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Name: Dumarpa, Sittie Johaima A.

Course: BSBA- Major in Finance

ID Number: 51806 Date: Sep 2, 2023


Compose a short reflection using your own words on how the Holy Bible has helped you in your
journey in life through all your ups and downs and how does it effect your everyday motivation.
Reflection must be minimum of 10 sentences.

The Holy Bible helps people to remind them on how indebted and grateful of having their lives as Jesus
always guide them through his words in this holy book. Jesus Christ is God’s Son who came to earth to
save people from sin, sadness, loneliness, pain, and more. Jesus taught beautiful lessons about service
and love and performed many miracles while He was on earth. In the Bible, we can read these stories
and begin to know how people can overcome hard things with help from Jesus. The Holy Book also
teaches people to strengthen their beliefs and reminds them how Jesus Christ served his life for his
people. The book also contains the history of prophets of how they serve God in every hardships which
people are supposed to envy and never forget. Jesus showed us a better way to follow God. He taught
that in addition to keeping the commandments, we must also keep our thoughts and hearts pure. The
core of faith in Jesus is following His two great commandments which is loving God and loving our
neighbor as ourselves. Most importantly, the Bible teaches love. There are also commandments that
requires people to love God and treat others with respect. We shouldn’t lie, steal, kill, or commit
adultery (see Exodus 20). God still expects us to follow the Ten Commandments today. As people read
stories about love in the Bible, people will become more like Jesus. People can care more, serve more,
and forgive more. And also they can find love for God, our neighbors, and even our enemies.

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