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Very Important One Liners of

General Science for 69th BPSC

Preliminary Exam


1. Very important one liners of General Science for 69th BPSC Preliminary Exam …………... 2 – 25

Very Important one Liners of General Science for 69th BPSC Preliminary Exam

❖ Who first studied the blood circulation system → William Harvey

❖ Relates to heartbeat → Pacemaker
❖ On what principle is hydrogen bomb based → Nuclear fusion
❖ The tendency of a liquid drop to take a spherical shape is due to → Surface tension.
❖ Water soluble vitamins are → Vitamin B and C.
❖ Who is the only Indian scientist to have received the Nobel Prize in the field of Physics → Dr. C.V.
❖ Who had told before Newton that all objects gravitate towards the earth → Brahmagupta
❖ The famous disease of paddy, Khaira disease is caused by → Due to deficiency of Zinc (Zn)
❖ Which protein helps in blood clotting → Protein called fibrinogen
❖ Which poisonous gas mixes with hemoglobin in our blood and becomes the cause of our death →
Carbon Monoxide (CO2)
❖ When water falls from a height in a waterfall, its temperature → increases.
❖ No astronaut on the Moon can drink lemon juice with the help of a tube because → there is no
atmosphere on the Moon
❖ Which organism respires through its skin → Earthworm
❖ How long does it take for blood to circulate within the body → approximately 23 seconds
❖ What is ‘Decibel’ → A measurement of sound level
❖ What are the carriers of electricity in copper sulphate solution → Ions
❖ Under the circulatory system in the human body, blood enters the aorta → from the left vein.
❖ Which country contributes the most to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions these days → United States of
America (USA)
❖ What are the birds that fly to distant places at a particular time every year to escape the environmental
conditions called → Migratory birds?
❖ What is the purest form of water → Rain water
❖ Where does digestion process begin in humans → mouth
❖ Blood pressure increases or decreases while sleeping → decreases
❖ What is the PH value of human blood → 7.4
❖ When you add lemon juice to soda water, bubbles start coming out because it contains → alkali
❖ The color of a cut apple turns brown after some time because it reacts with air to form → iron oxide
❖ Which endocrine hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine → TSH
❖ What substance do proteins convert into during digestion → Amino acids
❖ Saliva released from mouth digests → starch
❖ Ranikhet disease spreads → by virus
❖ The graveyard of RBC is → Spleen
❖ By which structure does the fetus developing in the uterus get nutrition → Placenta
❖ What is used to know the development of the baby in the uterus → Ultrasound
❖ What is Vitamin E especially important for → Normal functioning of sex glands
❖ Deficiency of Vitamin B causes anemia in men
❖ Lactose is found in → milk

❖ Which organ provides food for the development of the embryo? Fulfillment is done → Placenta
❖ Which hormone is injected into the udders of cow and buffalo to extract milk → Oxytocin
❖ Rheumatic heart disease is treated with the help of → Aspirin
❖ What is the life span of human red blood cells (RBC) → 120 days
❖ Itai-itai disease is caused by which metal → Cadmium
❖ The disease caused by thyroxine deficiency is → goiter
❖ Where did the first cell originate → in water
❖ What is the main purpose of white particles in blood → to fight infection
❖ How much energy is there in “Sweetex” used by diabetic patients → five calories
❖ Which hormone controls the amount of sugar in the blood → Insulin
❖ What is the average percentage of oxygen element in the human body → 65 percent
❖ Which gas is released when lime is mixed with water → Carbon dioxide
❖ Which of the following substances is found in green henna due to which it turns red → Lasone
❖ When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, which eclipse occurs → Lunar eclipse
❖ Why the Pole Star does not appear to be moving → Because it is in line with the Earth's rotation axis.
❖ The state with highest productivity of sesame in India is → West Bengal
❖ When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, which eclipse occurs → Lunar eclipse
❖ Why the Pole Star does not appear to be moving → Because it is in line with the Earth's rotation axis.
❖ Riboflavin is the name of which vitamin → Vitamin B2
❖ The liquid portion of blood without corpuscles is called → Serum.
❖ What kind of quantity is potential difference, vector or scalar → scalar
❖ Bleaching powder is the oxychloride of → Calcium
❖ Whose ore is Carnotite → Uranium
❖ Excreted in human urine → Vitamin C
❖ The smallest living cell is → Mycoplasma
❖ Helpful in proving parentage → DNA and fingerprinting test
❖ Male and female gene composition is → XY and XX
❖ Who is called the Father of Computer Science → Charles Babbage Most Important
❖ Another name for blood cancer is → Leukemia
❖ The longest cell of the body is → Nervous system
❖ Which disease is caused by iron deficiency → Anemia
❖ Iodine test is used to check the presence of → Carbohydrate
❖ Hargobind Khorana was the first to synthesize “gene” in the laboratory.
❖ In the world, India ranks second in sesame production (after China).
❖ A boy inherits “chromosomes” from his father → 22+Y
❖ Which part of the brain detects the pungent smell or aroma of perfume → Cerebrum
❖ Urine smells bad → due to urea
❖ Urea is found in maximum quantity → in urine
❖ Respiration produces → energy
❖ The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called → Sphygmomanometer
❖ When nitrogenous waste accumulates in the blood, which organ is not functioning → Kidneys

❖ Kala-azar fever is transmitted → by the bite of a tsetse fly.
❖ The color of human blood is red → due to hemoglobin
❖ What is the heart beat rate of an adult → 70-80 times per minute
❖ ECG What activity does it represent → heart
❖ Inadequate supply of blood in the human body is called → Ischemia
❖ Which is the anticoagulant substance in blood → Heparin
❖ The liquid portion of blood without corpuscles is called → Serum
❖ Another name for blood cancer is → Leukemia
❖ Where are old and destroyed red blood cells destroyed → Spleen
❖ Approximately how long is the average life span of red blood cells → 100-120 days
❖ The full name of infectious disease SARS is → Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
❖ The literal meaning of the term “Homo Sapiens” is → Human-intelligent
❖ Life saving hormone is called → Adrenal
❖ The color of leaves is yellow → due to the formation of carotene.
❖ The process of preparing food by trees and plants is → Photosynthesis
❖ Required for photosynthesis → CO, water, chlorophyll and sunlight
❖ Enzyme found in saliva → Tylin
❖ Enzymes are composed of → amino acids
❖ During digestion, proteins are converted into amino acids
❖ The process of photosynthesis is maximum → in red light
❖ In photosynthesis, oxygen is released (oxidized) from → water
❖ Plasmodium is a parasite that causes malaria.
❖ Excreted in human urine → Vitamin C
❖ The smallest living cell is → Mycoplasma
❖ The longest cell of the body is → Nervous system
❖ Which disease is caused by iron deficiency → Anemia
❖ The color of human skin is formed from melanin.
❖ Who controls blood pressure → Adrenal gland
❖ Due to blood clotting → Thrombin
❖ The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen.
❖ The sex of the child is determined → by the father's chromosome (XY).
❖ ECG What activity does it represent → heart
❖ Inadequate supply of blood in the human body is called → Ischemia
❖ Which is the anticoagulant substance in blood → Heparin
❖ Which metal is found in blood → Iron
❖ The reason for browning of cut apple is the presence of iodine in apple.
❖ Which of the following extinct animal species is → Dodo bird
❖ Vegetative reproduction is found in → Potato
❖ The combination of male and female gametes is called → fertilization
❖ Unisexual flower is- → corn
❖ Respiration produces → energy

