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(Total-70 marks)
Q1. Choose the correct answer.(Each question carry 4
1. What is a Color Wheel?
A. A visual tool that shows basic color
B. A visual tool that shows additive colors
C. Visual that display subtractive colors
D. A wheel that you can put colors on in any order

2. What are Primary colors?

A. Blue, Green. Purple

B. Red, Blue, Yellow
C. Red, Yellow, Purple
D. Pink, Purple, Red

3. What is Tint?

A. mixture of a color with white

B. mixture of a color with black
C. mixture of three colors
D. mixture of colors they are complementary
4. Colors that are across from each other on a color
wheel are called?

A. Analogous
B. Tertiary
C. Complementary
D. Additive

5. Warm colors are usually associated with what kind of

A. Peace
B. Passiveness
C. Laziness
D. Aggression

Q2. Choose the correct answer (Each question carry 4


1. This painting was coined ____________.

A. A. Lady with an Ermine
B. The Yellow Christ
C. Floral Still Life
D. The Birth of Venus
2. The Birth of Venus is considered to be one of the top 10
paintings of all time. Who made it?
A. Claude Monet
B. Sandro Botticelli
C. Rembrandt van Rijn
D. Edward Munch
2. Which famous painting is also referred to as "The
Dutch Monalisa" .

A girl with a pearl earing

4. Guernica is one of Pablo Picasso’s famous paintings. In which

year did he complete it?

A. 1934
B. 1935
C. 1936
D. 1937

5. Where would you find the painting "The Last Supper"?

A. Rome
B. Venice
C. Milan
D. Naples

Q3. Create the following scene:

1. Parents Meeting
2. Anger

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