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Mrs Khan Quotation This suggests…

What she says “She…she…not…fine. Fine…” She’s not alright

How she says it helplessly She’s worried
What she does She slumped back in her seat, She resented the sense of dumb
drawing her veil across her face. depression.
How she is described Dumb An expression of wooden
despair on her face.

Mrs Khan Quotation This suggests…

What she says “She…she…not…fine. Fine…” She’s not alright
How she says it helplessly She’s worried
What she does She slumped back in her seat, She resented the sense of dumb
drawing her veil across her face. depression.
How she is described Dumb An expression of wooden
despair on her face.
Margot Quotation This suggests…
What she says “How is she getting on at She’s curious
How she says it Loudly and slowly Over excited
What she does She glanced at her watch and She’s not patient
noted with relief that their
time was up
How she is described Irritation She’s not a good teacher
6. The writer bring the reader straight to the conflict between her mother and daughter.

Activity 3
1a. Louise and Nasreen have different culture so that Louise has more freedom than Nasreen and can do
what she wants but not Nasreen.

b. Nasreen built up a secret wardrobe of leggies and low-cut tops, of miniskirts and t-shirts.

c. Nasreen’s culture has strict rules about clothes while Louise’s culture has more freedom.

2a. Mrs. Khan is strict to her daughter but also forgive her sometimes since she love her daughter. Their
relationship is quite okay but not too close.

b. Mrs. Khan is over caring her daughter even though we know she love her.

3. Fierce, clod, angry. I think Mr. Khan is heartless, he obey the rules of culture more than his daughter
and it’s scary.

4. Because she’s worried about her.

Activity 4
1a. The culture of fashion.
b. Emotional

2a. It is when her father knows about what she was wearing outside.

b. Yes, because I was hopping that her dad would understand her.

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