❖ Oxidation of sugar occurs in respiration
❖ Through what medium is food digested in the stomach → Through acidic medium
❖ Fertilization of the egg occurs → in the fallopian tube
❖ Edible parts of a flower are → Inflorescence
❖ The word cell was coined by Robert Hooke.
❖ The genetic material of the cell is → DNA
❖ Cytology is the study of cells
❖ Contains enzymes → proteins
❖ Source of diastase enzyme is → salivary glands
❖ What is the total number of internal transition elements → 29
❖ Name of that vitamin, which is not found in any non-vegetarian food → Vitamin C
❖ Deficiency of which vitamin causes blindness → Vitamin A
❖ Carbon has two main allotropes → Diamond and graphite.
❖ What is the amount of helium in the Sun → 26.5%
❖ What is the amount of other elements in the Sun → 2.5%
❖ What is the central part of the Sun called → Core
❖ Femur is the largest bone of the body
❖ The weight of a person on earth is 600 N, his weight on the moon will be → 100 N
❖ The relative density of gold is → 19.30
❖ The unit of solid angle is → steradian
❖ What is sterilization of women called → Tubectomy
❖ By which organ is food supplied for the development of the embryo → Placenta
❖ What is sterilization of men called → Vasectomy
❖ What is the name Rh Factor related to → Monkey is related to.
❖ Which can come out in all the three forms solid, liquid and gas → non-metal
❖ By whose cells the increase in the level of sugar in the blood is detected → Pancreas
❖ Anemometer is a device that measures the speed of wind.
❖ The strongest force in nature is → Nuclear force
❖ Which type of white blood cells is present in abundance in human blood → Neutrophils
❖ Which cells of the human body have the least regenerative power → Brain cells
❖ By which structure does the fetus developing in the uterus get nutrition → Placenta
❖ What is the blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood to the liver → Hepatic artery
❖ Which organ converts glycogen into glycose and purifies the blood → Liver
❖ When the left ventricle contracts in the human heart, where does the blood flow → Aorta
❖ What will the salt whose pH value of aqueous solution is less than 7 be called → Acidic salt
❖ What is the study of fruits called → Pomology
❖ Who first discovered bacteria → Leuven Hawk
❖ What are the plants on which seeds are formed but flowers do not grow called → Gymnosperms
❖ By which process is excess water taken out in plants → Transpiration
❖ Which of the following is called photosynthetic organelle → leaf
❖ Stomata exist for the exchange of gases in plants.

❖ The shape of the lung is → conical
❖ What type of reaction is digestion of food → catabolism
❖ Who named the word hormone → Bayliss and Starling
❖ Who gave the law of separation → Mendel
❖ Who first used the word ‘Biology’ → Lamarck and Treviranus
❖ Known as the father of biology → Aristotle
❖ Known as the father of Botany → Theophrastus
❖ The word Botany has originated from the word of which language → Greek
❖ What is studied in phycology → Algae
❖ Under which branch of biology is the environment studied → Ecology
❖ Dendrology is related to → the study of shrubs.
❖ Study of flowers is called → Anthology
❖ The branch of science related to plant cultivation is called → Agriculture
❖ What is studied in spermology → Seed
❖ What is studied in agroecology → Grasses
❖ What is studied in pedology → land
❖ The science that names plants is called → Taxonomy
❖ Who among the following is called the father of taxonomy → Linnaeus
❖ Virus grows → in living cell
❖ What is sago made from → Cycas
❖ Study of fruits is called → Pomology
❖ Jarvik-7 is → Artificial Heart
❖ Bile is secreted → by the liver
❖ Stored in the liver for future use → Vitamin A
❖ What causes curd to become sour → Due to the presence of lactic acid
❖ Oxidation of sugar occurs in respiration
❖ Through what medium is food digested in the stomach → Through acidic medium
❖ What causes curd to become sour → Due to the presence of lactic acid
❖ Who first outlined the structure of DNA → Watson and Crick
❖ By whom was the ‘theory of evolution’ propounded → Darwin
❖ Due to deficiency of which vitamin gums bleed and teeth start moving → Due to deficiency of Vitamin
❖ Which of the following is especially required to digest food in the stomach → Enzymes
❖ Which cell organelle plays a major role in protein synthesis → Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome
❖ Edible parts of ginger and potato are → stem
❖ To what extent is Hooke's law defined → To the limit of elasticity
❖ What happens in place of hydrogen in heavy water → Deuterium
❖ Fertilization of the egg occurs → in the fallopian tube
❖ Starch is digested into sugar in the mouth by what → Tylin
❖ Meiosis occurs → in sexually reproducing cells
❖ The enzyme found in human saliva is → Amylase

❖ Goitre is caused due to deficiency → Iodine
❖ Due to deficiency of which vitamin gums bleed and teeth start moving → Due to deficiency of Vitamin
❖ Who is this scientist who explained blood circulation for the first time → Harvey
❖ The first heart replacement was performed by → Dr. Christian Bernard
❖ In which year was the only Central Agricultural University (CAU-Central Agricultural University) -
Imphal (Manipur) established in the country → Established in the year 1993
❖ Where are most nutrients absorbed into the blood → small intestine
❖ Which is the largest gland of the body → Liver
❖ Which hormone is secreted from the female reproductive organ in humans → Relaxin
❖ Who controls voluntary movements in humans → Cerebrum
❖ Where is body temperature controlled → Hypothalamus
❖ By whom is food ingested in amoeba → Pseudopod
❖ Which of the following enzymes is found in saliva → Tylin
❖ The process by which humans breathe. And exhales is → exhalation
❖ What does the cell mostly use to produce energy → Glucose
❖ By which reaction does oxygen reach the cells from the external environment in plants → Diffusion
❖ What is the result of food items in the reaction of respiration → decomposition
❖ Which is the main form of transfer of food substances in plants → Sucrose
❖ The blood pressure of a healthy person is → 120/80
❖ The outermost membrane of the human brain is → Durometer
❖ Controls human ability to smell → Olfactory lobe
❖ Cerebrum is the center of intelligence and cleverness in humans.
❖ The amount of glucose in the blood remains controlled → due to insulin
❖ oxygen is → enzyme
❖ What comes under biological process → Nutrition
❖ Under what does cow dung come → saprophyte
❖ CO2 is generally found in the atmosphere → 0.03%
❖ What are the plants that grow in shade called → Cyochites?
❖ What is the main respiratory organ in humans → Lungs
❖ Which of the following diseases is related to respiratory system → Pneumonia
❖ What is the condition of high blood pressure called → Hypertension
❖ What is the excretory substance in fishes → Urea
❖ Which is the hardest element in the body? enamel
❖ Where is the smallest bone of the human body → Status (in the middle ear)
❖ Where is the largest bone found in the human body → Femur (in the thigh)
❖ What is the respiratory rate of a healthy human → 16 to 18 times
❖ How many times does the human heart beat → 72 times/minute
❖ How many bones are there in the human skull? 8
❖ How much does the brain weigh → 1350 to 1400 grams
❖ What is the amount of water in the human body → 65 to 80%

