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English task

Name : Bilal Feby Febrianu

NPM : 653220019
Class/major : Class 2A/ D3 AL

1. Do you know any other countries with considerable export growth rates?
2. How does logistic play an important role in a country’s economie?
3. What do you now about the logistic industry ij your country?

1. Japan: Japan produces many electronics, cars, and industrial machines that are
exported around the world.
China: China is one of the world's largest exporters, exporting a variety of
products, including electronics, textiles and other manufactured products.

2. Because logistics is currently very important for the interests of society,

especially in the fields of economy, security and defense. Indonesia is the
country with the fourth largest population.
3. Logistics industry that is, a company focuses on providing transportation or
goods delivery services.

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