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According to Jennifer Lynn Wright (2019) School leaders face increasing demands
related to student achievement. They conducted a study to examine the influence of a youth
leadership. Additionally, the study examined the influence of the scholarly leadership and
student attendance rate on school grades so that school leaders can understand the impact of
these factors on overall school achievement and school grade attainment. The study
concluded that being a student leader can majorly affect one’s study and take too much of
their time.

According to Fuentes, (2020) this study included both qualitative and
quantitative research approaches to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of student
leadership on academic performance. In order to learn more about the current state of affairs
and explain how being a student leader affects academic performance, a sample of 100 senior
Grade 12 students was chosen at random. A quantitative method was used to collect data, and
the results showed that the most common situation experienced by student leaders is that,
despite having responsibilities, their performance in class does not suffer, and they even
outperform their peers. The benefits of being a student leader could encourage pupils to
perform better in the classroom.

Koomson and Ahiatrogah (2013) Asserted that the emphasis placed on scholarly
achievement has led instruction analysts and specialists to focus on how the classroom and
school environment affects student performance. One important element that significantly
affects a student leader's life is stress. Stress comes from both the increased performance
expectations placed on students by educational institutions and the difficulty of taking on
leadership responsibilities. Academic pressure was also hypothesized as mediating the
negative relationship between leadership role demands and ethical leadership. The findings
gathered after the analysis proved the hypothesis significant. So, it can be inferred that
academic pressure generates a negative relationship between leadership role demands and
ethical leadership.

Rouse (2012) Conducted a study and asserted that if students' increased leadership
abilities are gained at the expense of their declining academic abilities, then leadership may
not have any further effects at all or may even result in lower educational attainment.
According to Choi and Gil (2017) student leaders leave a lasting impression on the
members of their organization therefore, student leaders should have the qualities and skills
to be able to handle a team. Leadership may play a key role to improve the educational
process and also to enhance the student's academic achievement. In this thought, leadership
has great benefits that will help them improve themselves as leaders and students.

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