❖ How long does it take for blood to circulate in the body → 10 seconds
❖ What is the blood pressure of a normal human → 90/120 mm
❖ What is the beautiful study of human beings called → Kelology
❖ What is the pH value of human blood → 7.4
❖ What percentage of body weight is blood volume → 7%
❖ What is the amount of blood in a human being → 5 to 6 liters
❖ Which powder purifies blood → Kidney
❖ How many days does a red blood cell live → 20-120 days
❖ How many days does a white blood cell live → 2-4 days
❖ Which is the universal blood group → AB
❖ Which blood group is the universal donor → O
❖ Where does the digestion process of food begin → large intestine
❖ In which intestine the digested food is absorbed → Large intestine
❖ By which organ is bile secreted → By liver
❖ Which is the largest gland of the body → Liver
❖ Largest organ of the body → Skin
❖ Which is the instrument to measure blood pressure → Sphygmomanometer
❖ Images formed between two parallel mirrors → infinite
❖ When a ship enters the sea from a river, it → rises up
❖ Any moving body on earth comes to rest due to the following reason → Due to friction force
❖ What is the reason why the ball bounces more at a higher place → Because the force of gravity is less at
higher places
❖ Which of the following physical properties is not affected by volume? Density
❖ When sunlight passes through a prism, tell which of the following colors is refracted the most → Blue
❖ Mach number is related → to the speed of the airplane.
❖ When a person enters a dark room from light, he sees nothing for some time. Later he begins to see as
the iris of his eyes shrinks.
❖ Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength → Infrared rays
❖ Which metal has the highest melting point → tungsten
❖ Which is the lightest metal → Lithium
❖ When a metal is heated its density → decreases
❖ How does a red rose appear in green light → Black
❖ Which instrument measures the purity of milk → Lactometer
❖ The function of dynamo is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
❖ Who invented television → J. l. Baird
❖ What is the chemical substance present in bones and teeth called → Calcium phosphate
❖ The iron pipes through which water is supplied are coated with zinc (Zn) so that they do not rust. This
process of coating is called. Yeshad Lepan
❖ Which acid is used as a dehydrating agent → Sulfuric acid
❖ Solute can be separated from solution → by evaporation.
❖ Which of the following gases is not present in the atmosphere → Chlorine

❖ On heating potassium chlorate → oxygen gas is released.
❖ Why does the sun appear red when rising and setting → Scattering
❖ Electrical plants are connected to houses → in parallel order.
❖ Rusting of iron is a → chemical reaction
❖ What is the filament of electric bulb made of → tungsten
❖ Heating of water in kettle is an example of convection.
❖ S. What is the unit of force in I. → Newton
❖ What is Air → Mixture
❖ Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by → Dynamo
❖ If a rock from the Earth is taken to the Moon then → its weight will decrease.
❖ Cat can see better at night → because of the special structure of the pupil
❖ Which metal is the best conductor of heat → Silver
❖ Why do people like to paint houses white in summer → They are good reflectors of heat
❖ “Gases of equal volume at the same temperature and pressure have the same number of molecules.”
Which of the following law is → Avogadro's hypothesis law
❖ ‘The main component of bio gas is → Methane
❖ When we go upwards in the atmosphere → both temperature and pressure decrease.
❖ The focus distance in the lens of the eye is kept correct by → Ciliary muscles
❖ Dry ice is solid → carbon dioxide
❖ What is the scientific name of common salt → Sodium chloride
❖ A rolling ball stops on its own after rolling some distance, due to which of the following → Frictional
❖ What is the form of Marble → Lime Stone
❖ Which gas is used to purify pond water in cities? chlorine
❖ Oxygen is the main factor causing rusting of iron.
❖ What is most deficient due to malnutrition → Protein
❖ Which substance remains dissolved in tears → Common salt
❖ Insulin was discovered by →Banting
❖ Which of the following is an alloy → Steel
❖ Plaster of Paris is obtained → from gypsum
❖ On which rays is the latest research being done for use in medicine and war → Laser rays
❖ What type of waves are there in radar → Electromagnetic waves
❖ The main reason for the sky appearing blue is → scattering of solar rays by the particles of dust etc.
present in the atmosphere.
❖ When a fast moving vehicle blows its horn, its pitch becomes higher →
❖ Which of the following is not a fuel gas → Laughing gas
❖ Which of the following elements forms strong basic oxide when burnt in oxygen? sodium
❖ Fathom is → a measure
❖ Richter Scale is used to measure what- intensity of earthquake
❖ Who among the following is the inventor of dynamite → Alfred Nobel
❖ Difference between cotton and woolen fibers can be determined → by burning

❖ By increasing the pressure on ice, its melting point → will decrease.
❖ Why are white clothes worn in summer → they are bad absorbers of heat
❖ Which of the following statements is incorrect → Mercury floats on water
❖ Which vitamin is more in orange → C
❖ Bats can fly even in the dark, because they get help from → ultrasonic waves
❖ From which mineral is aluminum obtained → Bauxite
❖ The cause of permanent hardness in water is → Calcium Chloride
❖ The measurement unit of calorie is → heat
❖ An instrument called pycnometer is used to measure density.
❖ An oil drop spreads on water because the surface tension of oil is much less than that of water.
❖ Who defined the law of gravity → Newton
❖ Anemometer is a device that measures the speed of wind.
❖ Nuclear force is the strongest force in nature
❖ A hydrogen balloon hovers upward because the weight of the balloon is less than the weight of the air it
❖ Newton's first law of motion gives the concept: of inertia.
❖ Red cell is a mature stem cell without nucleus.
❖ What controls the arrangement of molecular orbitals → Magnetic quantum number
❖ Which of the following decides the chemical properties of an element → Number of electrons
❖ Which nuclear particle has no mass and no charge, but has spin → Neutrino
❖ Who discovered element 106 → Seaborg
❖ Who propounded 'Atomic Theory of Matter' → Dalton
❖ Atomic element no. 29 is related to → D-block
❖ Mycoplasma is the smallest known prokaryotic organism.
❖ The number of mitochondria in a bacterial cell is zero
❖ For immediate energy production in cells, what should we take? Glucose
❖ For whom is the conversion of starch into sugar necessary → Amylase
❖ The color of carrots is due to the presence of → Carotene
❖ Which one of the following features is not present in viruses → Presence of cell wall
❖ What is the exit velocity from Earth → 11.2 km/s.
❖ On what principle do hydraulic brakes work in automatic vehicles? On Pascal's principle
❖ If ice floating in a vessel melts, then there is no change in the water in that vessel.
❖ Acceleration is: inversely proportional to the force
❖ Newton's first law is also known as → law of inertia
❖ Which metal can be easily cut with a knife? Sodium
❖ Silver is the best conductor of electricity
❖ When you add lemon juice to soda water, bubbles start coming out because it contains alkali.
❖ The color of a cut apple turns brown after some time because it reacts with air to form iron oxide.
❖ Which gas is released when lime is mixed with water → Carbon dioxide
❖ Which of the following substances is found in green henna due to which it turns red → Lawsone
❖ The process of addition of oxygen to a substance is called→ oxidation

