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philosophy, it is seen that the matrix was just a mere reflection of the world that humans livedin before.
Technically, nothing was real inside it. The mind accepted it as real because it iswhat they perceived as
real, not knowing that they were just inside pods that harvestedenergy from them.Plato's philosophy of
the allegory of a cave was referenced in a scene in the movie.Right after Neo was rescued from the pods
by Morpheus' team, he underwent diagnosis andseveral processes in order for him to function properly
again like a normal human being. Neotried to open his eyes at some point but noticed right after that his
eyes hurt and asked

Morpheus why it was so. He answered him by saying that his eyes hurt because “You'venever used them
before”. Plato explained in his allegory that right after a

person realizes thatthey were only seeing the dancing shadows and not the reality that was outside, his
eyeswould normally hurt because they were used to the dark reality inside the cave. Theyperceived the
reality inside the cave to be true because it was what their senses couldperceive at the time. They had
no knowledge that the real world was just outside the cave andthat the reality they saw were only
shadows casted by a fire inside the cave. Also in the allegory of the cave, the other people bound inside
would not accept thefact that there is a greater and real reality outside of the cave. These people can be
related tothe people nowadays that would not dwell and analyse things more. This is so because
theyare already comfortable with the reality that they are living in now. They do not want to look atthe
greater possibilities to things outside of our reality today. This is also tackled in the book

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