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Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil TA 2023/2024

Mata Kuliah : Bhs. Inggris

Hari/tgl. : Jumat, 3 Nopember 2023
Jur/Smt/klas : AK/I/D3
Waktu :08.00 –10.00 Wita
Dosen : Dr. Kartimin, S.S., M.Par. I Wayan
Peserta : 35 Orang
Ruang : C 101
1. Please tell about the activities that you did on your holiday or at the weekend
with your family and or your close friend in past tense.
2. Please make description one of the products that you usually use in your
3. Please make a short conversation with your friend over the phone talking
about invitation, the topic is free depend on you.

Jawaban di ketik dg format word time new romans 12 spasi 1.5 kemudian
krm k KORTI dlm pdf, nanti korti buatkan 1 file krm k email saya, E : Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya. Smg
sukses. Tuhan sll berkati.

Good Luck & Succss

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