❖ What color does blue litmus paper turn into? → red
❖ Alkali turns red litmus blue
❖ Iodine present in apple is the reason for browning of cut apple.
❖ Dodo bird is an extinct bird species
❖ Vegetative reproduction is found in potatoes
❖ The combination of male and female gametes is called fertilization
❖ corn is a unisexual flower
❖ Bisexual flowers Which of the following is Mustard
❖ Blood plasma contains approximately 90% water.
❖ How many times does the heart of an adult person beat in 1 minute 72 times
❖ By which of the following names are red blood cells known? RBC
❖ What is the deficiency in the body due to anemia? Hemoglobin in the blood.
❖ When a female Anopheles mosquito bites, which disease does it cause? Malaria
❖ The radioisotope used in the treatment of skin diseases is → Radiophosphorus
❖ At very high altitude the number of red blood cells in humans increases.
❖ Which heavy metal is found in modern tanning industries, which is toxic → Chromium
❖ Which color is given to Bunsen flame by strontium salt → Crimson red
❖ A person inside an artificial satellite feels weightless because the force of Earth's attraction → is equal
to the centripetal force.
❖ Where in the human body is the maximum absorption of food into the blood → small intestine
❖ Which organ absorbs toxic substances present in digested food?→ liver
❖ How much time does it take for the heart to beat once in the human body → 0.8 seconds
❖ Approximately how many times does a human heart beat during a normal life → 2 billion
❖ Who performs the function of ‘blood bank’ in the human body → Spleen
❖ How much percentage of water usually varies in human blood plasma → 80-82%
❖ Blood does not coagulate within the human body due to the presence of which of the following →
❖ Who produces antibodies in blood plasma → Lymphocyte
❖ By what name are red blood cells (RBC) known → Erythrocytes
❖ What is the lifespan of human red blood cells → 120 days
❖ Who produces red blood cells → Bone marrow
❖ Which type of white blood cells is present in abundance in human blood → Neutrophils
❖ Which cells of the human body have the least regenerative power → Brain cells
❖ By which structure does the fetus developing in the uterus get nutrition → Placenta
❖ What is used to know the development of the baby in the uterus → Ultrasound
❖ Which organ provides food for the development of the embryo? Fulfillment is done → Placenta
❖ Which hormone is injected into the udders of cow and buffalo to extract milk →Oxytocin
❖ Which endocrine hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine → TSH
❖ Which gland of the human body works as both endocrine and exocrine simultaneously → Pancreas
❖ Due to accumulation of which acid in the muscles, humans feel tired → Lactic acid
❖ Which enzyme is present in human tears, which kills bacteria → Lysozyme

❖ By which process gases enter the blood during respiration and then leave it → Osmosis
❖ Which part of the retina of the eye can be compared to a conventional camera → Film
❖ The reason why muscles feel tired after heavy physical work is → Depletion of glucose.
❖ Which vitamin forms blood clot in human body → Vitamin K
❖ Which mineral is necessary to control heartbeat → Potassium
❖ Calcium is an essential element in the formation and maintenance of cartilage and bones.
❖ Jaravika-7 → Artificial Heart
❖ Bile is secreted → by the liver
❖ Stored in the liver for future use → Vitamin A
❖ pH value of bile is → 7.7
❖ Study of fungi is called → Mycology
❖ Study of algae is called → Phycology
❖ Protein is digested → in the small intestine
❖ The end products of digestion of starch in the alimentary canal are → maltose
❖ Edible parts of a flower are → Inflorescence
❖ The word cell was coined by Robert Hooke.
❖ The genetic material of the cell is → DNA
❖ Cytology is the study of cells
❖ Plants absorb nitrogen → in the form of nitrate
❖ DNA was discovered by → Watson and Crick
❖ The units of DNA are → Nucleotides
❖ Diabetes occurs due to lack of insulin
❖ Insulin was discovered by Wetting and West.
❖ Insulin is produced in the body → by pancreas
❖ Who discovered the germs of cholera → Robert Koch
❖ Carrots are orange in color because of → carotene.
❖ Which substance is usually lost from the body during dehydration → Sodium Chloride
❖ Roundworm is a human parasite found in → small intestine
❖ Taenia solium (tapeworm) lives as a parasite → in the intestine.
❖ In what form are carbohydrates stored in the body → in glycogen
❖ The sugar found in milk is → lactose
❖ Mitosis occurs → in somatic cells
❖ Human eye works like a convex lens
❖ Speed of light is highest → in vacuum
❖ Discovery of Chromosome → In Waldeyer
❖ Number of chromosomes in humans → 46 (23 pairs)
❖ Chromosomes are formed by- → a substance called chromatin
❖ Lycopene is the cause of red color in tomatoes.
❖ The cause of yellow color in turmeric is → Curcumin.
❖ Edible parts of ginger and potato are → stem
❖ Meiosis occurs → in sexually reproducing cells

❖ The enzyme found in human saliva is → Amylase
❖ Goitre is caused due to deficiency → Iodine
❖ Vitamin B deficiency causes → Beri-Beri
❖ Which metal is a component of Vitamin B12 → Cobalt
❖ The function of “Trypsin” is to → dissolve proteins.
❖ Plants are the primary source of carbohydrates
❖ The “trace” metal present in insulin is → Zinc.
❖ Scurvy disease occurs in which organ → Skin
❖ The vitamin that cannot be obtained from any vegetable is → Vitamin D.
❖ The enzyme that coagulates milk into curd is → Renin.
❖ Contains enzymes → proteins
❖ Source of diastase enzyme is → salivary glands
❖ What is the total number of internal transition elements → 29
❖ Name of that vitamin, which is not found in any non-vegetarian food → Vitamin C
❖ Which are fat soluble vitamins → Calciferol, Carotene, Tocopherol
❖ What is the most ideal food for newborn babies → Mother's milk
❖ DNA and RNA are → Nucleic acids
❖ Which part of the brain detects the pungent smell or aroma of perfume → Cerebrum
❖ Urine smells bad → due to urea
❖ Urea is found in maximum quantity → in urine.
❖ Respiration produces → energy
❖ Oxidation of sugar occurs in respiration
❖ Through what medium is food digested in the stomach → Through acidic medium
❖ Fertilization of the egg occurs → in the fallopian tube
❖ Antibiotic ampicillin is obtained → from bacteria
❖ Which substance is often deficient due to dehydration → Sodium Chloride
❖ Malnutrition occurs → due to protein deficiency
❖ Mental and physical development of children gets stunted → due to lack of thyroxine.
❖ The main function of RNA is → synthesis of proteins
❖ Old age in humans occurs due to the disappearance of which gland → Thymus
❖ Lacrimal glands secrete → tears
❖ Protein is made from amino acids
❖ Protein energy malnutrition results in → Marasmus.
❖ Where does hematopoiesis occur → bone marrow
❖ Which element is found in highest quantity in the human body → Oxygen
❖ Which disease occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints → Gout
❖ Which blood group is the universal donor →0
❖ Which condition occurs due to increase in RBC in blood → Polycythemia
❖ EEG is used to find out whose function → Brain
❖ Approximately how much time does it take for one heartbeat → 0.8 seconds
❖ Which blood group is omnivorous? AB

