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Mini-Project Task (1)

Introduction to Skateboard:

A skateboard is a small board made of wood, fiberglass, or metal, with four

polyurethane wheels. Skateboards are used as a mode of transportation, or to perform
complex tricks and athletic maneuvers.

Importance of Skateboarding

Skateboarding is a popular sport enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It has
great importance in many areas, including:

• Transportation: Skateboards can be used as a mode of transportation in urban areas.

They provide a quick and convenient way to get from one place to another.
• Health: Skateboarding is a form of exercise that helps improve physical fitness and
overall health.
• Recreation: Skateboarding is a fun recreational activity that can be enjoyed by people of
all ages.
• Culture: Skateboarding has played a significant role in popular culture, inspiring many
works of art, music, and cinema.

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