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Maria Niña Batulan | 10-Mercy



The presence of substance that into the environment that

has a harmful or poisonous effects.

Environmental It can refer to The major kinds Pollution has

Pollution occurs both artificial of pollution, widespread
when an amount and natural usually by Air pollution consequence on
of any substance materials classified in the is the main human and
or any form of created, environment like cause of environmental
energy is put into consumed, and air pollution, climate health, having
environment at a discarded in an water pollution, change. systematic
rate faster than it unsustainable and land impact on social
can dispersed or manner. pollution. and economic
safely stored. systems.

When a quantity of a chemical or a kind of energy is released into the

environment at a rate that is quicker than it can be dispersed or properly
stored, environmental pollution results. It can be used to describe the creation,
consumption, and disposal of both manufactured and natural materials in an
unsustainably manner. Particular pollutant kinds, like plastic, light, and noise
pollution, are also of concern to contemporary civilization. Pollution of all kinds
frequently has an adverse effect on the health and wellbeing of people as well
as the environment and wildlife. The primary factor causing climate change is
air pollution. The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon whereby heat is trapped
inside the atmosphere as a result of human actions like burning fossil fuels
and widespread deforestation. Sea levels and climatic patterns are impacted
globally by this.
A family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage,
blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting
with each other in their respective social positions, usually
spouses, parents, children, and siblings. The family is built through
man and woman, tied in marriage because of their intimate love for
one another, and offspring like children who are living in one
residence. In another way, it is also a group of people who are not
blood related; when you feel safe around those people, you can
define them as your family. It has no basis in who or what their
gender is; as long as there is trust, love, and communication
among the members, they are family. Family can be formed in
whatever way is possible, like in the classroom, where the teacher
loves his or her class; therefore, the students also love one another
and unexpectedly form a bond like a family. For example, in a
group of friends where they care for and love you, you will call
them your family because you feel you belong to them and you
have a sentimental feeling that connects with other members. It is
all up to you what kind of feeling defines "family." After all, family is
a race or group of people from a common stock, and it creates an
environment in which everyone feels safe, respected, and loved.

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