❖ Vitamin K helps in blood clotting
❖ BCG to newborn baby When should the vaccine be administered → immediately after birth
❖ The first successful heart transplant was done by → C.N. Bernard
❖ The color of human skin is formed from melanin.
❖ Who controls blood pressure → Adrenal gland
❖ Due to blood clotting → Thrombin
❖ The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen.
❖ The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called → Sphygmomanometer
❖ When nitrogenous waste accumulates in the blood, which organ is not functioning → Kidneys
❖ Kala-azar fever is transmitted → by the bite of a tsetse fly.
❖ The color of human blood is red → due to hemoglobin
❖ What is the heart beat rate of an adult → 70-80 times per minute
❖ Left aortic arch is visible in → Mammals
❖ Where is the foramen, which is an opening, located → Skull
❖ Who discovered that malaria spreads through female Anopheles → Ronald Ross
❖ What is the tissue that connects muscle to bone called? → Tendon
❖ Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin by → Rhombin
❖ Cyanide poisoning causes death within seconds → causes cardiac arrest
❖ Which are the largest cells in the blood of mammals → Monocytes
❖ wisdom tooth → is the third molar
❖ How many bones are there in the human body → 206
❖ How many ear bones are there → 6
❖ The total number of vertebrae in humans is → 33
❖ Bones of children's limbs get bent if there is deficiency of → Vitamin D.
❖ The strongest bone of the body is → in the jaw.
❖ Which part changes into elephant's tusk → second rodent
❖ “Lock-jaw deformity” is another name for which disease → Tetanus
❖ Human body contains water → 65-80 percent
❖ The amount of water in human body is → 10 percent of body weight.
❖ What is the normal blood pressure of a human → 80/120 mm. Mercury
❖ What is the normal blood sugar level of a human → 80-90
❖ Proposed DNA synthesis → Kornberg
❖ The functional segment of DNA is called → gene
❖ The double helix model of DNA was created by → Watson and Crick
❖ Hargobind Khorana was the first to synthesize “gene” in the laboratory.
❖ Helpful in proving parentage → DNA and fingerprinting test
❖ Male and female gene composition is → XY and XX
❖ A boy inherits “chromosomes” from his father → 22+Y
❖ The sex of the child is determined → by the father's chromosome (XY).
❖ ECG What activity does it represent → heart
❖ Inadequate supply of blood in the human body is called → Ischemia

❖ Which is the anticoagulant substance in blood → Heparin
❖ The liquid portion of blood without corpuscles is called → Serum.
❖ Another name for blood cancer is → Leukemia
❖ called “suicide bag” → lysosome
❖ Lysosome discovered → de Duve in 1949
❖ Ribosome is called protein factory.
❖ Proteins are synthesized → by ribosomes
❖ blood → connective tissue
❖ Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by → Anopheles mosquitoes
❖ The word “gene” was first used by → Johanson.
❖ The principle of “one gene, one enzyme” was propounded by → Beadle and Tatum.
❖ Hemoglobin is a compound → of protein
❖ What is the main function of insulin in human body → To control the sugar level in the body.
❖ What is the word hypertension used for → increased blood pressure
❖ “Hypoglycemia” means → low sugar level in blood
❖ Where are old and destroyed red blood cells destroyed → Spleen
❖ Approximately how long is the average life span of red blood cells → 100-120 days
❖ The literal meaning of the term “Homo Sapiens” is → Human-intelligent.
❖ Life saving hormone is called → Adrenal
❖ Scientific study of birds is called → Ornithology
❖ Study of internal organs is called → Angiology
❖ The medical term used for insomnia is → Insomnia.
❖ Beekeeping is called → Apiculture
❖ The color of cow's milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of → Carotene
❖ Humankind Botany is the branch of Botany whose study area is → Plants related to tribes or medicines.
❖ Which is the most sensitive indicator of the health of a community → Infant Mortality Rate
❖ Which is the tallest plant in the world → Eucalyptus
❖ Environmental pollution can be controlled by → By stopping nuclear explosions, by manufacturing
electric vehicles
❖ What color are endangered species shown in Data Cook → Red
❖ Which creature is protected under the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 → Porcupine
❖ In what form can ultraviolet rays be used in water treatment → Disinfectant
❖ What is the study of living organisms in relation to their environment called → Ecology
❖ Leaving agricultural land uncultivated (not cultivated) for a few years is called → leaving fallow.
❖ Carolus Linnaeus system of classification is → Binomial
❖ Where is the collection center of microbial variety Sarvadhan located → Chandigarh
❖ The rabbit hitting the ground with its hind limbs is the behavior associated with → warning signal to
❖ The presence of pollutants in the environment is usually expressed in ppm. Here is the full form of ppm
→ Parts per million.
❖ The pigment that gives color to human skin is → Melanin.

