and working conditions

The standard of living and working conditions has a considerable impact on physical and mental

health. Safe environments, simple access to medical treatment, and suitable housing are all

important factors in advancing wellness and preventing sickness. According to the data, the older

population in Swansea Castle 2 North suffers a lot of challenges in their living and working

situations. In this community, for example, older persons may find it difficult to afford basic

necessities like food and heating due to the lower median weekly household income and larger

number of homes experiencing fuel poverty (Galea and Vaughan, 2012). This may result in

detrimental health effects like malnutrition and an increased risk of respiratory diseases.

Additionally, older persons' perceptions of safety and security may be harmed by the greater

crime rate in the neighborhood, which may lead to tension and anxiety. The risk of developing

depression and other mental health issues may rise as a result, which may have long-term


General socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions

The underlying social, economic, and cultural aspects that can affect health, such as access to

services, work opportunities, and education, are referred to as general socio-economic, cultural,

and environmental conditions. The statistics from Part A for Swansea Castle 2 North's

population of those 65 and older revealed a higher unemployment rate, which might cause stress

and financial instability (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). The data also

revealed a higher than normal percentage of persons without degrees in Wales, which may limit

their access to employment prospects and other services.

The triple challenge of an aging population, health disparities, and rising cost of living is

included in the outer layer of the Dahlgren and Whitehead model. Swansea Castle 2 North's

elderly population emphasizes the need for specialized medical treatment and social services for

this demographic. Health disparities call for focused actions to be made in order to address them,

as shown by the higher than average rate of people 65 and older who have a limiting long-term

illness in Wales (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Finally, the ability of those

65 and older to access housing, healthcare, and other necessary services may be impacted by the

rising cost of living.


The population of people 65 and older in Swansea Castle 2 North can be affected by the

socioeconomic determinants of health at each layer of the Dahlgren and Whitehead model. This

population group's health and wellbeing can be enhanced through targeted treatments that

address problems like social isolation, subpar housing, and financial insecurity. Further,

addressing the larger social, economic, and cultural issues that affect health, such as education

and service access, can aid in reducing health disparities and enhancing health outcomes for all

community members.

Part C

The three goals listed below have been chosen as the top priority for Swansea Castle 2 North

based on the findings in Part A and the examination of social determinants of health in Part B:

1. A healthier Wales Goals: Boost life expectancy and lessen health disparities.

2. Prosperous Wales Goals: Encourage economic expansion and affluence, especially the

eradication of poverty.

3. Resilient Wales's mission is to combat climate change and advance environmental


The following evidence-based recommendations are made in order to meet these objectives:

Healthier Wales Goal: Boost life expectancy and lessen health disparities

To encourage healthy lifestyle choices including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stopping

smoking are public health initiatives which should be conducted. By doing so, the burden of non-

communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions may be lessened.

Increase community healthcare services' accessibility, and outreach initiatives can be carried out

to target vulnerable populations like the elderly, those with impairments, and those suffering

from long-term illnesses (Rice and Sara, 2019). Reducing health inequities can be achieved by

addressing socioeconomic determinants of health by enhancing access to education, expanding

work opportunities, and eradicating poverty.

Prosperous Wales Goal: Encourage economic expansion and affluence, especially the

eradication of poverty.

Increasing work options in the area can aid in lowering poverty and unemployment rates. This

can be accomplished through luring new industries to the region, creating programs for

vocational training, and assisting small enterprises. Another alternative is to provide inexpensive

housing. To do this, the local government can offer incentives for the development of affordable

housing or support rent control measures to lower the cost of housing (Braveman et al., 2011).

Additionally, the local government's support of small enterprises can give them financial aid, aid

in marketing their goods and services, and foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurs

to launch new ventures.

Resilient Wales Goal: combat climate change and advance environmental sustainability.

This can be accomplished through encouraging sustainable modes of transportation, such as

walking and bicycling, offering reasonably priced public transportation options, and encouraging

the use of electric vehicles, which can help reduce carbon emissions and advance sustainable

transportation. Enhancing air quality, lowering urban heat islands, and fostering biodiversity can

all be achieved by implementing green infrastructure, such as parks, green roofs, and community

gardens. The amount of garbage sent to landfills may be decreased, a circular economy can be

promoted, and the environmental effects of waste disposal can be lessened by encouraging waste

reduction and recycling. These suggested approaches can assist in attaining the three Well-being

for Future Generations Act objectives for Swansea Castle 2 North. The Healthier Wales Goal

may be attained by promoting healthy lifestyle decisions, expanding access to healthcare, and

lowering health disparities. According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

(2014), increasing employment possibilities, providing affordable housing, and encouraging

local businesses can all contribute to the Prosperous Wales Goal being met. The Resilient Wales

Goal can be attained through promoting eco-friendly transportation, putting in place green

infrastructure, and minimizing waste.



In conclusion, the Swansea Castle 2 North review has given useful insights into the different

social, economic, and environmental elements that can affect the community's health and well-

being, particularly those who are 65 years of age and older. According to the research, this

locality experiences more health issues than the Welsh average, including greater rates of social

isolation, fuel poverty, and general crime. In addition, economic factors like reduced household

income and somewhat higher unemployment rates may have a negative effect on the health of

the local population. The data also reveals some encouraging aspects, such as a volunteering rate

that is greater than the Welsh average and a low violent crime rate. The analysis highlights the

value of adopting a holistic strategy to enhance the community's health outcomes, taking into

account the different social, economic, and environmental elements that have an impact on

health. Developing policies that foster social cohesion, reduce economic gaps, and enhance

access to healthcare, wholesome food, and secure surroundings should be the main emphasis of

policymakers and community leaders. It is possible to bring about positive change and enhance

the wellbeing of individuals and the community as a whole by approaching community health



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