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Enhanced Connectivity: Implementing

5-GHz Wi-Fi Frequency at Sekolah


Research and Idea Generation:

In this report, I am going to be investigating Sekolah Ciputra, a well-renowned

International Baccalaureate school in Surabaya. While the school is generally well
organized and active with students, owning up to its vision and mission of being a
diverse community that embraces the spirit of entrepreneurship, a particular issue has
issue has remained consistent throughout the years. The school’s internet connection.

While the problem never caused major interference with classroom experience,
the amount of delay it causes is significant. Students and Teachers in Sekolah Ciputra
often encounter problems regarding internet connectivity due to the sheer amount of
students in the school. The bandwidth of the internet connection cannot withstand the
amount of internet traffic that numerous students use, causing it to slow down and affect
the internet experience as a whole.

Furthermore, the range and strength of the internet connection are not consistent
throughout the school. In certain areas, especially in remote classrooms, the signal is
weak and sometimes non-existent. This problem can be traced back to the default
internet frequency of 2.4 GHZ. Although this signal can pass through walls, rendering it
useful to certain households that utilize one router, the same cannot be true in an
academic setting. As the school provides Wi-Fi extenders for extra internet coverage,
laptops can essentially connect to one or more internet Wi-Fi1 domains. The problem
occurs when a student is connected to a farther Wi-Fi domain or is connected to a Wi-Fi
extender next door instead of the one present in the room. The internet won’t be as
strong and would certainly cause internet traffic issues with other classes, causing the
bandwidth to be erratic and unreliable.
Using 5 Ghz can help fix the range and strength issue of the school’s internet. 5
gigahertz wifis are generally stronger and faster in close range in comparison to 2.4
gigahertz. This new technology supports more channels than the previous generation,
whilst also being able to transfer at higher speeds and being less vulnerable to
interference. Additionally, 5 GHz Wi-Fi frequencies do not pass through walls easily.
This essentially gateways the internet connection within the classroom, preventing
unnecessary external interference or connections.
Stakeholder Analysis:

A stakeholder's main responsibility is to assist a company in achieving its

strategic goals by offering its expertise and viewpoint to a project. They can also supply
essential materials and assets. Their backing is vital for the project's success. Some
stakeholders in Sekolah Ciputra include Students, Teachers, Parents, Principals,
Educators, policy-makers, and school funders.

After an Interview with Pak Sulton on 9/8/2023 at 2:45 PM I can distill some
requirements and expectations from Pak Sulton. Pak Sulton emphasizes the problem of
slow internet connections interfering with class activity. He points out that there are
three stages to the process of executing the tasks online. Firstly, the students would
have to connect to the wifi, this is where students get stuck, often buffering for minutes.
Second, opening the tasks website. The website often buffers for minutes as well,
usually hindering the students from even accessing the resources. Lastly, the process of
opening a Google document also takes a long time, often around a few minutes to even
5 in buffering. The whole delay, as described by Pak Sulton, usually takes around 15
minutes, rendering the student inactive during this period of time

In addition to this, Pak Sulton places significance on the importance of a reliable

internet connection. He argues that internet problems of slow connection, extensive
buffering, and unreliable connections hinder students from getting a satisfactory
experience on their academic journey. Pak Sulton states that it is essential to recognize
that a fast internet connection, often underutilized in various areas throughout the
school, can solve both learning, academic, and reliability issues, making it a
multi-faceted solution. Furthermore, Pak Sulton explains how learning experiences
should be taken seriously. He states the expectations of reliable connectivity, stating
that fast internet should be evenly distributed across every classroom. If such
refinement is implemented, he expects that the class experience will be much better,
and students can continue to focus on class with less interference.
System Design:

The system design is going to be represented in four different diagrams: A

flowchart, data flow diagrams (DFDs), a structure chart, and a Gantt chart. These
diagrams represent the ins and outs of the system design, providing insight to both
technical and non-technical users. With this, users will be able to navigate through the
system design efficiently through the flow charts and data flow diagram levels according
to their needs. Furthermore, the Gantt chart could potentially be used as a guiding
template for organizations looking to effectively implement 5 GHz frequency in their

Data Flow Diagram:
Level 0 (Context Diagram):

Level 1 (Detailed Breakdown of 5 Ghz):

Structure Chart:

Gantt Chart:

To see the Full Version, click here:
Initial Product Prototype:
Iterative Design:
Aston: “Improvements in the clarity of the product prototype could be refined by labeling
the antenna with 5 GHz, otherwise, the product is fairly decent.”
Justin Zhang: “The Additional antennas are a unique idea to improve the school’s
network accessibility.”
Jason: “The addition of antennas is exquisite as it allows for a better connection for the
students. I believe that this product has the potential to solve the school’s connection
Product After Change:
Social and Ethical Considerations:

Some ethical issues to consider are potential security risks, which cause
malicious interventions, and potential invasion of data privacy. While 5 GHz wifi offers
numerous benefits over its predecessor, it is not hackproof or invulnerable. Therefore,
interference with the radar systems and Wi-Fi hacking can still be possible. In some
instances such as exploiting the overlapping of radar interference, hackers can utilize
this vulnerability to infiltrate firewalls and steal our data, especially if Dynamic
Frequency Selection (DFS) Is not properly configured. Furthermore, due to the nature of
the limited range 5 GHz frequency possesses, the signal strength can be weaker at the
edges of the internet coverage area, making it more susceptible to “man-in-the-middle”

The digital divide and privacy concerns are important social considerations in the
aspect of advanced networking frequencies such as 5 GHz Wi-Fi. As advanced internet
tools become available, a gap emerges between those with access and those without.
This situation can lead to unequal opportunities in various sectors. Additionally, faster
internet means more online activity, which in turn raises data protection concerns.
Without adequate security measures, there's an increased risk of data breaches,
underscoring the necessity for effective security in the digital environment.

While both social and ethical considerations can be harmful to both the
organization and the stakeholders, these problems can essentially be mitigated. In order
to address the ethical concerns of potential security risks and malicious interventions
with 5 GHz Wi-Fi, schools should implement regular network monitoring, ensure proper
router configurations, and promote the use of VPNs for enhanced encryption.

On the social aspect, bridging the digital divide can be achieved by establishing
more public access points, offering school-sponsored devices, and introducing digital
literacy seminars. Moreover, to further secure privacy, schools should prioritize data
encryption, conduct educational workshops on online safety, and adopt strict data
retention policies.

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