❖ Who is responsible for keeping the environment clean, pollution indicator → Lichen
❖ What is the difference in molecular mass number of two consecutive homogeneous series → 14(CH2)
❖ What is the full form of AIDS → Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
❖ By which process surface water, rain water and snow melt seep into the ground → Infiltration
❖ As we move from lithium to fluorine in the periodic table, the effective nuclear charge increases, and
the atomic radius → decreases.
❖ Which → was the first and last element in Newland's octant → Hydrogen and Thorium
❖ Why fuse wire is made thin and long → Thinner wires have higher resistivity and lower melting point
❖ What important role does SER play in the liver of vertebrates → diffusion of poisons and drugs
❖ What is Ohm's law → V = IR
❖ Which solvent is used in white and black photography → Silver Bromide
❖ The image of an object is formed due to → refraction of light rays by the eye lens on the retina.
❖ When light passes through the center of curvature, what is the angle between the incident and reflected
rays → 0 degrees
❖ What is the image formed on the screen like → real
❖ Which substance is obtained by burning gypsum → Plaster of Paris
❖ Due to which light is visible in smoke → Tidal effect
❖ In a concave mirror, if an object is placed between the focus and the center of curvature, its image will
be formed → away from the center of curvature (real, inverted and big)
❖ What reverses the direction of electric current after half rotation of the coil in an electric motor → Split
❖ Why is a chemical reaction balanced → to conserve mass?
❖ Which helps the lungs to exchange air during breathing → Trachea
❖ If a wire of uniform resistance R is divided into two equal parts, then what will be the resistance of each
part → R/2
❖ What is the formula for radius of curvature and focal length → R = 2f
❖ Which → bacteria are well known indicators of fecal pollution in drinking and bathing water → E. coli
or fecal streptococci
❖ Which hormone is secreted due to anxiety, anger, fear in people → Adrenaline hormone
❖ The correct statement regarding dispersion of light in a prism is → Violet color has the highest
refractive index, wavelength and lowest velocity.
❖ Newlands' octet rule is based on → On increasing order of atomic masses
❖ In which rule the thumb points towards the direction of force → Fleming's left hand rule
❖ When resistors are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance will be → each resistance is less than
❖ Which element in the homologous series replaces → Hydrogen
❖ At what pH level does dental caries begin → 5.5pH
❖ How much urine do humans excrete in a day → 1 to 2 liters
❖ What are the symptoms of beriberi disease → Stiffness in muscles
❖ After whose discovery Newlands' octet rule became widespread → Discovery of Nobel gases
❖ What type of reaction is respiration → exothermic reaction

❖ Which part of xylem does not perform the function of water transport → Xylem fiber
❖ What is the main component of biogas and CNG → Methane
❖ From what does the plumule emerge → Seed?
❖ In Fleming's right hand rule, the angle between the middle and index fingers → 90⁰
❖ Why are most organic compounds generally poor conductors of electricity → They have no free
❖ Which base digests carbohydrates → Bile juice secreted from the liver
❖ Bleaching powder is denoted → CaOCI
❖ For a spherical mirror the relation between F, U & V is 1/F = 1/V + 1/U
❖ According to Henry Moseley, which property of an element is more fundamental than atomic mass →
Atomic number
❖ In the periodic table, metallic properties decrease in the period and increase in the group.
❖ Which statement related to ionic compounds is not true → Their melting and boiling points are as
❖ Which is an example of refraction (mobile, glasses, watch, radio) Glasses
❖ Washing Soda Formula → NaCO310H2O
❖ Reactions in which ions are exchanged between reactants → Double displacement reactions
❖ The natural allotrope of which element is the hardest → Diamond of carbon
❖ Parasitic plant is → Amarbel
❖ How can the thickness of ozone layer be increased → By increasing oxygen
❖ What does Fleming's right hand rule indicate → induced electric current
❖ What is the condition of the baby in the mother's womb called? → Fetus
❖ Which is the compound having ketone group containing 3 carbons → Acetone
❖ Liquid form of blood is called → Plasma
❖ How many water molecules are formed in the product of photosynthesis → 12H2O?
❖ What will be obtained in the reaction of barium chloride and aluminum sulphate → Solid precipitate of
barium sulphate
❖ How many chromosomes are there in human germ cells → 23 chromosomes
❖ The direction of induced electric current is determined from which of Fleming's rules → Right hand
❖ Which allotrope of carbon is a good conductor of electricity → graphite
❖ Yellow clouds on Venus are caused by the presence of → Sulfuric acid
❖ Works to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy → Dynamo (generator)
❖ What is the atomic number of a neutral element equal to → electron or proton number
❖ Plaster of Paris is formed by heating gypsum at how many °C → 373K
❖ What is the conversion of current into heat proportional to → Resistance
❖ Electromagnetic induction is increased by increasing → The amount of induced voltage depends on the
rate of change of flux in the magnetic field and the number of turns (turns) of the wire exposed to the
change in flux.
❖ If a ray is incident parallel to the principal axis in a convex lens, then it will pass through which →
Focus point

❖ Position point on the principal axis of a spherical mirror which is equidistant from the curved surface →
Center of curvature
❖ HIV is harmful because it can be passed from parent to child.
❖ What is called a colloid solution which represents a solid phase attached to a liquid (gel, emulsion,
foam, liquid crystal) → Liquid crystal
❖ Formation of magnesium oxide from magnesium in the presence of air is an example of → Oxidation
and combination reaction
❖ In which method, solvent particles flow from a lower concentration solution to a higher concentration
solution through a semipermeable membrane → Osmosis
❖ Single circulatory system is found in → Fishes
❖ What is Muslin → Simple weave cotton fabric
❖ What is produced by fermentation of sugarcane → Ethanol
❖ In which covalent bond is formed → P 203
❖ Which is not a female genital organ (spermatozoa, oviduct, ovary, uterus) → vas deferens
❖ Which mirror do dentists use → Concave mirror
❖ HCL reacts with what to give a gas which turns lime → water milky → CaCO3
❖ Which is not the characteristic of autotrophic nutrition in plants → Store food in the form of glycogen
which is wrong
❖ What is baking soda not used for → As insecticide
❖ What will be formed when NaCl is reacted with CO2 in the presence of H, O and ammonia → Sodium
❖ C3H4 is an example of → Alkyne
❖ How are induced EMF and induced current related to the resistance of the coil → Induced EMF is
independent of the resistance of the coil whereas induced current depends on the resistance of the coil.
❖ The direction of magnetic lines inside a magnet is → South to North.
❖ In what form do plants emit their extra water → Transpiration
❖ Which group did not exist at the time of Mendeleev's classification and was discovered later → Inert
❖ Due to which optical phenomenon do stars twinkle → Due to refraction
❖ Why are eggs formed outside in reptiles → Most reptiles reproduce sexually and have internal
❖ How is the magnetic field inside the solenoid → uniform and parallel to the axis
❖ What type of fungus is mushroom → Saprophyte
❖ Which of the following statements regarding nichrome wire is correct → The resistivity and melting
point of the wire is high
❖ Which metal is converted into electromagnet in solenoid → Soft iron
❖ Which of the following does not have ionic bond (NaCl, CaCl2, CO2, CaO) → CO2
❖ Hemoglobin forms higher bonds with which gas → Oxygen
❖ What is group 2 called in the modern periodic table → Alkaline Earth Metals
❖ Where should an object be placed in front of a concave mirror to obtain an image at infinity → At the
❖ Products from the breakdown of glucose by yeast in the absence of oxygen → Ethanol

