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*Weekly challenge 5* English Due Sep 18, 12:59 AM EEST

Back Graded Quiz • 40 min • 8 total points 00:39:48 remaining

Data analyst job opportunities

The importance of fair business


Optional: Exploring your next job

*Weekly challenge 5*
1. An online gardening magazine wants to understand why its subscriber numbers have been increasing. What kind
of reports can a data analyst provide to help answer that question? Select all that apply.
1 point

Quiz • 40 min
*Weekly challenge 5*
Reports that compare past weather patterns to the number of people asking gardening questions to their
Review Learning Objectives
Reading: Glossary: Terms and social media
10 min Reports that describe how many customers shared positive comments about the gardening magazine on
social media in the past year
Quiz: *Weekly challenge 5*
8 questions Submit
Reports that yourthe
predict assignment
success of sales leads to secure future subscribers
Start assignment
Video: Weekly wrap-up Due Sep 18, 12:59 AM EEST Attempts 3 every 24 hours
Reports that examine how a recent 50%-off sale affected the number of subscription purchases
25 sec You will have 40 minutes to finish

*Course challenge*

2. A doctor’s office grade
has discovered that patients are waiting 20 minutes longer for their appointments than in past Your grade
1 point
years. A data To
Pass could
80‎%‎orhelp solve this problem by analyzing how many doctors and nurses are on staff at a
given time compared to the number of patients with appointments. -

False Like Dislike Report an issue

3. Fill in the blank: In data analytics, a topic to investigate is also known as a(n) _____. 1 point





4. Fill in the blank: A business task is described as the _____ a data analyst answers for a business. 1 point





5. A data analyst at a restaurant analyzes data about past sales and customer trends. They identify that the 1 point
restaurant does not generate enough revenue to pay the staff whenever the restaurant is open before 4 p.m. The
restaurant then adjusts their hours of operation to open at 4 p.m. What is this an example of?

Following data ethics

Survey data gathering

Data-driven decision-making

Using intuition to create efficiencies

6. Fill in the blank: Fairness is achieved when data analysis doesn’t create or _____ bias. 1 point





7. A data analyst is analyzing fruit and vegetable sales at a grocery store. They’re able to find data on everything 1 point
except red onions. If they exclude red onions from the analysis, this would be an example of creating or
reinforcing bias.



8. A large hotel chain sees about 500 customers per week. A data analyst working there is gathering data through 1 point
customer satisfaction surveys. They are anxious to begin analysis, so they start analyzing the data as soon as they
receive 50 survey responses. This is an example of what? Select all that apply.

Failing to collect data anonymously

Failing to have a large enough sample size

Failing to include diverse perspectives in data collection

Failing to reward customers for participating in the survey

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I, Manar Ali , understand that submitting work that isn’t my own may result in permanent failure of this course or deactivation of
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