❖ ATP, the energy bank of the cellular organism, has higher concentration of hydroxyl ion in which →
❖ Electromagnetic induction applies to which of the following → Electromagnetic field and current
❖ What causes cramps in the body → Formation of lactic acid due to anaerobic respiration (due to lack of
❖ Which enzyme present in saliva breaks down starch → Amylase
❖ Required for photosynthesis → water, carbon dioxide, sunlight and chlorophyll
❖ How does the sky appear to an astronaut from the Moon → Black
❖ Who does HIV AIDS affect → Immune system
❖ Which element is not in Group 11 in the periodic table (Cu, Ag, Au, Hg) → Hg
❖ Which alkene is → C10GH2O
❖ Which tissue protects the kidney → Adipose Tissue
❖ How do we take air → nose and mouth
❖ What will be the effect of ozone layer depletion → Skin cancer
❖ When was Mendeleev periodic table published → 1872
❖ Why Plaster of Paris is not left open → Plaster of Paris is calcium sulphate hemihydrate. When plaster
of Paris is kept in the presence of moisture, it absorbs water molecules and forms a hard substance
called gypsum.
❖ What will be the radius of curvature if the focal length is doubled → doubled
❖ Which hormone is found mostly in fruits → Cytokinin
❖ Despite there being dust particles in the atmosphere, due to which effect we can see when we turn on
the headlights → Scattering (Tyndall effect)
❖ Which is the host level (Tiger, Algae, Neem tree, Grass) → Tiger
❖ Which gas is formed when sodium nitrate is heated → O2
❖ What is the characteristic of saturated hydrocarbon → single bond
❖ What causes eye color → melanin pigmentation
❖ What effect will the action of CO emission have on the lungs during respiration → they contract
❖ If the power of a bulb is 500W and voltage is 250 V, then tell the value of current → 2 amp
❖ What is the property of carbon → shear
❖ The hardest crystalline form of carbon is → Diamond.
❖ Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is used in → Glass, soap and paper industries.
❖ Due to which phenomenon of light Tyndall effect is visible → Scattering
❖ Why does carbon easily form compounds → covalent bonds?
❖ Which group of elements has 7 electrons in their outer orbit → Halogen
❖ What is the effect on the energy or size of the elements as we move from top to bottom in the group in
the periodic table → size increases, effective nuclear charge decreases
❖ Which waste material do plants release during photosynthesis → O2
❖ What happens in redox reaction → both oxidation and reduction
❖ Which chemical is used when ant bites → Baking soda
❖ Where is the focus point in a convex mirror → Behind the mirror
❖ How many times does refraction occur when light hits a prism → 2 times

❖ Which blood cell is colorless → WBC
❖ Why CO2 is known as a pollutant → Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and its excessive amounts in
the atmosphere result in global warming.
❖ Mechanical contraceptive device is → condom
❖ When the object is placed at the center of curvature in a concave mirror, how will the image be formed
→ real, inverted, of equal size
❖ Zinc (Zn) reacts with dilute sulfuric acid (H, SO) to form products → hydrogen gas and zinc sulphate
and hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound.
❖ In what form do autotrophs store their food → starch
❖ How many molecules of CO2 are formed by the dissociation of pyruvate in respiration → 6
❖ What is affected by AIDS disease → Immune System
❖ How many carbons are there in lactic acid → 3
❖ How many bonds are there in Nitrogen (N) 3.
❖ What will be the effect on current if increasing the number of turns in the coil → The magnetic field
will increase.
❖ Which is the most reactive element among Cu, Mg, Zn, Pb → Mg
❖ Function of electric motor → To convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
❖ Which mirror focuses the object at one point → Concave mirror
❖ How does a pencil appear when kept in a vessel of water → bent
❖ Which element has 3 shells and 2 valency → Mg
❖ Plaster of Paris is used in making toys and joining bones.
❖ What is used for white and white photography → AgBr (Silver Bromide)
❖ Last element of Newland octet rule → Thorium
❖ Which compound is used to purify water → Bleaching powder
❖ Keeping the resistance the same, if the current is increased by 3 times and the potential difference is
increased by 3 times, then how many times will the power increase → 9 times
❖ What is formed when ferrous sulphate is heated → Ferric oxide (Fe2O3)
❖ What are the reproductive chromosomes called → Allosome
❖ At what angle will minimum current be induced between the magnet and the coil → 0°
❖ When the ray of light incident on the prism is extended forward and the ray of light emerging from the
prism is extended backward, what is the angle formed between them → Angle of deviation
❖ Which product will be obtained in solid state on heating lead nitrate → Lead oxide
❖ The light ray passing through which point of the concave mirror gets reflected on the same path → C
(center of curvature)
❖ What are the finger-like projections on the inner walls of the small intestine called → Villi?
❖ At where in a convex lens the image of the object placed is of equal size → At 2F1
❖ Which → metalloid is in the 14th group of the periodic table → Si (Silicon)
❖ On what principle does the electric motor work → It is on the magnetic effect of current
❖ What is called the suicide bag of the cell → Lysosome
❖ Where should the object be placed so that its image becomes parallel to the principal axis of the
concave mirror → At focus

❖ Which → reaction will occur by adding aluminum particles to copper sulphate solution → displacement
❖ Which creature has a three chambered heart → Amphibian
❖ Compounds having double bond are called unsaturated
❖ Which is the non-metal in K, Na, Cl, Li → Cl
❖ Which of the following has higher resistance (Nichrome, Silver, Copper) → Nichrome
❖ Complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats takes place in → small intestine.
❖ Which are examples of unisexual flowers → Papaya and watermelon
❖ Which element has 4 valence → Carbon
❖ What effect does metallic properties have on moving from left to right in the periodic table →
❖ The life-supporting sphere spread all around the earth, under which the life of plants and animals is
possible, is called → biosphere
❖ What will happen if Ca(OH)2 is left open in air → it will convert into calcium carbonate (CaCO)
❖ What is the increase of hydrogen in a chemical reaction called → Reduction
❖ Where does emulsification of fat take place (stomach, liver, small intestine, pancreas) → small intestine
❖ Correct formula of electric power → P = VI
❖ How many colors will the light get divided into when white light is passed through a prism → 7 colors
❖ When did Mendeleev publish the periodic table → in 1869
❖ What is harmful chemicals entering the food chain and increasing with the trophic level called →
❖ What is the nature of focal length of a concave mirror → Negative
❖ The focal length of a spherical mirror lies between → The distance between the pole and the focal point
of the mirror
❖ What is the respiratory rate of a human being in 1 minute at rest → 12 to 15 breaths
❖ The focal length of a convex lens is → positive
❖ What is added to food to cook it quickly → Baking Soda
❖ Who has a 2 chambered heart → Fish
❖ What causes herpes disease → Simplex Virus
❖ When a light ray enters a denser medium, it bends in which direction → away from the normal
❖ What will be formed when water is added to CaSO41/2H2O → Gypsum
❖ Which is the compound containing 2 carbons (Ethanol, Pyruvic Acid, Glucose) → Ethanol
❖ The nature of metallic oxide is → alkaline
❖ What is the nature of the substance in the precipitate of the reaction → Solid
❖ Not based on thermal effect of electrical energy (electric kettle, oven, generator, bulb) → Generator
❖ What are naphthalene tablets made of → Coal tar
❖ Why does the Earth appear black to an astronaut → There is no scattering of light due to the absence of
❖ If the object is placed beyond C in a concave lens, how will the image be formed → virtual and smaller
than the object.
❖ If the radius of curvature is 8 cm then what will be the distance between the pole and the focus cm →

❖ What is the full form of SSLV → Small Satellite Launch Vehicle
❖ If all the elements in a group have the same valence electrons then their → electronic configuration will
also be the same.
❖ Normal blood pressure of human body → 120/80 mm Hg
❖ Stigma is not a part of the male reproductive organ of a flower.
❖ Which optical phenomenon does not occur in rainbow → Diffraction
❖ What is an alkane with 5 carbons called → Pentane
❖ How many oxygen molecules are there with glucose in the respiratory process → 6
❖ Which is a unicellular organism → Paramecium
❖ When iodine solution is poured on potato, the part which comes in contact with iodine solution will turn
blue black due to the presence of which → Starch
❖ What causes gas exchange in plants → Stomata
❖ What is obtained by reacting chlorine with slaked lime → Bleaching powder
❖ How many electron shells are present in carbon → 2
❖ In which reaction a substance insoluble in water is formed →Precipitation
❖ On what basis is the periodic table arranged → Atomic number
❖ What is the correct sequence of digestion, ingestion, elimination, absorption and assimilation →
Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination
❖ When is Rare Disease Day celebrated → 28 February
❖ When does it rain → in summer
❖ The commercial unit of electrical energy is → kwh
❖ Which → Sex of which animal is not determined genetically → Snail
❖ Which has maximum non-metallic properties in 16th group → Oxygen
❖ Fleming's right hand rule is used to determine the direction of induced magnetic flux.
❖ Bleaching powder is used in → As bleaching agent in textile industry, as oxidizer in industry, to
disinfect water
❖ Which → Contraceptive increases phagocytosis of sperms inside the uterus → IUD (Intrauterine
❖ Which → cell can change its shape → WBC
❖ What does thermal resistance depend on → On the nature of the conductor material and on the
temperature of the conductor
❖ Which process takes place in the guard cell? → Controls the rate of transpiration by opening and
closing the stomata.
❖ If the ray is incident on the normal to the mirror then what will be the angle of reflection → 0 degree
❖ Due to which optical phenomenon the color of sea water appears → Scattering
❖ Which is the most reactive metal among calcium, magnesium, aluminum and lead → Calcium
❖ Which reproduce by spore formation → Moss and Fern
❖ 1 horse power equals → 746 watts
❖ Which is the inorganic component in soil, frog and worms → Soil
❖ What is the removal of oxygen and addition of hydrogen called → Reduction
❖ What is true about magnetic lines → They do not intersect each other.
❖ How is the image formed by a concave lens → virtual and erect

❖ When do plants emit oxygen → By photosynthesis during day time
❖ How birth control pills work and how to prevent unwanted pregnancy → Ovulation is prevented by the
hormones estrogen and progesterone.
❖ Why do stars twinkle → Due to refraction
❖ Which is the most electropositive element → Cesium
❖ Mendeleev's periodic table is based on → On the increasing order of atomic mass
❖ What is R5 in Waste Management → Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle
❖ Which medicine is used to treat blood pressure → Ashwagandha
❖ What is the common name of calcium sulphate hemihydrate → Plaster of Paris
❖ The two strings have the same length. If the resistance of A is 9 times that of B, then what will be the
ratio of radii of both the wires → 1:3
❖ What happens from non biodegradable plastic → Pollution
❖ How much more magnetic field will be produced by a coil with 6 turns → 6 times
❖ What is convex lens magnification formula m = v/u in which focal length is positive convex mirror and
convex lens
❖ In a spherical mirror the rays are incident perpendicularly when they pass through → center of
❖ Who has greater atomic radius among O, F, CI and Iodine → Iodine
❖ By which rule is the direction of force in a conducting wire determined → Fleming's left hand rule
❖ When current flows from right to left in a conducting wire, what will be the direction of the magnetic
field line when viewed from the right end → Anti-clockwise
❖ If the focal length of a diverging lens is 50 cm, what will be its power →2D
❖ The pH of gastric juice is approximately → 1.2
❖ If the magnification of a concave mirror is 0.5 then what will be the nature of the image → smaller than
the object, real and inverted
❖ Where does a new plant form from the roots → sweet potato, dahlia, blackberry → Bile is essential in
the emulsification of fats.
❖ Skin, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Lung → Which excretory organ is not there → Intestine
❖ The resistance of a conductor does not depend on → Current flowing in the conductor
❖ What will be the effect if trees → plants do more respiration instead of photosynthesis → lack of
❖ In which form of carbohydrate is food stored in plants → Starch
❖ When magnesium ribbon is burnt in the presence of air, what is the name of the white colored powder
that is formed → Magnesium Oxide
❖ An image is formed on a concave mirror, equal to the real, inverted, object.
❖ What will be the position of the object → at the center, same size, real and inverted
❖ Elements of which group in the periodic table form acidic oxides → 16th
❖ Which → was the first and last element in Newland's octet → Hydrogen and Thorium
❖ What is the nature of metal oxide → alkaline
❖ How many pairs of asexual chromosomes are there in humans → 22 pairs
❖ Which is the achromatic plasm → Leucoplast
❖ Which → solution can turn phenolphthalein pink → alkaline

❖ In which of the following Argon, Helium, Bromine and Magnesium will electric current flow →
❖ What is the reason for reduction of non-biodegradable → Use of jute bags
❖ What is yeast fermentation used for → in making bread and beer
❖ What happens when sodium reacts with ethanol → H gas is liberated + sodium ethoxide
❖ Name the floral genitalia → Stamens
❖ Which organ controls the human and animal body → central nervous system
❖ The angle of deviation of a prism lies between → the incident ray and the reflected ray.
❖ Among butter, milk and jaggery, which has the most iron → Jaggery
❖ What is transported in the plant through phloem tissue → Nutrients
❖ Resistance is inversely proportional to → Cross sectional area
❖ Among fish, snake, frog and eagle, which one does not have double circulation → Fish
❖ Why are the testicles outside the body in men → For the maturation of sperm, a temperature 2→3
degrees Celsius less than the body temperature is required, hence the male testicles are located outside
the body.
❖ Which color has the highest dispersion in the spectrum → Purple
❖ By what means does diffusion of gases occur in plants → Through the stomata found on the leaves
❖ On what principle does a dynamo work → Principles of Electromagnetic Induction
❖ If a magnet is brought near a coil, its potential difference increases. If the strength of the magnet is
increased, what difference will it make to its potential difference? → It will increase.
❖ If the length of the conducting wire is increased by 9 times then what will be the resistance → it will
increase by 9 times
❖ Which enzyme digests protein? Pepsin.
❖ What is the insoluble substance that remains in a chemical reaction called → precipitate?
❖ What is the movement of selected membrane → Solvent
❖ Which element is used in devices that work with electric heating devices → Nichrome wire
❖ Among washing soda, baking soda, caustic soda, which one is used in the manufacturing of glass →
Washing soda



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